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Impromptu Duel
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Impromptu Duel

Iaijutsu Limited : Target one of your unbowed Samurai or Duelist Personalities: He challenges another player's target Personality. The other plaer may refuse; if he does, dishonor his Personality and gain 4 Honor. Destroy the duel's loser. The winner gains 2 Honor.
Hired Killer FOIL
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Hired Killer FOIL

Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's total Gold cost plus 2: Target a unit. Lose 3 Honor. Destroy the unit
Hiruma Shotoku
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Hiruma Shotoku

Crab Clan · Samurai · Scout. Recon Limited: Target a province. While you are the Attacker, battle resolution does not bow your units at the province's battlefield if no enemy units were ever there.
The Elements' Path
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L5R Singles

The Elements' Path

Kiho Open: Target one of your Monks and one of your non-Void Rings: Permanently copy an ability from the Ring to the Monk. The Monk permanently need not bow to pay costs of the copied action
Pep'trchek Exp
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Pep'trchek Exp

Ratling · Chief · Creature · Nonhuman · Bushi · Hero · Crippled Bone Tribe · Experienced ? Unique. Reaction: After an action or battle resolves during which Pep?trchek was destroyed: Create one 1F Ratling Follower card for each of your Ratling Personalities, and attach one to each of them
Togashi Razan
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Togashi Razan

Dragon Clan Monk. Razan has +3F and +1 Personal Honor for each Ring you control
Warrior Pilgrim
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Warrior Pilgrim

Reaction: After attaching to a Tactician Personality from your hand: Draw a card. Reaction: After this Personality performs a Tactical action, bow this card: This Personality may perform an additional different Tactical action this battle.
Rain of Death
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Rain of Death

Center Formation · Formed by 2 Personalities with the printed Tactician trait. Tactical Battle: Produce two consecutive Ranged 3 Attacks. Tactical Battle: Bow and destroy the performing Tactician: Target two cards opposing him that have no unbowed cards attached. Destroy them.
Akodo's Grave
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L5R Singles

Akodo's Grave

Bow Akodo's Grave to produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow and destroy Akodo's Grave to destroy a Terrain. 
Moto Latomu
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Moto Latomu

Unicorn Clan Samurai * Cavalry Latomu costs 1 less Gold if your Wind is Akodo Kaneka. Reaction: After an action moves Latomu into a battle, bow Latomu for a Ranged 4 Attack, or make a Ranged 2 Attack without bowing. 
One With the Elements
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L5R Singles

One With the Elements

Kiho Reaction: Bow one of your monks to cancel and negate the effects of any one spell or kiho that targets you, your cards, or your army. This cannot affect a spell or kiho with a gold cost greater than the monk's Chi. Shugenja may not use this kiho.
Elite Light Infantry
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L5R Singles

Elite Light Infantry

The Elite Light Infantry is immune to Fear. The Elite Light Infantry adds its Force to its unit's total Force even if its Personality is bowed.
Rallying Cry
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Rallying Cry

Reaction: Play after the resolution phase of a battle to prevent your units in that battle from becoming bowed by the combat.
Naga Token
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Naga Token

Farmer Token
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Farmer Token

Bayushi Meharu
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Bayushi Meharu

Unaligned Knife Master. Spirit Meharu cannot Focus in a duel. Reaction: Immediately before Meharu enters a duel, discard your Fate decks top card. Give Meharu a Chi bonus equal to the Focus value.
Lieutenant Daini
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L5R Singles

Lieutenant Daini

Unique May only be attached to a Dragon Personality. During your End Phase you may move any one token from this Personality onto this Follower, if this Follower has fewer than three tokens. Tokens have no effect while they are attached to this Follower. Battle: Bow and destroy any number of tokens on this Follower to produce a Ranged Attack with a...
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L5R Singles

Overwhelmed (Spanish)

Battle: Target and destroy an unbowed Personality you control at the current battlefield with the highest Force (including ties) of all Personalities you control there: The enemy leader may target and move home exactly 2 units in his current army. If he does not or cannot, he targets and destroys a Personality in that army with the highest Force...
Endless Horde
L5R Singles

Endless Horde (Spanish)

Center Formation. Formed by a Personality with a Follower and a Samurai or Bushi Personality with a Follower. Battle: Target and bow a Follower you control: Target a Follower, an Item, or a Personality with no Followers or Items opposing it. Destroy the opposing target.
Honored Sensei
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Honored Sensei

Retainer. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold and gain 1 Honor if paying for a Human or Naga Personality with neither the Shadowlands trait nor your Faction trait.
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L5R Singles


Ashigaru gain +1F for each of your Small Farms in play. If Ashiragu are destroyed, lose 2 Honor.
L5R Singles


Toturi's Army Lieutenant. Samurai All other Toturi's Army Personalities in Takuan's army gain a 1F/1C bonus.
Zombie Troops
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Zombie Troops

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • UndeadAfter this card enters play: Lose 4 Honor.Fear Battle: Fear 3.
Silver Mine
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Silver Mine

MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Phoenix Clan player.
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