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Hakai (Alemán)  - Unaligned Onisu of Death · Nonhuman · CavalryUnique · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor.Reaction: Once per turn, afte
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Hakai (Alemán)

2,00 €
Unaligned Onisu of Death · Nonhuman · CavalryUnique · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor.Reaction: Once per turn, after a target Shugenja casts a Spell or Kiho or uses an innate ability, permanently give that Shugenja -2C.Reaction: After a card is put into a discard pile, remove that card from the game.
Layered Plates (Español)  - Armor. Negate effects that move this unit to a battlefield. Reaction: Before this Personality is des
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Layered Plates (Español)

0,50 €
Armor. Negate effects that move this unit to a battlefield. Reaction: Before this Personality is destroyed, destroy this card: Negate that destruction of the Personality.
Blade of Penance FOIL (Francés)  - Weapon · ShameswordDishonor this Personality when Blade of Penance enters play. Gain 4 Honor
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Blade of Penance FOIL (Francés)

5,00 €
Weapon · ShameswordDishonor this Personality when Blade of Penance enters play. Gain 4 Honor each time this Personality wins a duel while he has no Followers attached.
Wheels within Wheels (Signed by Steve Argyle)  - Open: Target one of your honorable human Personalities: He commits seppuku. You
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5,50 €
Open: Target one of your honorable human Personalities: He commits seppuku. You may rehonor one of your Personalities. Gain 2 Honor.
Banish All Shadows  - Kiho Limited: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck.
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Banish All Shadows

3,50 €
Kiho Limited: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck. Put one in your hand. Shuffle the deck
The Legion of Two Thousand (Español)  - Unique. After this card enters play, you may search your Fate deck for a Follower, show
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The Legion of Two Thousand (Español)

0,50 €
Unique. After this card enters play, you may search your Fate deck for a Follower, show it, and put it in your hand
Kakita Masazumi (Español)  - Crane Clan Hero . Samurai . Soul of Kakita Kaiten Reaction: When Masazumi enters a duel, he gains a
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Kakita Masazumi (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Hero . Samurai . Soul of Kakita Kaiten Reaction: When Masazumi enters a duel, he gains a Chi bonus equal to his Personal Honor until the end of the duel.
Kakita Mai Exp FOIL (Francés)  - Crane Clan Courtier . Experienced . Unique Soul of Kakita Ichiro Experienced Political Limited:
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Kakita Mai Exp FOIL (Francés)

0,70 €
Crane Clan Courtier . Experienced . Unique Soul of Kakita Ichiro Experienced Political Limited: Target one of your Personalities and another player's Personality. Discard the Imperial Favor to have your Personality issue a challenge to the other Personality. The other Personality may refuse the challenge by losing 4 Family Honor. This loss cannot be...
Kakita Mai (Español)  - Crane Clan Courtier . Soul of Kakita Ichiro Mai may lobby for the Imperial Favor even if you have lobbie
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Kakita Mai (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Courtier . Soul of Kakita Ichiro Mai may lobby for the Imperial Favor even if you have lobbied exactly once already this turn.
Kakita Gosha (Español)  - Crane Clan Courtier Political Reaction: Bow Gosha to negate an Honor loss. If it belonged to another p
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Kakita Gosha (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Courtier Political Reaction: Bow Gosha to negate an Honor loss. If it belonged to another player, gain 1 Honor. If it belonged to you, lose 1 Honor.
Doji Nagori (Francés)  - Crane Clan Storyteller * Courtier Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or
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Doji Nagori (Francés)

0,20 €
Crane Clan Storyteller * Courtier Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or loses Honor, bow Nagori to increase that gain or loss by 1. Gain 1 Honor.
Doji Nagori (Español)  - Crane Clan Storyteller * Courtier Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or
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Doji Nagori (Español)

0,20 €
Crane Clan Storyteller * Courtier Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or loses Honor, bow Nagori to increase that gain or loss by 1. Gain 1 Honor.
Doji Jotaro (Español)  - Crane Clan Samurai * Taisa First Legion * Courtier Political Battle: Bow Jotaro to dishonor a Human Per
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Doji Jotaro (Español)

0,20 €
Crane Clan Samurai * Taisa First Legion * Courtier Political Battle: Bow Jotaro to dishonor a Human Personality attacking one of your Provinces.
Doji Gombei (Español)  - Crane Clan Prodigy * Samurai * Soul of Doji Jiro Reaction: When Gombei enters a duel, discard a card fr
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Doji Gombei (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Prodigy * Samurai * Soul of Doji Jiro Reaction: When Gombei enters a duel, discard a card from your hand as a cost. When focus cards are revealed, you may select one card Gombei focused whose Focus value equals its printed Focus value. Double the Focus value of that card.
Doji Domotai (Español)  - Crane Clan Samurai * Soul of Doji Reju If Domotai is tied in a duel, she wins the duel instead of losi
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Doji Domotai (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Samurai * Soul of Doji Reju If Domotai is tied in a duel, she wins the duel instead of losing.
Daidoji Gudeta (Español)  - Crane Clan Samurai Battle: Bow Gudeta for a Ranged 4 Attack.
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Daidoji Gudeta (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Samurai Battle: Bow Gudeta for a Ranged 4 Attack.
Daidoji Akagi (Español)  - Crane Clan Samurai * Soul of Daidoji Karasu Battle: Bow Akagi for a Ranged 2 Attack. Reaction: Once p
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Daidoji Akagi (Español)

0,10 €
Crane Clan Samurai * Soul of Daidoji Karasu Battle: Bow Akagi for a Ranged 2 Attack. Reaction: Once per turn, before Akagi performs a ranged attack, discard a card from your hand to increase the strength of the ranged attack by the Focus value of the discard.
Kuni Tansho (Español)  - Crab Clan Shugenja * Soul of Kuni Yori Battle: Bow Tansho and discard a Fate card to force an opposing
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Kuni Tansho (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Shugenja * Soul of Kuni Yori Battle: Bow Tansho and discard a Fate card to force an opposing player to discard a random card from his hand.
Kaiu Hisayuki (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai . Soul of Silence Permanently increase by 1 all Force bonuses Hisayuki receives fro
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Kaiu Hisayuki (Español)

0,20 €
Crab Clan Samurai . Soul of Silence Permanently increase by 1 all Force bonuses Hisayuki receives from actions on cards that are not in this unit.
Hiruma Todori (Español)  - Crab Clan Scout * Samurai Reaction: Once per battle, after a Follower in Todori's army bows, straight
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Hiruma Todori (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Scout * Samurai Reaction: Once per battle, after a Follower in Todori's army bows, straighten that Follower.
Hiruma Ashihei (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Soul of Toritaka Kitao Cancel each action that dishonors Ashihei immediately bef
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Hiruma Ashihei (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Soul of Toritaka Kitao Cancel each action that dishonors Ashihei immediately before it dishonors him.
Hida Utaemon (Español)  - Crab Clan Berserker * Samurai Utaemon gains Force and Chi equal to the number of Followers in this uni
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Hida Utaemon (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Berserker * Samurai Utaemon gains Force and Chi equal to the number of Followers in this unit.
Hida Tenshu (Español)  - Crab Clan Berserker * Soul of Hida Amoro Will not attach Armor. Destroy Tenshu at the end of the Resolu
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Hida Tenshu (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Berserker * Soul of Hida Amoro Will not attach Armor. Destroy Tenshu at the end of the Resolution Segment if there was an opposing army and the army he is in had a total Force less than or equal to twice the opposing army's Force at resolution.
Hida Sunao (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 3 Reaction: After the end of a battle Sunao was in during resolution, discard a c
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Hida Sunao (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 3 Reaction: After the end of a battle Sunao was in during resolution, discard a card to straighten him.
Hida Shara (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Magistrate * Yu 3 Ranged attacks cannot target cards in Shara's unit.
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Hida Shara (Español)

0,20 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Magistrate * Yu 3 Ranged attacks cannot target cards in Shara's unit.
Hida Shara  - Crab Clan Samurai * Magistrate * Yu 3 Ranged attacks cannot target cards in Shara's unit.
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Hida Shara

0,20 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Magistrate * Yu 3 Ranged attacks cannot target cards in Shara's unit.
Hida Reiha Exp (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Experienced * Unique Followers gain Yu +2 while attached to Reiha.
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Hida Reiha Exp (Español)

0,50 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Experienced * Unique Followers gain Yu +2 while attached to Reiha.
Hida Kosho (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Battle: Once per battle, Kosho challenges an opposing attacking Personality to
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Hida Kosho (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Battle: Once per battle, Kosho challenges an opposing attacking Personality to a duel of Force. The challenged Personality may refuse by going home bowed. Bow the loser.
Hida Isamu (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai * Unique * Soul of Hida Tsuneo Your other Personalities gain +2F while in a defending
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Hida Isamu (Español)

0,30 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Unique * Soul of Hida Tsuneo Your other Personalities gain +2F while in a defending army with Isamu.
Hida Hitoshi (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai Hitoshi gains +1F while he has one or more Followers. Open: Bow Hitoshi to give a Fo
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Hida Hitoshi (Español)

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai Hitoshi gains +1F while he has one or more Followers. Open: Bow Hitoshi to give a Follower a Force bonus equal to Hitoshi's Force.
Violence Behind Courtliness City (Español)  - Imperial City * Singular Reaction: Once per turn, straighten one of your units aft
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0,10 €
Imperial City * Singular Reaction: Once per turn, straighten one of your units after one or more units assign to attack this Province.
Valley of the Two Generals (Español)  - Singular While in a battle at this Province, Samurai gain the ability: "Battle: Bow to d
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0,10 €
Singular While in a battle at this Province, Samurai gain the ability: "Battle: Bow to destroy an opposing Follower or an opposing Personality without Followers."
Utaku Meadows (Español)  - Singular Limited: Once per turn, spend 3 Gold to attach a 1F Cavalry Follower token to one of your Pe
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Utaku Meadows (Español)

0,10 €
Singular Limited: Once per turn, spend 3 Gold to attach a 1F Cavalry Follower token to one of your Personalities.
Tidal Land Bridge (Español)  - Singular At the beginning of your Events Phase, remove a Tidal token from Tidal Land Bridge if it
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Tidal Land Bridge (Español)

0,10 €
Singular At the beginning of your Events Phase, remove a Tidal token from Tidal Land Bridge if it has one, or add one to it if it does not. While Tidal Land Bridge has a Tidal token, units cannot assign to or move to this Province.
Temples of the New Tao (Español)  - Singular Only Monk and Samurai Personalities may assign to defend this Province. (This does
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Temples of the New Tao (Español)

0,10 €
Singular Only Monk and Samurai Personalities may assign to defend this Province. (This does not prohibit moving into it.) Monks and Samurai gain +3F while defending this Province.
Sorrow's Path (Español)  - Singular Immediately before the Resolution Segment of each battle at this Province, the Attacker must
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Sorrow's Path (Español)

0,10 €
Singular Immediately before the Resolution Segment of each battle at this Province, the Attacker must destroy either one bowed or unbowed unit in his army or three bowed or unbowed cards in his army.
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