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Vik-sch'tok (Español)
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Vik-sch'tok (Español)

0,30 €
Ratling · Creature · Nonhuman · Scavenger · Thief · Grasping Paw Tribe. Limited: Pay 2 Gold: Create a +3F Weapon Item card and attach it to a target Ratling Personality
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0,10 €
Ratling · Creature · Nonhuman · Scout · Tattered Ear Tribe. Recon Open: Target 1 or 2 provinces. During each attack this turn, non-Ratling Personalities cannot assign to the provinces? battlefields during the Cavalry Maneuvers Segment
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0,10 €
Ratling · Creature · Nonhuman · Bushi · Crippled Bone Tribe. Battle: Target a unit opposing Mytchokan. Bow each Personality and Follower in it with Force plus Chi lower than the number of Ratlings in Mytchokan's army
Governor's Court
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Governor's Court

7,00 €
Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Political Open: Even if this card is bowed, bow this card or one of your target Courtiers: Choose another player. He may bow one of his Personalities. If he did not bow a Personality, gain 2 Honor
Seiden Sanzo
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Seiden Sanzo

13,00 €
Temple. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold when paying for a Hero. Limited: Target a Personality you own and control. He gains Cavalry and +3F. Destroy him at the start of your next Dynasty Phase.
Daidoji Kikaze Exp
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Daidoji Kikaze Exp

2,50 €
Crane Clan · Daimyo · Samurai · Scout · Duelist · Harrier · Experienced · Unique · Loyal. Battle: If you are the Defender: Straighten one or more of your target Personalities. Move them to the current battlefield. You may take an additional Battle action.
Tamori Wotan
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Tamori Wotan

0,20 €
Dragon Clan · Shugenja. Battle: If Wotan is opposed: Look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. You may switch one with a card from your hand. You may take an additional Battle action.
Insight FOIL
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Insight FOIL (Español)

1,00 €
Dark Virtue Battle: Target one of your Samurai: Look at the top 3 cards of any Fate deck. If any are Action cards or Rings, you may play one of them for an additional Battle Action on it. You may rearrange the order of the remaining cards you looked at.
Tchik FOIL
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Tchik FOIL (Español)

1,00 €
Ratling · Creature · Crippled Bone Tribe. After Tchik enters play from a Province, create a 2F/2C Ratling Crippled Bone Tribe Personality.
Doji Domotai Exp2 FOIL
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Doji Domotai Exp2 FOIL (Idioma Español)

1,50 €
Crane Clan Champion · Samurai · Duelist · Experienced 2 · Unique · Loyal. Ignore printed effects of cards other players focus during duels involving Domotai. Battle: Any number of times per turn, destroy a Crane Clan Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him with Force less than your Personality's Personal Honor plus Chi. Destroy him.
Hida War Drums
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Hida War Drums (Español)

1,00 €
Hida War Drums costs 2 less Gold for Crab Clan players. This Personality has the Hero trait, cannot assign during the Cavalry Maneuvers Segment, and cannot be sent home by card effects.
Golden Oriole Wakizashi
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Golden Oriole Wakizashi

0,10 €
Weapon. When Golden Oriole Wakizashi enters play, discard a card. The Wakizashi’s Force bonus permanently equals the discard’s Focus value. Cards with that Focus value may not be focused in duels involving this Personality.
The Price of Loyalty
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The Price of Loyalty

2,00 €
Open: Pay Gold Equal to the total Gold cost of the target's unit: Target a non-Shadowlands Personality without his controller's faction trait. If he has an Honor Requirement of "-", take control of him. Otherwise, discard him. Lose 2 Honor.
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0,30 €
Dark Virtue Limited: Target one of your Samurai: Give him a +2F/+1C token.
One-Sided Melee
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One-Sided Melee

0,20 €
Heroic Battle: Target a Human Personality who was targeted by Hida's Avalanche this turn. He counts as having been targeted by Shell of Stone. Give him Tactician and attach 1F Follower tokens to up to 5 opposed Personalities you control at this battlefield.
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Control (Español)

5,00 €
Dark Virtue Open: Target one of your unbowed Samurai: Target a Personality. He can not straighten while your Samurai remains unbowed and in play.
Bounty of the Clan
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Bounty of the Clan

0,20 €
Reaction: After a Personality you control moves or returns home from a battle in which he was ever opposed: Gain Honor equal to his Personal Honor.
Obsidian Dragon
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Obsidian Dragon

1,00 €
Nonhuman · Dragon · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Can not attach Items or Followers. Non-Unique Personalities have a Force and Chi penalty equal to their own Personal Honor while they oppose Obsidian Dragon; this will not reduce Chi below 1.
Utaku Yu-Pan Exp
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Utaku Yu-Pan Exp

0,50 €
Unicorn Clan · Samurai · Battle Maiden · Cavalry · Experienced · Unique. Your Battle Maidens have +1F while attacking. Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow a target Personality with 3 or more Personal Honor in Yu-Pan's army: Target a unit opposing Yu-Pan. Move it to an adjacent province, or home if there is no adjacent province.
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0,20 €
Ratling Scout · Creature · Stained Paw Tribe. Open: Straighten a target Stained Paw Tribe card.
Shiba Jouta
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Shiba Jouta

0,30 €
Phoenix Clan Samurai. Battle: Even if Jouta is dead: Target a Shugenja you control at the current battlefield. The Shugenja produces a Ranged Attack with strength equal to the total number of Shugenja, Samurai, and Spells in his army.
Isawa Seiga
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Isawa Seiga

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja · Maho-Tsukai. Maho Battle: Even if Seiga is dead: Give a target Personality you control a Force bonus equal to the number of Honorable Dead Personalities in your discard pile.
Matsu Yoshino Exp
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Matsu Yoshino Exp (Español)

1,00 €
Lion Clan Champion · Samurai · Tactician · Experienced · Unique · Loyal. After Cavalry Maneuvers, each Lion Clan Personality assigning to the same army as Yoshino gains Force equal to the Personality's Personal Honor. Open: Target a Personality. The target gains Tactician, may perform an additional Tactical action this turn, and may perform his printed...
Tamori Futaba
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Tamori Futaba

0,50 €
Dragon Clan Earth Shugenja. After Futaba enters play, create a blank Ring card in your home. After she leaves play, destroy that Ring.
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