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First-Hand Account
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First-Hand Account

0,10 €
Reaction: After battle resolution, if you destroyed any enemy units or a province in that resolution: Give each Personality and Follower in your army a +1F Victory token.
Hired Killer FOIL  - Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's total Gold cost plus 2: Target a unit. Lose 3 Honor. Destroy the un
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Hired Killer FOIL

5,00 €
Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's total Gold cost plus 2: Target a unit. Lose 3 Honor. Destroy the unit
Shogun's Advisors (Español)  - Courtier. This Personality has +1 Personal Honor. Political Limited: Bow the Shogun's Advisors: T
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Shogun's Advisors (Español)

2,00 €
Courtier. This Personality has +1 Personal Honor. Political Limited: Bow the Shogun's Advisors: This Personality challenges a target Personality to an unrefusable duel of Personal Honor. The winner gains 3 Honor, and the loser is Dishonored.
Itch'choo  - Ratling · Creature · Grasping Paw Tribe · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of Itch'choo in your deck. While you c
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0,20 €
Ratling · Creature · Grasping Paw Tribe · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of Itch'choo in your deck. While you control 3 or more Grasping Paw Tribe cards, Grasping Paw Tribe cards cost 1 less Gold (minimum 1) and have the ability, "Reaction: Before this card is destroyed: Each player discards the top two cards of his Fate deck."
Kuni Daigo (Español)  - Crab Clan Earth Shugenja. Daigo permanently gains +3F at the end of each turn in which another player pl
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Kuni Daigo (Español)

1,00 €
Crab Clan Earth Shugenja. Daigo permanently gains +3F at the end of each turn in which another player played a Shadowlands card. Reaction: After a Crab Clan Personality you control is targeted with an action, bow Daigo: The action has an additional cost of discarding a card.
Divining Pool (Español)  - Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Turn a face down card in a Province or in play face up
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Divining Pool (Español)

0,50 €
Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Turn a face down card in a Province or in play face up. (This does not target.)
Allegiance to the Shogun  - Political Limited: Discard all Imperial and Emperor cards you control, other than Winds. Until the g
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Allegiance to the Shogun

0,50 €
Political Limited: Discard all Imperial and Emperor cards you control, other than Winds. Until the game ends, you may not play Imperial or Emperor cards and you gain the ability, ?Open: Target and bow a Wind you control: Target a Personality with an attached card or the Gozoku trait. Straighten his unit.?
Silk Works
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Silk Works

0,10 €
Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold.
Force of Will  - Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja, target a Personality, and destroy this card unles
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Force of Will

1,00 €
Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja, target a Personality, and destroy this card unless you control the Personality: Switch his Personal Honor and Chi.
Confusion at Court  - PoliticalReaction: Before an action resolves, if discarding the Imperial Favor is one of its base costs: N
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Confusion at Court

0,20 €
PoliticalReaction: Before an action resolves, if discarding the Imperial Favor is one of its base costs: Negate the action's effects.
Test of Honor
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Test of Honor

5,00 €
Political Limited : Target a Human Personality. Discard the top card of his controller’s Fate deck. If that card’s Focus value is greater than the target’s Personal Honor, Dishonor and destroy the target.
Sneak Attack (Español)  - Reaction: After a Battle Action Segment begins: The Attacker has the first opportunity to take an acti
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Sneak Attack (Español)

3,00 €
Reaction: After a Battle Action Segment begins: The Attacker has the first opportunity to take an action or pass during this battle. Play proceeds in turn order from him after that.
Ambush (Español)  - Limited: Target a unit you control and a unit controlled by another player. Declare an attack against the pl
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Ambush (Español)

2,00 €
Limited: Target a unit you control and a unit controlled by another player. Declare an attack against the player. This attack has one battlefield, not associated with any Province. Assign your unit to attack there. You assign the other unit to defend there, even if illegal. No units other than these may assign or move there. After the attack ends, lose 5...
Large Farm (Español)  - Small Farm. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold
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Large Farm (Español)

0,20 €
Small Farm. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold
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0,10 €
Whenever you reveal a Fortification in this Province, replace it with a face down Dynasty card. Players cannot assign units to attack or defend this Province during the Cavalry Maneuuvers Segment.
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0,10 €
As a Battle actino once per unit per turn, any player may move a unit out of or into this Province to or from one of your Provinces immediately to the left or right of this one.
Small Farm
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Small Farm

0,20 €
Bow the Small Farm to produce 1 Gold.
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0,10 €
Wasp Clan Master Bowman. Samurai Yoritomo's Alliance Raise by 1 the Ranged Attack strength of each of Tsuruchi's Followers with ranged attacks. Tsuruchi's Followers without Ranged attacks each gain the ability "Battle: Bow this Follower for a Ranged 1 Attack." Battle: Bow Tsuruchi for a Ranged 4 Attack.
Narrow Ground
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Narrow Ground

0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: Lower to 2 the Force of each Personality with over 2 Force in this battle.
Blind Honor (Español)  - Immediate Terrain. Battle: Personalities have a Force penalty equal to their Personal Honor while in th
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Blind Honor (Español)

2,00 €
Immediate Terrain. Battle: Personalities have a Force penalty equal to their Personal Honor while in this battle.
Brutal Confrontation  - Battle: All players may take the following actions for the rest of the battle. You may take one such act
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Brutal Confrontation

0,50 €
Battle: All players may take the following actions for the rest of the battle. You may take one such action inmediately if your army has at least two units. "Battle: Bow one of your Personalities for a Ranged 3 Attack." "Battle: Bow one of your Personalities to challenge an opposing Personality to an unrefusable duel of Force or Chi."
Desperate Conscripts (Español)  - Ashigaru Desperate Conscripts costs 3 less Gold if any of your Provinces have been destroyed b
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Desperate Conscripts (Español)

0,10 €
Ashigaru Desperate Conscripts costs 3 less Gold if any of your Provinces have been destroyed by other players this game.
The Wind's Truth
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The Wind's Truth

0,50 €
Kiho Elemental Reaction: Bow any one of your monks or shugenja when honor is being gained or lost. Redirect the honor gain or loss to another player.
Jade Katana  - Weapon Jade Katana has +2F/+2C while opposed, in a battle or duel, by any cards controlled by a player who contro
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Jade Katana

0,10 €
Weapon Jade Katana has +2F/+2C while opposed, in a battle or duel, by any cards controlled by a player who controls any Shadowlands cards.  
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