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Kakita Mai
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Kakita Mai

0,10 €
Crane Clan Courtier . Soul of Kakita Ichiro Mai may lobby for the Imperial Favor even if you have lobbied exactly once already this turn.
Celestial Sword of the Unicorn
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Celestial Sword of the Unicorn

1,00 €
Weapon * Unique If you are a Unicorn Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Unicorn counts as the Ancestral Sword of Unicorn Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Unicorn Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Unicorn gains +1F/+1C for each Unicorn Clan Personality you control.
Celestial Sword of the Crab
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Celestial Sword of the Crab

0,50 €
Weapon * Unique If you are a Crab Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Crab counts as the Ancestral Sword of Crab Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Crab Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Crab gains +1F/+1C for each Crab Clan Personality you control.
Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe
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0,30 €
Weapon * Unique When Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe enters play, it gains a +1F/+1C Pack token for each Ratling Follower you control. Limited: Bow Bone of the Tattered Ear Tribe and remove a Pack token from it to search any player's Fate discard pile for a Follower and put it in your hand, face-up and revealed to all players. Lose 3 Honor.
Tch'tch Warrens
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Tch'tch Warrens (Español)

1,00 €
You begin the game with three Provinces. Your Ratling cards cannot gain Shadowlands and are immune to Fear. Limited: Bow to take a non-Follower Fate card from another player's discard pile and put it in your hand. Keep this card face-up and revealed. The next time this card goes to a discard pile or deck, remove it from the game instead.
Shiro Mirumoto
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Shiro Mirumoto (Español)

1,50 €
Your Dragon Clan Samurai may attach two Weapons. Limited: Once per turn, bow one of your Personalities with more than 3 Chi to draw a card.
Poetry Contest
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Poetry Contest (Español)

0,10 €
Beginning with the player to your left and proceeding in turn order, each player has one chance to bow a Poet or Courtier Personality he controls. The Personality with the single highest Personal Honor, if any, gains 4 Honor. All other players who bowed a Personality gain 1 Honor.
In Time of War
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In Time of War

0,30 €
For the rest of the game, no player's Family Honor may rise over 5 points from what it was when the turn began. This applies only to total Family Honor, and does not modifyi ndividual losses or gains.
Boundless Sight
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Boundless Sight (Español)

4,00 €
Search your Dynasty deck for an Experienced Personality and refill this Province with that card, face-up.
Nezumi Technique
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Nezumi Technique (Español)

0,10 €
Battle: Bow one of your Personalities in the current battle to destroy an opposing Item. If your Personality is a Ratling, straighten him and draw a card.
Yoritomo's Kama
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Yoritomo's Kama

1,00 €
Weapon * Unique Other Weapons in this army gain a +1F/+1C bonus.
Hida Kosho
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Hida Kosho

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Battle: Once per battle, Kosho challenges an opposing attacking Personality to a duel of Force. The challenged Personality may refuse by going home bowed. Bow the loser.
Mirumoto Zenko
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Mirumoto Zenko

0,10 €
Dragon Clan Samurai Zenko may attach two Weapons. Reduce the Focus values of all cards Focused against Zenko in duels by the number of Weapons he had (to a minimum of 0).
Gift of the Water Dragon
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Gift of the Water Dragon

0,10 €
Kiho Elemental Battle: Bow one of your Shugenja or Monks to move one of your Personalities with more than 3 Force from one of the Defender's Provinces to another. Other players' card effects cannot bow cards in that unit or remove that unit from its new Province for the rest of the attack.
Naseru's Strength
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Naseru's Strength

0,50 €
You may play this card only if your Wind is Hantei Naseru Limited: Name a Limited or Open Action card. Reveal the top 8 cards of your Fate deck. If the card you named is revealed, put one copy into your hand. Return the remaining cards to your deck in the original order.
Kyuden Otomo
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Kyuden Otomo (Español)

1,00 €
You may remove a Favor token from your Stronghold to pay the cost of discarding the Imperial Favor. You may lobby to add a Favor token to your Stronghold. Political Open: Once per turn: Name a legal Wind you don't control. Remove from the game a Wind you control. Bring the named Wind into play from outside the game
Iron Hand Strike
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Iron Hand Strike

0,20 €
Center Formation · Formed by a Samurai with an Item and a Samurai with a Follower. Battle: Target and bow a Follower you control at the current battlefield: Target a card opposing it with no unbowed cards attached. Bow the card. Battle: Target and bow an Item you control: Target an Item or Follower at the current battlefield. Destroy it
Shosuro Hisashi
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Shosuro Hisashi

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan Ninja · Scout · Ninjutsu 2. Ranged attacks affecting cards in this unit have ?3 strength. Reaction: Once per turn, after another player targets Hisashi with an action: Create a 4F/3C Scorpion Clan Ninja Samurai Personality at Hisashi's location
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Czinn'tch (Español)

0,50 €
Ratling Brutalizer · Scout · Creature. Recon Limited: Destroy Czinn'tch: Target a Personality you do not control. Lose 5 Honor. Declare an attack against his controller. Create a battlefield not associated with any Province. It is the only battlefield this attack. Assign any number of Ratling Personalities you control to attack there. The target assigns...
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Manithith (Español)

0,30 €
Ratling Shugenja · Creature. Open: Once per turn, target and remove a Personality in any discard pile from the game: Copy an ability from that Personality onto Manithith until the turn ends. The ability may be used once per turn.
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0,20 €
Ratling · Crippled Bone Tribe · Creature · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of O'chin in your deck. While you control 3 or more Crippled Bone Tribe cards, O'chin has +2F/+1C and the ability, ?Battle: Destroy O'chin: Target an opposing card with Force less than or equal to the number of Ratlings in O'chin's army. Destroy it.?
Tsuruchi Masanori
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Tsuruchi Masanori

0,20 €
Mantis Clan Samurai · Gozoku · Naval · Scout. Battle: Bow Masanori: Ranged 3 Attack. Reaction: After a Resolution Segment begins, even if Masanori is bowed: Target a card in his army at the current battlefield that has a Ranged Attack ability. Straighten it
Doji Midoru Exp
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Doji Midoru Exp

0,50 €
Crane Clan Samurai · Experienced · Unique. Battle: If Midoru is at the current battlefield, destroy him and discard 3 cards: Each player targets 5 cards he controls at the current battlefield, or as many as possible if he cannot target enough. Destroy them.
Kaiu Sugimoto Exp
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Kaiu Sugimoto Exp (Español)

3,00 €
Crab Clan Hero · Samurai · Yu 5 · Experienced Keeper of Earth · Unique. Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, even if Sugimoto is bowed, after an action is announced: Add ?Target and bow a Personality you control? to the action's cost
Shadow of the Dark God
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Shadow of the Dark God

0,10 €
Permanently lower the strength of each Province by 1.
Bandit Gang
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Bandit Gang

2,00 €
Lose 2 honor. At the end of the resolution phase of any battle the gang participates in, you must pay 2 gold or they leave you (are discarded from play). This cost is reduced by one (minimum zero) for each Bandit Hideout you have in play.
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0,20 €
Wasp Clan Skirmsiher. Yortitomo's Alliance Battle: Bow Mukami for a Ranged 3 Attack, then remove this unit from the battle and return it to your fief.
Severed from the Emperor
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Severed from the Emperor

2,00 €
Discard the Imperial Favor if you control it. Until the game ends, you may not win an Honor Victory, lobby, or control the Imperial Favor, and you have the ability, “Reaction: Any number of times per turn, after an action with a base cost of discarding the Favor targets one of your cards: Lose 5 Honor. Negate the action’s effects.”
Fresh Horses
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Fresh Horses

0,10 €
Open: Until the end of this turn, any player may, as an Open action, bow one of his Stables and pay 3 gold to straighten any Cavalry card.
Morito Tokei
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Morito Tokei

0,10 €
Unaligned Shugenja. Toturi's Army
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0,10 €
Unaligned Spider Spirit. Creature. Cavalry. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Once per battle, bow an opposing Personality with under 2 Force or an opposing Follower with under 2 Force.
The Monstrous War Machine of Fu'Leng
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The Monstrous War Machine of Fu Leng

0,50 €
Unaligned Shadowlands. Unique. Non-human. Unique Lose 5 Honor. No Items. May not challenge or be challenged. The War Machine has Force = 0 if it has no Followers attached. The War Machine destroys all of its Followers when it bows. Followers add no Force to this Unit.
Kyoso no Oni
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Kyoso no Oni

0,10 €
Oni · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Can not attach Followers or Items. After Kyoso enters play: Destroy one of your Holdings. Battle: Bow Kyoso: Ranged 7 Attack.
Moshi Wakiza
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Moshi Wakiza

0,10 €
Centipede Clan Shugenja. Yoritomo's Alliance. Exp. Unique Battle: Bow to produce a Ranged 2 Attack that can target a Personality with attached Followers. This attack cannot be combined with other Ranged Attacks, but its strength may be increased.
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