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Tamori Kazushige  - Dragon Clan • Earth • ShugenjaKazushige has +2F while defending. Open: If is another player's turn, target o
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Tamori Kazushige

0,20 €
Dragon Clan • Earth • ShugenjaKazushige has +2F while defending. Open: If is another player's turn, target one of his personalities. Before this phase ends, straighten him. Before this turns ends, if the personality did not assign to attack this turn, gain 2 Honor.
Glorious Path to Victory
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Glorious Path to Victory

0,10 €
Bushido VirtueBattle: Rehonor all Personalities at this battlefield. You may target and give your opposed Samura Personality a Force bonus equal to his Personal Honor (until the turn ends). Gain 2 Honor.
Shrine to the Heavens  - TempleBow this card: Produce 2 Gold.  After one of your Celestials is revealed in a province: You may c
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Shrine to the Heavens

3,50 €
TempleBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. After one of your Celestials is revealed in a province: You may choose one of your Celestials in play. If you do, it is not discarded because of the other Celestial entering play.
Economic Manipulation  - KolatThis card has -1 Gold Cost if you control a Merchant.   Limited: Target a Holding with a base Gold
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Economic Manipulation

0,50 €
KolatThis card has -1 Gold Cost if you control a Merchant. Limited: Target a Holding with a base Gold Cost of 4 or less controlled by a player who controls five or more Holdings: Destroy it.
Of One Instant  - IaijutsuAs a Focus Effect: Give your Personality in this duel Tactician.Battle/Open: Choose your performing Du
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Of One Instant

0,20 €
IaijutsuAs a Focus Effect: Give your Personality in this duel Tactician.Battle/Open: Choose your performing Duelist: Give him a Force bonus equal to his own base Chi.
Omigawa  - Spider Clan • Monk • Kensai • Face of Ghosts • Master SenseiBattle: Target an enemy Personality with lower Force or w
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0,20 €
Spider Clan • Monk • Kensai • Face of Ghosts • Master SenseiBattle: Target an enemy Personality with lower Force or without attached Weapons: Omigawa knocks him aside. Move the targeted card home. Bow him if he moved and Omigawa has a Weapon.
Mirumoto Houken  - Dragon Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Master of the BladeBattle/Open: Target a Personality with a Weapon: Straight
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Mirumoto Houken

0,10 €
Dragon Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Master of the BladeBattle/Open: Target a Personality with a Weapon: Straighten his unit.
Unnatural Hunger (Español)  - This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Undead Personality you control. Battle: Choose your performing
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Unnatural Hunger (Español)

2,00 €
This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Undead Personality you control. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Undead Personality: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments.
Soshi Hirotsugu  - Scorpion Clan • Air • Shugenja • Ninja Battle: Give each of your Scorpion Clan and Crab Clan Personalities in
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Soshi Hirotsugu

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Air • Shugenja • Ninja Battle: Give each of your Scorpion Clan and Crab Clan Personalities in Hirotsugu’s army +1F, or +2F if they are opposed.
Ikoma Hagio Exp  - Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Commander • Daimyo • Experienced • Loyal • Unique  Other attacking Personal
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Ikoma Hagio Exp

0,70 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Commander • Daimyo • Experienced • Loyal • Unique Other attacking Personalities in Hagio’s army have +1F. Battle: Even if Hagio is not at the current battlefield, if any enemy units are there: Move your target unit there. Straighten it if it moved.
Bakunai  - Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Commander After Bakunai enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Fear Battle: Bow a
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0,10 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Commander After Bakunai enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with less Force than the number of Goblins in Bakunai’s army.
Grip of the Earth  - Earth  Battle: Destroy this card: Bow a target enemy card. Negate its straightening if this Shugenja is Ear
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Grip of the Earth

1,00 €
Earth Battle: Destroy this card: Bow a target enemy card. Negate its straightening if this Shugenja is Earth.
Tsi Mokotsu  - Oriole Clan • Retainer  Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.  Limited: Bow this card: Create a +1F/+1C Weapon Item and
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Tsi Mokotsu

5,00 €
Oriole Clan • Retainer Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold. Limited: Bow this card: Create a +1F/+1C Weapon Item and attach it to your target personality.
The Dead Do Not Rest (Español)  - Maho • Kiho Battle: Bow your target Shugenja at any location: Move one to three target Undead
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The Dead Do Not Rest (Español)

0,70 €
Maho • Kiho Battle: Bow your target Shugenja at any location: Move one to three target Undead Personalities in your home to the current battlefield, even if any of them have been in an attacking army at a battlefield during its battle’s resolution. Straighten their units if they moved. Destroy them after this battle’s resolution.
Deceit and Subterfuge  - Political Limited: Bow your target Courtier: Draw a card. Gain 1 Honor. Choose another player, who lose
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Deceit and Subterfuge

2,00 €
Political Limited: Bow your target Courtier: Draw a card. Gain 1 Honor. Choose another player, who loses 1 Honor.
Strength of the Bamboo  - Heroic Reaction: After an action targets your Hero Personality: Negate his destruction from the action
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Strength of the Bamboo

3,00 €
Heroic Reaction: After an action targets your Hero Personality: Negate his destruction from the action’s effects. Give him +1F.
Retribution  - Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Create an additional Attack Phase of y
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0,50 €
Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Create an additional Attack Phase of your own in which you must choose the previous phase’s Attacker as the Defender. Neither player may invite allies and you may only assign one unit. Give the Personality and each Follower in that unit +1F after it assigns.
Bayushi Jutsushi  - Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Magistrate Political Open: Target a Personality with Personal Honor lower than Ju
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Bayushi Jutsushi

0,70 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Magistrate Political Open: Target a Personality with Personal Honor lower than Jutsushi's Chi. After the next time the Personality assigns this turn, dishonour him, and his controller loses 2 Honor.
Hiruma Aki Exp  - Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker • Experienced • Unique Battle: Destroy one or more target Followers with total
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Hiruma Aki Exp

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker • Experienced • Unique Battle: Destroy one or more target Followers with total Force lower than Aki's Force, or total Gold Cost lower than Aki's Gold Cost.
Kakita Taminoko  - Crane Clan * Courtier Political Limited: Bow Tamioko: Target another player’s honorable Personality. The play
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Kakita Taminoko

0,50 €
Crane Clan * Courtier Political Limited: Bow Tamioko: Target another player’s honorable Personality. The player may choose to dishonor him. If he does not choose this, gain 2 Honor.
Swift Troops  - Unicorn Clan • Samurai  The Western Steppes Personality.  May not be included in decks.
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Swift Troops

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai The Western Steppes Personality. May not be included in decks.
Kaiu Taru
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Kaiu Taru

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Siege • Siege Master. Taru costs one less Gold to bring into play for each province destroyed this game. Battle: Discard a card: Abilities on a target enemy Personality cannot be used during this battle. Draw a card.
Gunso Tabarou
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Gunso Tabarou

0,50 €
Can only attach to a Crab Clan Personality. Battle: If this card is in your discard pile, destroy one of your target Followers: Attach Tabarou to one of your target Personalities, waiving costs.
Kyuden Ashinagabachi  - After each of your Ranged Attacks resolves: If it did not destroy its target, reduce the target's Force
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Kyuden Ashinagabachi

1,00 €
After each of your Ranged Attacks resolves: If it did not destroy its target, reduce the target's Force by the Ranged Attack's strength.
The Crab's Strength  - Battle: Target one of your opposed Crab Clan Personalities: Give him +4F. Until the battle ends, actions
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The Crab's Strength

0,50 €
Battle: Target one of your opposed Crab Clan Personalities: Give him +4F. Until the battle ends, actions taken by enemy players that target him have the additional cost, "Discard a card."
Impromptu Duel  - Iaijutsu Limited : Target one of your unbowed Samurai or Duelist Personalities: He challenges another player's
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Impromptu Duel

0,50 €
Iaijutsu Limited : Target one of your unbowed Samurai or Duelist Personalities: He challenges another player's target Personality. The other plaer may refuse; if he does, dishonor his Personality and gain 4 Honor. Destroy the duel's loser. The winner gains 2 Honor.
The Spider's Lair  - You do not lose Honor from Fate and Spider Clan cards you own. In your Dynasty Phase, you may refill a prov
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The Spider's Lair

1,00 €
You do not lose Honor from Fate and Spider Clan cards you own. In your Dynasty Phase, you may refill a province face-up one time for each of your provinces destroyed this game.
Hiruma Shotoku  - Crab Clan · Samurai · Scout. Recon Limited: Target a province. While you are the Attacker, battle resolution d
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Hiruma Shotoku

0,20 €
Crab Clan · Samurai · Scout. Recon Limited: Target a province. While you are the Attacker, battle resolution does not bow your units at the province's battlefield if no enemy units were ever there.
The Elements' Path
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The Elements' Path

0,30 €
Kiho Open: Target one of your Monks and one of your non-Void Rings: Permanently copy an ability from the Ring to the Monk. The Monk permanently need not bow to pay costs of the copied action
Pep'trchek Exp
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Pep'trchek Exp

0,30 €
Ratling · Chief · Creature · Nonhuman · Bushi · Hero · Crippled Bone Tribe · Experienced ? Unique. Reaction: After an action or battle resolves during which Pep?trchek was destroyed: Create one 1F Ratling Follower card for each of your Ratling Personalities, and attach one to each of them
Flame and Lightning
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Flame and Lightning

5,00 €
Limited: Target a Personality you control: Target a Personality controlled by another player. Your Personality issues the other an unrefusable challenge. Permanently remove all abilties and all non-boldface traits from the loser.
Togashi Razan  - Dragon Clan Monk. Razan has +3F and +1 Personal Honor for each Ring you control
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Togashi Razan

0,50 €
Dragon Clan Monk. Razan has +3F and +1 Personal Honor for each Ring you control
Warrior Pilgrim
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Warrior Pilgrim

0,10 €
Reaction: After attaching to a Tactician Personality from your hand: Draw a card. Reaction: After this Personality performs a Tactical action, bow this card: This Personality may perform an additional different Tactical action this battle.
Rain of Death
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Rain of Death

0,20 €
Center Formation · Formed by 2 Personalities with the printed Tactician trait. Tactical Battle: Produce two consecutive Ranged 3 Attacks. Tactical Battle: Bow and destroy the performing Tactician: Target two cards opposing him that have no unbowed cards attached. Destroy them.
Akodo's Grave  - Bow Akodo's Grave to produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow and destroy Akodo's Grave to destroy a Terrain. 
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Akodo's Grave

0,10 €
Bow Akodo's Grave to produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow and destroy Akodo's Grave to destroy a Terrain. 
Moto Latomu  - Unicorn Clan Samurai * Cavalry Latomu costs 1 less Gold if your Wind is Akodo Kaneka. Reaction: After an action m
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Moto Latomu

0,20 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Cavalry Latomu costs 1 less Gold if your Wind is Akodo Kaneka. Reaction: After an action moves Latomu into a battle, bow Latomu for a Ranged 4 Attack, or make a Ranged 2 Attack without bowing. 
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