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Bandit's Sanctuary
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Cartas L5R

Bandit's Sanctuary

0,50 €
You may include up to five copies of this card in your deck.After this card enters play, if you have a Clan alignment: Lose 3 Honor.Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are paying for a Ronin.
Seppun Jiramu  - Courtier • Imperial • Samurai • SenseiAfter Jiramu enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities.You
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Cartas L5R

Seppun Jiramu

5,00 €
Courtier • Imperial • Samurai • SenseiAfter Jiramu enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities.Your provinces have +2 strength.You may use the Proclaim action twice per turn.
Two Stings
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Cartas L5R

Two Stings

3,50 €
Battle: Bow your performing Personality or Follower: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: If this card is in your discard pile, bow your performing Personality or Follower: Ranged 4 Attack. Remove this card from the game.
Only A Shadow
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Cartas L5R

Only A Shadow

0,30 €
NinjaLimited: Choose your performing unbowed Ninja Personality: He infiltrates the enemy ranks. Permanently give him the trait "After a Straighten Phase begins: Choose your bowed non-Ninja Personality. Negate his straightening this phase." Give control of him to another player.
Military Promotion
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Cartas L5R

Military Promotion

0,10 €
Open: Choose your performing Tactician and target your Personality: He may assign even if bowed. Give him Elite (Elite cards contribute Force even if bowed).
Debt to the Kaiu
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Cartas L5R

Debt to the Kaiu

0,20 €
Limited: Permanently give each of your Provinces +1 strength.
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion Exp
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3,50 €
Weapon • Experienced • Unique • ChuretsuWill only attach to a Scorpion Clan Personality. This card has +1F for each Scorpion Clan Personality you control. After this card enters play: Choose a player. He loses 2 Honor. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. You may discard a card in the current battlefield’s province. If you discarded...
Yogo Heijin
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Cartas L5R

Yogo Heijin

2,50 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Cursed • Paragon • Yojimbo • LoyalBattle: Target your Courtier and an enemy Personality: Move them to the current battlefield: Straighten the enemy Personality's unit.
Asako Chukage Exp
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Cartas L5R

Asako Chukage Exp

0,50 €
Phoenix Clan • Elemental Master • Water • Monk • Shugenja • Cavalry • Henshin • Experienced • Loyal • UniqueLimited: Bow your target Ring: Draw a card. Battle: Even if Chukage is bowed: If he would be opposed, move him to the current battlefield. If he moved, straighten his unit. If there are now more units there on the enemy side than yours, you may...
Moshi Ino
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Cartas L5R

Moshi Ino

0,50 €
Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • NavalBattle: Ino summons a storm. After the next action not performed by a Thunder Personality resolves this battle, the player who took it chooses to discard a card or bow the performer. You may take an additional Battle action.
Hida Kaiji
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Cartas L5R

Hida Kaiji

0,70 €
Crab Clan • Nonhuman • Mutant • BerserkerBefore the first time each turn another player’s action moves Kaiji: Negate his movement from that action. Battle: Target an enemy card with lower Force: Bow it. Destroy it if it has no attachments.
Sinkhole  - Battle: Destroy any player's Terrain or Region at the current battlefield and target a Personality: His path is bloc
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Cartas L5R


0,70 €
Battle: Destroy any player's Terrain or Region at the current battlefield and target a Personality: His path is blocked. Bow him or move him home.
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