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0,50 €
Unaligned Shadowlands. Nonhuman. Shuten Doji enters play with four 1F/1C tokens. During your events phase, Shuten Doji must "eat" (destroy) one token on any other card in play, which becomes a 1F/1C token on Shuten Doji. If none are available, the Shuten Doji loses 3 tokens.
5,00 €
Lion Clan Hero. Samurai. Inexperienced. Unique. Double Chi Will only join a Lion Clan player. Open: Add Tsuko's Personal Honor to her Force or Chi. This may be done once per turn.
3,00 €
Dragon Clan Champion. Samurai. Shugenja.Nonhuman. Double Chi. Exp 2. Unique Yokuni is considered a dragon. Will only join Dragon Player. May not attach armor or items. If you are bringing one of the Seven Thunders into play, clan restrictions are waived. Limited: Bow Yokuni and move one of the Seven Thunders from your Deck to one of your Provinces....
3,00 €
Dragon Clan Champion. Dragon. Creature. Cavalry. Double Chi. Experienced 2. Unique Hoshi wil only join a Dragon or Monk player. Hoshi can attach Dragon items without Gold cost. Once per turn, Hoshi may cast a kiho as if he were a Monk, without bowing. Limited: Bow Hoshi. All of your Hoshi Personalities in your provinces, in your dynasty deck, and in play...
0,50 €
Crane Clan Shugenja Reaction: Bow Asahina Tamako and discard a Fate card at any time in which Gold is needed. Produce an amount of Gold equal to the Focus value of the discarded card.
2,00 €
Unique May only be attached to a Phoenix Clan Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Phoenix Personality receive a +1F bonus. All Opposing Phoenix Personalities get a -1F penalty. Reaction: Bow when a Phoenix Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
2,00 €
Unique May only be attached to a Lion Clan Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Lion Personality receive a +1F bonus. All Opposing Lion Personalities get a -1F penalty. Reaction: Bow when a Lion Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
2,50 €
Unique May only be attached to a Dragon Clan Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Dragon Personality receive a +1F bonus. All Opposing Dragon Personalities get a -1F penalty. Reaction: Bow when a Dragon Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
2,50 €
Unique May only be attached to a Crane Clan Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Crane Personality receive a +1F bonus. All Opposing Crane Personalities get a -1F penalty. Reaction: Bow when a Crane Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
0,10 €
Reaction: Bow this Shugenja to prevent one Elemental effect (spell or other card) Which is targeting you or any of your cards in play. (Clarification: This negates an action, not an 'effect'.)
0,10 €
Reaction: Bow this Shugenja to cancel the affects of one Shugenja innate ability as it's being used.
0,10 €
Starting with you and going clockwise, each player destroys a Holding of the player to his or her right.
0,30 €
No attacks may be made by any Player until the beginning of this Player's next turn.
2,00 €
Each player gains a Province to the left of his leftmost Province.
0,30 €
Until the beginning of your next turn, Shugenja Personalities need not bow to cast Spells or Kihos or to use innate abilities. Until the beginning of your next turn, no action on each Spell and Kiho card can be used more than once and no innate ability can be used more than once.
0,30 €
Earth. After you destroy one or more provinces or enemy units by winning a battle at a province: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Raise a target province's strength by 4; you may instead lower its strength by 3 if this card is in play.
0,50 €
Air. After you successfully resolve your third or later Spell or Kiho action in one trn from cards with different titles: You may put this card in play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Straighten a target Personality.
0,10 €
Battle: Terrain. All allied Personalities assisting in Attack or Defense gain a 1F bonus. (Errata: Bonus is +2F, not +1F.) (Clarification: Bonus lasts only until the end of the turn. Only Allies in the current Battle gain the bonus.)
2,50 €
Limited: Target a Personality controlled by another player. Create a Geisha Personality with a Chi equal to half the Gold spent on this card, rounded down. She issues an unrefusable challenge to the target. She cannot add cards to her focus pool or focus. Remove her from the game after the duel ends.
0,30 €
Crane Clan Courtier · Gozoku. Costs 2 less Gold if you control a Crane Clan Duelist or Crane Clan Courtier. Political Reaction: Before any player gains Honor from an Action card: Once per turn, draw a card.
0,10 €
Ratling Sensei. Limited: Target and discard a Ratling Personality from one of your Provinces: Fill that Province face-up. Draw a card. Battle: Any number of times per turn, discard a card: Target a Ratling Personality you control that this has not targeted this battle. Move him home.
0,50 €
Dragon Clan Sensei. After each time a Weapon attaches to a Dragon Clan Samurai you control with no Weapons, attach a +0F/+0C Wakizashi Weapon Item token to him, ignoring restrictions. Battle: Once per battle, target and bow two Weapons attached to a Samurai you control: Target a Personality opposing the Samurai. Your Samurai issues him an unrefusable...
0,30 €
Crane Clan Sensei. You may not gain Honor during a challenge or duel. Harriers you control have +2F while attacking a player who has more Family Honor than you. Battle: Target up to two defending Samurai Personalities you control at another battlefield. Move them to the current battlefield.