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Medium Cavalry
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Medium Cavalry

0,10 €
Light Cavalry
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Light Cavalry

0,10 €
To Save an Empire
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Cartas L5R

To Save an Empire

2,00 €
Until the beginning of your next turn each player loses 2 honor for each unbowed personality they control during their endphase
Shiryo no Mirumoto
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Shiryo no Mirumoto

1,50 €
Dragon Clan Ancestor. Unique This Personality gains 2F/2C for each of the Seven Thunders that is in play
Shiryo no Yoritomo
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Shiryo no Yoritomo

1,50 €
Mantis Clan Ancestor. Unique May only be attached to Mantis Clan Personalities. Battle: Pay 2 gold to raise this Personality's Force by one until the end of the turn.
Shiryo no Ide
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Shiryo no Ide

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan Ancestor. Unique. Cavalry This Personality gains 1F for each opposing nonhuman or creature Personality during battle.
The Path of Wisdom
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The Path of Wisdom

4,00 €
Before your End Phase begins, if this card is in your discard pile, you may place it in your hand.
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0,10 €
Terrain (Only one card with this trait can be in play at a time during a battle.) Battle Action: When you play this Terrain, it stays in play for this battle. This Terrain takes effect when played. While this Terrain is in play, no player can make ranged attacks.
Superior Tactics
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Superior Tactics

0,20 €
Battle: Target one of your Personalities with over 2 Chi in a battle. Either move the Personality's unit to another of the Defender's Provinces or destroy a Terrain in play for the Personality's battle.
Contentious Terrain
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Contentious Terrain

0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: Each Personality in your army gains +1F until the battle ends.
Hida Hio (Signed by P.Herbert)
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Hida Hio (Signed by P.Herbert)

0,50 €
Crab Clan Border Guard. Samurai Hio can remain bowed. Reaction: After a battle in which Hio defended, bow Hio to Raise that Province's Strength by 7 while he remains bowed. 
Yoee'trr (Signed by Paul Prof Herbert)
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Yoee'trr (Signed by Paul Prof Herbert)

0,50 €
Ratling Adventurer · Tattered Ear Tribe · Bushi · Creature. Battle: Bow Yoee'trr: Ranged 3 Attack
Uona Sensei  - Crane. Dragon. Monk. Phoenix. Sensei You cannot get cards from your discard piles or from anywhere in your decks
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Uona Sensei

1,50 €
Crane. Dragon. Monk. Phoenix. Sensei You cannot get cards from your discard piles or from anywhere in your decks except the top. Limited: Once per turn, look at your Dynasty or Fate deck's top card. You may discard the card.
Turn of Fate
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Turn of Fate

0,30 €
Spell Limited: Bow this Shugenja to bring into play a face-up Personality in one of your Provinces with Gold cost less than this Shugenja's, meeting the Honor requirement as usual and waiving all costs. Destroy all cards attached to this Shugenja, then place this Shugenja face up in the Province. 
Call the Spirit
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Call the Spirit

2,00 €
Spell Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this spell to take control of a Spirit Personality with Chi lower than this Shugenja's, along with all cards and tokens in that unit, until your next turn begins. 
Great Crater
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Great Crater

2,00 €
Unique Reaction: When another player's Event resolves, bow the Great Crater to prevent players from assigning units to attack this Province this turn. 
Fields of the Sun
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Fields of the Sun

1,00 €
Singular Gain 2 Honor for each of your Personalities destroyed while at this Province by an opponent's action or during battle resolution. 
Asako Misao
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Asako Misao

0,50 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja Limited: Bow Misao and one of your Personalities with the Ninja or Shadowlands trait to permanently remove the Ninja or Shadowlands trait from the Personality. 
Roshungi Exp
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Roshungi Exp

1,00 €
Unaligned Dark Brother*Monk*Experienced*Unique*Shadowlands*Lose 3 Honor. Roshungi permanently gains +1F each time another player's Elemental Ring leaves play. Roshungi can attach The Lost Ono of Osano-Wo without Gold cost. 
Tamori Chosai
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Tamori Chosai

0,50 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja 
Yakamo's Smile
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Yakamo's Smile

2,00 €
Kiho Reaction: Play this card when a player destroys the second or later Province he or she destroys this turn. Bow one of your Monks, Shugenja or Yakamo cards to make that player choose to either destroy one of his or her Provinces or target another player, who gains a Province to the left of his or her leftmost Province. 
Let the Spirit Move You
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Let the Spirit Move You

0,10 €
Kiho Open: Bow one of your Monks or Shugenja to give a Samurai a Force and Chi bonus equal to the Samurai's Personal Honor. 
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0,20 €
Ninja Item Only a Ninja Personality can attach the Shuriken. Battle: Discard a card from your hand for a Ranged 2 Attack that cannot be increased or combined with other ranged attacks. This does not bow this Personality or the Shuriken. Lose 2 Honor. 
New Kimono
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New Kimono

0,10 €
When this Personality bows to lobby for the Imperial Favor, other players cannot give gifts to lobby against you. 
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