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0,30 €
Negate any current effects of Spells and innate abilities. Shugenja cannot cast Spells or use innate abilities until yor next turn.
0,30 €
Starting with you and going clockwise, each player may return one of his or her Honorable Dead Personalities to play, waiving all costs.
0,10 €
Until your second turn from now begins, if a player has one of the two highest Family Honor totals (or is tied for the highest) when his normal Attack Phase would begin, he must declare an attack against another such player and assign at least one unit normally during the attack’s Maneuvers Segments.
0,30 €
Fire. Focus Effect: You may give this card -2 Focus Value. If you do, and you win this duel, put this card into play. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, and destroy one of your target Personalities: Destroy a target Personality opposing him with lower Chi.
0,20 €
Earth. After you destroy one or more provinces or enemy units by winning a battle at a province: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Raise a target province's strength by 4; you may instead lower its strength by 3 if this card is in play.
0,50 €
Air. After you successfully resolve your third or later Spell or Kiho action in one trn from cards with different titles: You may put this card in play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Straighten a target Personality.
0,20 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: Each Tactician in this battle who has not performed a Tactical action this battle gains Force equal to his Chi. This is considered a Force bonus from a Tactical action.
0,10 €
Battle: Switch the places of any two of your units. (Clarification: May switch a committed and an uncommitted unit. Both must be unbowed.) (Errata: Swapped units are not considered to be moving.)
0,10 €
Open: Target a Personality. That Personality's Chi cannot drop under 1 this turn. Give the Personality -2F/-2C.
0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle Terrain: Lower the force of all followers at this battle to 1.
0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: When the Resolution Segment for this battle ends, bow all units still in it. This bowing is not a result of battle and cannot be negated. These units cannot straighten during their controllers' next Straighten Phases.
0,10 €
Battle Terrain: This terrain takes effect as soon as it is played. All Followers at this battle are considered unattached. After the end of this battle action phase, or when this terrain is destroyed, each player's remaining Followers may be attached to any of that player's surviving Personalities in this battle. Followers unable to legally attach in this...
0,10 €
Battle: Each Defending Personality and Defending Follower gains +1F and is immune to Fear until this battle ends.
0,10 €
Battle: If you are the Defender, you may take this action even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move home a target Personality without Followers. Bow him if he moved. His controller may pay 1 Gold as a cost to create a 1F Ashigaru Follower card and attach it to him.
0,30 €
Reaction: When a personality has recieved from an action a force bonus more than or equal to his or her printed chi, bow the personality. The Personality cannot straighten during his or her controller's next straighten phase.
0,10 €
Limited: Your Personalities "swear fealty" to you. Each of your Personalities without your Faction's trait permanently gains +1F/+1C and your Faction's traits (except Monk, Naga, Ninja, Ratling or Spirit) and the Unaligned trait.
0,30 €
Immediate Terrain Battle: No player without a Shugenja or a Shadowlands Personality in this battle can take actions for this battle except an action that destroys this Terrain.