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Kitsu Motso Exp
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Kitsu Motso Exp

2,00 €
Lion Clan Master Tactician. Samurai. Experienced. Unique. Tactician Limited: Bow to put a Master token on Kitsu Motso. Battle: Destroy a Master token on Motso to take any one terrain card from your Fate deck and put it into play for this battle. This does not bow Motso. Reshuffle your fate deck. This is considered Motso's use of his Tactician ability for...
Mirumoto Daini Exp
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Mirumoto Daini Exp

2,00 €
Dragon Clan Samurai. Experienced. Unique. Toturi's Army Daini will join the Naga for 2 less gold.
Doji Chomei
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Doji Chomei

0,50 €
Crane Clan Samurai. Yoritomo's Alliance Mantis Followers being attached to Chomei have their gold cost reduced by 3.
Asahina Tamako
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Asahina Tamako

0,50 €
Crane Clan Shugenja Reaction: Bow Asahina Tamako and discard a Fate card at any time in which Gold is needed. Produce an amount of Gold equal to the Focus value of the discarded card.
Yasuki Nokatsu
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Yasuki Nokatsu

0,20 €
Crab Clan Taskmaster. Experienced 2. Unique Nokatsu's followers each gain +1F Battle: destroy a bowed or unbowed follower in this unit to straighten a bowed follower in this unit.
Hida Tadashiro
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Hida Tadashiro

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai Reaction: If this Personality is destroyed by an action or effect that does not also destroy some or all attached Followers, those Followers may be attached to any of your Personalities to which they could be legally attached.
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0,10 €
Kiho Elemental Battle: Bow one of your Shugenja or monks to send home one opposing unit led by a Personality whose Force is lower than the caster's Chi. The unit is sent home without bowing.
The Brotherhood of Shinsei
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The Brotherhood of Shinsei

1,50 €
Reaction: Bow when you have fulfilled the conditions of putting an elemental ring into play. Retrieve that card from your fate deck and put it into play immediately. Reshuffle your Fate Deck.
Peasant Revolt
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Peasant Revolt

0,50 €
Each Personality and Follower with over 2 Force bows. No Persaonalty or Follower with over 2 Force can straighten befpre your next turn.
Emperor's Peace
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Emperor's Peace

0,50 €
No attacks may be made by any Player until the beginning of this Player's next turn.
Resist Magic
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Resist Magic

1,00 €
Reaction: Play immediately after a spell or innate ability has been cast which targets one of your Personalities. The effects of that spell or innate ability are negated by this action.
Ninja Thief
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Ninja Thief

0,10 €
Limited: Move an Item from one Personality to another. Lose 3 Honor.
Kharmic Strike
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Kharmic Strike

1,00 €
When Kharmic Strike is revealed as a Focus card in a duel, the duel ends in a tie during resolution regardless of the duelists' stats.
Higher Ground
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Higher Ground

0,10 €
Immediate Terrain Battle: Raise the strength of each ranged attack from your army by 1. Lower the strength of each ranged attack from the opposing army by 1.
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0,10 €
Limited: Bow any monk Personality you control to retrieve one Elemental Ring from your discard and return it to your hand.
Block Supply Lines
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Block Supply Lines

0,30 €
Battle: Move a target attacking unit home. If it moved, bow it.
Medium Cavalry  - Cavalry-
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Medium Cavalry

0,20 €
Archers  - Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack
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0,20 €
Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack
Apprentice  - If this Personality is a Shugenja, he has an additional +2C while attaching a Spell, or performing a Spell action
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2,00 €
If this Personality is a Shugenja, he has an additional +2C while attaching a Spell, or performing a Spell action or one of his abilities.
Iron Mine  - MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
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Iron Mine

0,30 €
MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
Shinjo Yokatsu  - Unicorn Clan • Clan Champion • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician • Loyal • UniqueYokatsu's Followers have Cavalry
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Shinjo Yokatsu

4,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Clan Champion • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician • Loyal • UniqueYokatsu's Followers have Cavalry
Shinjo Hanari  - Unicorn Clan • Samurai • CavalryBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow Hanari: Ranged 3 Attack.
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Shinjo Hanari

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • CavalryBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow Hanari: Ranged 3 Attack.
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