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Udo (Español)

0,70 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shu genja • Artisan • Master Chef After Udo enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Maho Reaction: After the resolution of an action that destroyed a Follower or Personality: Create a 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personality at Udo’s location.
Akodo Shunori Exp
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Akodo Shunori Exp (Español)

1,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Unique Battle: Even if Shunori is bowed: Target one or two of your Tacticians. Straighten their units. You may move either or both of them home.
Yoritomo Utemaro Exp2
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Yoritomo Utemaro Exp2

1,00 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • Hero • Imperial • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique • Imperial Treasurer Limited: Give a target Personality a -2 Gold Cost token. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, bow Utemaro unless the cost is on a Fate card: Produce 3 Gold.
Agasha Asai
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Agasha Asai

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate Battle: Target a Personality with equal or lower Chi. If he is a Shugenja, bow or straighten him. If he is Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands, you expose him; you gain 2 Honor and his controller loses 2 Honor.
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0,10 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Monk • Kensai After Torao enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle/Open: Straighten a target Personality with a Weapon.
Lost Traveler Castle
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Lost Traveler Castle

1,00 €
After the first time each turn you choose a Personality to bring into play during your Dynasty Phase: You may pay 2 less Gold for him and, after he enters play, gain Honor equal to his Personal Honor.
Infamous Blade
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Infamous Blade

2,00 €
Weapon • Unique Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target enemy Follower
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0,50 €
Ronin • Actor Open: Give Kyogen a keyword on your target Personality.
Moshi Takako
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Moshi Takako

2,00 €
Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • Naval • Unique Battle: Bow Takako, choose a number from 1 to 10, and pay that much Gold: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the number chosen.
Doji Kato
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Doji Kato

1,00 €
Crane Clan • Courtier • Unique Political Battle: Even if Kato is not at the current battlefield: Move a target bowed Personality home. If you do not control him, gain 2 Honor.
Hiruma Etsuro
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Hiruma Etsuro

2,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Scout • Unique Recon Limited: Give a target province -2 strength.
Barley Farm (Alternate Art)
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Barley Farm (Alternate Art)

1,00 €
Farm Bow this card: Produce 1 Gold. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost: Produce 1 Gold. (This can be used together with bowing this card to produce Gold).
Castle of Water
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Castle of Water

0,20 €
Water Battle: Even if this unit is not at the current battlefield and even if you control no units there, bow this card: Give the current battlefield’s province +3 strength.
Ring of Water
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Ring of Water

0,50 €
Water • Unique After you successfully resolve your fourth or later Battle action from cards with different titles in one battle: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Move your target unit home or to a battlefield with one or more enemy units. If the unit moved, straighten it.
Ring of Air
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Ring of Air

0,30 €
Air • Unique After you successfully resolve your third or later Spell or Kiho action in one turn from cards with different titles: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Straighten a target Personality.
Peaceful Discourse
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Peaceful Discourse

2,00 €
Political Open: Rehonor another player's target dishonorable Personality. Gain Honor equal to his Personal Honor plus one. His unit may not be assigned to attack you this turn.
Outer Walls
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Outer Walls

0,30 €
Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Give its province +3 strength. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it -2 strength.
Shikage no Oni
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Shikage no Oni

1,50 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni After Shikage enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Battle: Destroy your target Personality: Destroy a target enemy unit with lower total Force than your Personality’s Force.
Shosuro Mizuno
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Shosuro Mizuno

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Loyal Political Open: Discard the Imperial Favor: Bow a target Personality.
Bayushi Sakai
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Bayushi Sakai

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Bitter Lies Battle: Bow Sakai or a Weapon attached to him: Bow a target enemy Personality. If he is dishonorable, you may target and destroy one of his attachments.
Matsu Fumiyo
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Matsu Fumiyo

2,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai Fumiyo has +2F while attacking. Fear Battle: Move a target enemy unit with lower total Force than Fumiyo’s unit home. If the targeted unit moved, bow it and gain 1 Honor.
Togashi Shiori
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Togashi Shiori

0,10 €
Dragon Clan • Monk • Tattooed Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi and no attached Items.
Tamori Wotan
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Tamori Wotan

0,10 €
Dragon Clan • Shugenja Battle: If Wotan is opposed: Look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. You may switch one with a card from your hand. You may take an additional Battle action.
Secluded Outpost
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Secluded Outpost

5,00 €
Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold. If you are paying for a Personality, you may attach an attachment to him from your hand after he enters play, paying 4 less Gold.
Iron Mine FOIL
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Iron Mine FOIL

1,00 €
Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
Hida Hachimoto
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Hida Hachimoto

2,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Hero • Unique Hachimoto uses his base Force as his duel stat.
Yogo Kazunori
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Yogo Kazunori

10,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • Hero • Villain • Unique Political Limited: Target a dishonorable Personality. His controller loses 2 Honor. Reaction: Before another player's action destroys Kazunori: Negate the destruction. You may move Kazunori home. If he moved, you may dishonor a Personality.
Belly of Fudo
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Belly of Fudo

2,00 €
Fudo • UniqueBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold if you control any other Fudo cards.Open: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten a target Fudo card that has not produced Gold this turn.
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1,00 €
Nonhuman • KeukegenReaction: Even if this card is bowed, after another player's personality straightens: Straighten this card.
Bayushi Shigeru
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Bayushi Shigeru

3,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Samurai. Political Reaction: After Shigeru enters play: A target player loses 1 Honor.
Malevolent Kappa
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Malevolent Kappa

0,10 €
Nonhuman • Kappa. This card has +2F/+1C while opposing a Samurai.
Temple of Tsukune (Español)
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Temple of Tsukune (Español)

1,00 €
Temple. After a Personality enters play from this province: Bow him. Reaction: After a non-Personality card (including this card) enters play from this province: Refill this province face-up
Certain Death
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Certain Death

0,30 €
Open: Pay Gold equal to the attachment’s Gold Cost minus 3: Destroy another player’s target attachment.
Setting Sun Strike
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Setting Sun Strike (Español)

3,00 €
Heroic. Reaction: After another player’s action targets your Hero Personality during a Combat Segment: Give the Hero +3F. Straighten him before this battle’s resolution.
Hida Manoru
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Hida Manoru

0,20 €
Crab Clan * Samurai * Scout * Jade Legion Recon Open: Target a province. Your Crab Clan Personalities have +1F, and Shadowlands Personalities have -1F, while at that province's battlefield.
Transcendence of Flesh
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Transcendence of Flesh

2,00 €
Maho Limited: Destroy this Spell: Give this Shugenja a +4F/-1C token. Permanently give him Shadowlands and Undead. Lose 3 Honor.
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