Cartas L5R

Held Terrain
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Held Terrain

1,00 €
Battle Terrain: If this Province is destroyed during this battle, the Attacker can target and destroy one of the Defender's non-Fortification Holdings if the attacking army's Force total is greater than the Province Strength plus the Holding's cost.
Heavy Ground
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Heavy Ground

0,10 €
Battle: The effects and bonuses of Fortification and Regions at this Province cannot be negated or reduced during this battle.
Full Moon Tattoo
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Full Moon Tattoo

1,50 €
Limited: Bow one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Full Moon Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Full Moon Tattoo and gains the following ability: Reaction: When this personality is in a battle and an action card is played, bow the Personality and discard a card from your hand with the same Focus value as...
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0,50 €
Battle: If you discard cards from your hand with combined focus values greater than the total Force of the opposing army, then this battle ends without resolution. All units return home without bowing. You may perform this action in a battle in which you have no units.
Flanking Maneuver
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Flanking Maneuver

0,10 €
Battle: If your current army has more units than the current enemy army, target and bow one or more units you control at the current battlefield: Target a Personality in the enemy army with a Chi less than or equal to your units’ combined total unit Force, plus the Chi of each Lion Clan Personality in them. Bow the enemy Personality’s unit.
Face of Ninube
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Face of Ninube

0,20 €
Open: If it is the Action Phase: Shuffle your hand into your Fate deck. Draw a number of cards equal to the number you shuffled in.
Empty Words
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Empty Words

0,30 €
Political Limited: Bow your stronghold to rehonor a dishonored Personality. Political Reaction: Bow your stronghold to reduce an honor loss to zero. Political Reaction: Bow your stronghold to allow an honorable Personality to refuse an unrefusable duel.
Drawing Fire
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Drawing Fire

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when one of your units is assigning to or moving into a battle. Until the end of this battle, all opposing Ranged Attacks must target a card in this unit, if it is legal for them to do so.
Dragonfly Tattoo
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Dragonfly Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Dragonfly Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Dragonfly Tattoo and cannot be targeted with ranged attacks or effects that move him or her from battle to your fief.
Dragon Tattoo
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Dragon Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Dragon Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Dragon Tattoo and gains the following ability: Open: Gain up to three 1F/1C Fire tokens. this Personality cannot have more than three Fire tokens and cannot straighten if he or she has any Fire tokens. Remove one...
Double Agent
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Double Agent

0,50 €
Reaction: Play immediately after another player targets your or your cards with a ninja or Kolat action. Select a new legal target, and resolve the action normally as if you had played it (although the original gold cost has already been paid). You also receive any honor losses involved with the action.
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0,50 €
Battle: If your Family Honor is above 0 and you have no units in the battle, target one attacking Personality. Draw and discard the top card of any player's deck. If the Focus value is less than the Personality's personal honor, that Personality is sent home, without bowing.
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1,00 €
Reaction: Play when a Personality is about to commit seppuku. The Personality cannot commit seppuku, and all effects of committing seppuku are negated. The Personality is Dishonored, and until the end of the game he or she cannot become rehonored or commit seppuku without a card effect.
Desperate Wager
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Desperate Wager

1,00 €
You can play only one Desperate Wager per turn. Reaction: Before your Dynasty Phase begins: Straighten all your Personalities. Declare an additional Attack Phase. After its Declaration Segment, straighten all the Defender’s Personalities and Followers; this straightening can not be negated. You lose the game at the end of this turn.
Deeds, Not Words
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Deeds, Not Words

0,50 €
Political Open: Target a player. Until the end of the turn, that player gains 1 Honor in addition to any other award when one of his Personalities wins a duel, and 1 additional Honor for each opposing card destroyed in the Resolution Segment of battle. Honor gains from any other source are counted as losses instead of gains for that player.
Deadly Message
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Deadly Message

0,50 €
Ninja Limited: Bow a Ninja you control to bow any Personality in play with an equal or lower Chi.
Day and Night
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Day and Night

0,50 €
Open: Straighten your stronghold
Crane Tattoo
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Crane Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Crane Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Crane Tattoo, cannot be targeted with any of your actions, and gains the following ability: Reaction: Immediately after this Personality is destroyed in a duel or battle, he or she is returned to your fief, bowed...
Contentious Terrain
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Contentious Terrain

0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: Each Personality in your army gains +1F until the battle ends.
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0,10 €
Open: Bow a Monk in play.
Concealed Archers
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Concealed Archers

0,20 €
Battle: You may take an additional action to use a Battle ability with a Ranged Attack effect on one of your target cards in an unit not in the current battlefield. Add one to the strength of each of the ability’s Ranged Attacks if the unit’s Personality is Naga. Lose 2 honor.
Centipede Tattoo
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Centipede Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Centipede Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Centipede Tattoo and gains the following ability: Battle: Move this Personality into the current battle. No other Personalities can move into this battle. After the battle resolves, this personality bows and...
Broken Guard
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Broken Guard

0,50 €
Limited: Target one Region in play and bow any number of your Personalities and/or Followers such that their combined Force is greater than the number of Personalities that Region's controller has in play. The Region is destroyed.
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