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0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • NavalBattle: Bow Tomiko or one of her spells: Ranged 6 Attack.
0,20 €
CastleBow this card: Produce 3 Gold or 4 Gold if paying for a card with a base Gold Costo of 9 or more
2,50 €
Fortune • UniqueBefore you gain Honor from the Proclaim action, if the Personality's base PH is 3 or lower: Increase the Honor gain by 1. Open: Discard this card and target a Personality: He may not assign to, and will not move into, an attacking army.
0,50 €
Gaijin • WeaponAfter this card enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: Destroy this card: Melee Attack with strength equal to this Personality's Force before you destroyed this card.
0,30 €
ScoutAttaches to Gozu ignoring Gold cost. Battle: Give this battlefield's province -2 strength, or -3 strength if you have Reconnaissance.
0,70 €
Tactical Limited: Choose your performing Tactician: He may not be assigned to attack this turn. Draw a card.
0,70 €
DojoAfter another player loses Honor from your Battle action: He loses 1 Honor. Battle: Even if this card is bowed, target an enemy Personality: Give him –4F. Bow him if he is dishonorable.
1,00 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai: Melee 4 Attack, with +2 strength if you control a Shugenja.
1,00 €
Winter • UniqueShow a card in your hand to another player. You offer it as a gift. He may put it in his hand; if he does, you gain Honor equal to its base Focus Value. If you showed a card and he did not put it in his hand, discard the card and draw 2 cards.
0,10 €
MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Siegue • Soul of Kaiu SeisonReaction: After engaging at Hideaki’s battlefield: Increase its province’s strength by 3 until the battle’s resolution begins.