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Juegos de Mesa
Conspiracy. Abyss Universe
16,16 € 17,95 €
En las profundidades del océano, la corrupción y la conspiración definen la vida del reino de Abyss. En el centro de la lucha por el poder se encuentra la Asamblea del Senado Oceánico, cuyos integrantes conspiran sin tregua unos contra otros para ganar su influencia. Organiza lo mejor que puedas tu Parlamento y convoca a los Lores más influyentes antes de...
Marvel Champions LCG
Marvel Champions Spider-Ham Pack de Héroe (Español)
15,29 € 16,99 €
Spider-Ham Pack de Héroe (Español)
Juegos de Mesa
La Búsqueda del Planeta X
40,00 €
Desde 2016, los astrónomos han estado buscando un planeta remoto que explique las órbitas únicas de los objetos del Sistema Solar. Al límite de nuestro sistema solar… puede que haya un planeta merodeando. En este juego competitivo de lógica, asumes el papel de un astrónomo: tienes que sondear el cielo nocturno y tratar de deducir la ubicación de este...
14,00 € 17,00 €
Personaje del juego spin off del Borderlands
24,00 € 30,00 €
Una nueva y preciosa Q Posket de Rem llega de la mano de Banpresto. Luciendo la famosa chaqueta de Subaru y con un gesto tierno en su rostro. Mide 14 cms de altura como toda lalínea de Q Posket.
29,99 €
Set de construcción "Mega Construx" - Edades: 8+ - Número de piezas: 180
Pedido Alberrr1999
54,90 €
- Pop Armin Chase 28,80€ - Pop War Hammer Titan 21,10€ - Sobre One Piece OP02: 5€
Vampire VTES
Vampiro. Ventrue. Fifth Edition (Inglés)
18,00 € 20,00 €
Since ancient times, Clan Ventrue have been the royalty of the night, holding the reins of both mortal and undead society. They master every aspect of The Eternal Struggle with political skill and powers of will-bending and thrall-making. If there is a city that the Ventrue don’t already rule, you can be sure that plans are being made…
Vampire VTES
Vampiro. Tremere. Fifth Edition (inglés)
20,00 €
Clan Tremere was once the most secretive clan among vampires, jealously guarding their powers of Blood Sorcery. Now the clan is shattered by internal conflicts, but make no mistake: the Warlocks are still more than active in The Eternal Struggle, and nothing will stand in their way of gaining more power.
Juegos de Mesa
Terraforming Mars Venus Next
22,49 € 24,99 €
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next es una expansión del Terraforming Mars con nuevas cartas y nuevas aventuras. Este juego utiliza fundas tamaño Estandard 64x88mm
3,50 €
Naga • Samurai • Kensai Minoko has Naval while she has a Peasant Weapon.Battle, w: Melee 3 Attack. If this does not destroy a Personality, straighten Minoko.
0,20 €
Samurai • Shadowlands • Yojimbo • Duelist • Expendable Compassion: If Spider Clan is your only Clan Alignment, you may Recruit Tomiyama as an Open. (Compassion takes effect while you have fewer Provinces than anyone else.)
0,20 €
Barracks Open, w: Put a target Follower in your discard pile into your hand.
0,50 €
Ninja • Shadowlands • Reserve (You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)Mitsuru has +2F while opposing a Personality with no abilities.
0,20 €
Political Open: A target Stronghold's abilities may not be used. If it is your turn, bow it.
5,00 €
Interrupt: Target your Personality. After the action resolves, if it destroyed him, bring him into play in your home, ignoring costs and Honor Requirement, then bow him, dishonor him, and lose 2 Honor.
0,20 €
Siege • Samurai Battle: Discard a card to bow a target enemy card with Force equal to or lower than the discarded card's Focus Value.
1,00 €
Reserve • Destined • Berserker • Hero • Imperial (Draw a card after you Recruit a Destined card. You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)
0,20 €
Weapon • Two-Handed • Sword(A Personality can only have one Weapon.)This Item's Force modifier equals this Personality's Personal Honor.
0,20 €
Courtier • Love Letter • OratorCourtesy: After you Recruit Takato, gain 1 Honor. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first.)Interrupt: After you Recruit Takato, discard a card to make a target player discard a random card. Each of you may put the other's card in your hand.
0,20 €
Temple • Fortification • Kharmic(Fortifications attach to the Province from which they entered play.)This Fortification enters play bowed and, if your Sensei is Brotherhood Sensei, for 2 less Gold.Bow: Produce 4 Gold.
1,00 €
Air Air Battle: Bow this Shugenja to move home a target attacking Personality and himself, and gain 2 Honor.
0,70 €
Temple • Fortification (Fortifications attach to the Province from which they entered play.)This Fortification enters play bowed.w: Produce 2 Gold.Open, w: Gain 1 Honor.
0,10 €
Artisan • Kensai • Naval • Samurai • Yojimbo(Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed.)Battle: Bow a target enemy attachment with lower Force. You may bow one of Dairu's Weapons or one of your Ports to destroy the target.
3,00 €
Fire • ShugenjaOrinoko enters play for 1 less Gold if your Allegiance is Traditionalist.Invest 10: Give Orinoko three +1F/+1C tokens, then permanently give her Conqueror and the ability, "Fire Battle: Fear 5." This Invest cost cannot be reduced.