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Rend the Soul  - If this card is focused in a duel, raise its Focus value by 5. If your Personality wins, the duel is considered
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Rend the Soul

3,50 €
If this card is focused in a duel, raise its Focus value by 5. If your Personality wins, the duel is considered a tie instead.Battle: Give one of your Personalities +5F. If that Personality's army wins this battle, this battle is tied instead. Your army cannot destroy Provinces this battle. 
A New Guardian  - Political Reaction: Play before one or more of your Personalities are restored to honor by being involved in c
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A New Guardian

0,20 €
Political Reaction: Play before one or more of your Personalities are restored to honor by being involved in creating an Honor gain. You receive the gain in addition to restoring the Personalities to honor. Gain an additional separate 2 Honor for each Personality restored.  
Togashi Hoshi Exp2 FOIL
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Togashi Hoshi Exp2 FOIL

6,00 €
Dragon Clan Champion. Dragon. Creature. Cavalry Double Chi. Experienced 2. Unique Hoshi will only join a Dragon or Monk player. Hoshi can attach Dragon Items without Gold cost. Once per turn, Hoshi may cast a Kiho as if he were a Monk, without bowing. Limited: Bow Hoshi. All of your Hoshi Personalities in your Provinces, in your Dynasty deck, and in play...
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0,10 €
Creature Limited: Bow the Zokujin to destroy a Copper Mine. No cards in this unit can straighten during your next turn.
Spirit Guide
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Spirit Guide

0,50 €
Open: If this Personality is a Shugenja, bow Spirit Guide to straighten this Personality.
Ratling Scout
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Ratling Scout

0,30 €
Ratling Pack. Creature A Ratling Personality can attach the Ratling Scout for 3 less Gold. Battle: Bow the Ratling Scout to destroy a Terrain.
Ratling Pack
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Ratling Pack

0,10 €
Ratling. Creature
Lesser Oni
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Lesser Oni

0,20 €
Shadowlands. Nonhuman There is no limit to the number of Lesser Oni you may have in your deck. Any opponent who destroys this card with an action or in battle (Attacker or Defender if during the resulotion phase of a battle) gains 1 additional honor.
Bayushi House Guard
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Bayushi House Guard

1,50 €
Unique Only a Scorpion Clan Personality can attach the Bayushi Houseguard. All cards in this unit are immune to Fear. Effects that last until a turn ends or shorter do not lower the Chi of the Bayushi House Guard's Personality.
Umi Amaterasu
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Umi Amaterasu

0,10 €
Battle: Once per battle per player, any player with a unit opposing one or more units at this battle may draw a card.
The Ruined Keep of Fu Leng
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The Ruined Keep of Fu Leng

0,10 €
Unique This Province gains a permanent Strength bonus equal to its current Strength. Permanently lower each of your other Provinces' Strengths to 0. Lose 7 Honor.
Temples of the New Tao
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Temples of the New Tao

0,10 €
Singular. Only Monk and Samurai Personalities may assign to defend this Province. (This does not prohibit moving into it.) Monks and Samurai gain +3F while defending this Province.
Streets of Otosan Uchi
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Streets of Otosan Uchi

0,30 €
Unique Each player may, as a Battle action once per battle per each of his or her Personalities, have one of his or her Personalities in this battle challenge an opposing Personality. The challenged Personality's controller may refuse the challenge by discarding a card from his or her hand.
Road of Dust
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Road of Dust

0,10 €
Singular Personalities without Followers have -2F while at this Province.
Mountain of the Seven Thunders
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Mountain of the Seven Thunders

0,30 €
Unique Ignore Honor requirements of Personalities in this Proivince.
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0,10 €
When the Borderland enters play, target a Holding in play. If this Province is destroyed, then destroy the Holding.
Big Stink
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Big Stink

0,30 €
Unique. Non-Goblin Personalities and non-Goblin Followers have -1F while at this battlefield. After each time a Goblin enters play from this Province, attach two 1F Shadowlands Goblin Nonhuman Follower tokens to him.
Retired Wasp General
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Retired Wasp General

0,10 €
Retainer Reaction: Bow to reduce the strenght of a Ranged Attack by two that has just targeted one of your cards. Reaction: Bow to increase the strenght of a Ranged Attack by one that one of your cards is producing.
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0,10 €
Bow to produce 2 Gold, plus one Gold for each Market Place in play.
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0,10 €
Bow the Goldsmith to produce 2 Gold plus 1 Gold for each non-Corrupt Gold Mine in play, minus 1 Gold for each Corrupt Gold Mine in play.
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0,10 €
Fortification Cancel actions and negate effects that allow any player other than the Defender to take the first action during battle at this Province.
Shinjo Shono Exp
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Shinjo Shono Exp

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Experienced Unique A player must discard two cards from his or her hand for one of his or her cards to challenge Shono. Shono gains +1F/+3C while facing one or more Ninja or Shadowlands cards in a battle or duel.
Shosuro Aroru  - Scorpion Clan Duelist Ninja Soul of Bayushi Yokuan Followers Aroru attaches must be Ninja. A Personality must b
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Shosuro Aroru

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan Duelist Ninja Soul of Bayushi Yokuan Followers Aroru attaches must be Ninja. A Personality must bow to refuse a challenge from Aroru. Players can take no Reactions to a challenge, refusal, or duel involving Aroru except Reactions that cancel the challenge or duel or occur after the duel.
Soshi Angai
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Soshi Angai

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Infiltrator. Shugenja. Courtier
Bayushi Kaukatsu
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Bayushi Kaukatsu

2,00 €
Scorpion Clan Courtier. Soul of Bayushi Goshiu. Unique Political Reaction: After you lose Honor, bow Kaukatsu to make another player lose the same amount of Honor.
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0,50 €
Unaligned Creature. Unique While Ki-Rin is unbowed and honorable, Personalities with a Personal Honor of zero, four, or five cannot assign or move into armies attacking your Provinces.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Monk. Soul of Seikua Ukuro will not attach Followers or Items. Ukuro gains +1F/+2C for each Elemental Ring you have in play.
Matsu Hataki
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Matsu Hataki

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai. Soul of Matsu Turi Hataki will not bow to lobby for the Imperial Favor. Imperial Favor effects cannot target this unit.
Ikoma Tsai
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Ikoma Tsai

0,10 €
Lion Clan Guardian. Shugenja Tsai cannot attach Spells with Gold cost greater than his Chi.
Akodo Tadenori
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Akodo Tadenori

0,10 €
Lion Clan Campaigner. Samurai. Tactician. Soul of Ikoma Gunjin
Togashi Genshuo
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Togashi Genshuo

0,30 €
Dragon Clan. Tattooed. Soul of Hitomi Juppun Genshuo cannot gain Force bonuses from actions. Raise the strength of each ranged attack that targets Genshuo by 2. Battle: Once per battle, permanently remove the Cavalry trait from an opposing Cavalry card.
Tamori Chosai
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Tamori Chosai

0,20 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja
Mirumoto Ukira
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Mirumoto Ukira

0,10 €
Dragon Clan Topaz Champion. Samurai Ukira will not refuse challenges. Raise the Focus value of each card Ukira focuses by 1.
Hoshi Eisai Exp
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Hoshi Eisai Exp

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Tattooed Monk. Experienced. Unique Battle: Eisai's Force becomes equal to one of your Personalities' force.
Hitomi Vedau
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Hitomi Vedau

0,30 €
Dragon Clan Enforcer. Tattooed Samurai. Soul of Hitomi Kagetora Battle: Once per battle, discard a card from your hand to give Vedau +2F/+2C. You cannot draw any cards during your next End Phase.
Doji Nagori
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Doji Nagori

0,10 €
Crane Clan Storyteller. Courtier. Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or loses Honor, bow Nagori to increase that gain or loss by 1. Gain 1 Honor.
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