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Ordered Retreat (Alternative art) (Español)
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3,00 €
Battle: Move home one or more target Personalities in your army. You may straighten a number of your units up to the number of Personalities you moved home
Perfection FOIL
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Perfection FOIL

0,30 €
Dark Virtue Limited: Target one of your Samurai: Give him a +2F/+1C token.
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K'Chee FOIL (Español)

1,00 €
Ratling Bushi · Creature · Chipped Tooth Tribe · Scout · Naval. Recon Limited: Target a Province. Until the end of the turn, Ratling cards you control gain the Naval trait after they assign to that Province.
The Rolling Tides
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The Rolling Tides

0,20 €
Kiho Water Battle: Bow a target Monk or Shugenja you control at the current battlefield: Target a Personality at another battlefield. Move the Personality to this battlefield. If he was at an adjacent battlefield, bow him and straighten the caster.
Scorpion Detachment
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Scorpion Detachment

0,10 €
Once per turn, after this Follower is destroyed, you may attach it without cost to any other Personality you control. Battle: Target an opposing Dishonored Personality. Give him -3F/-3C.
Ratling Truthseeker
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Ratling Truthseeker

0,10 €
Ratling · Creature · Broken Shinbone Tribe. Ratling Truthseeker costs 1 less if you are a Ratling or Dragon Clan player. If you are a Ratling player, this Personality has the Tactician trait.
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Will (Español)

4,00 €
Dark Virtue Battle: If there are any enemy units at the current battlefield, target a dead Samurai Personality you own: Bring him into play there, paying 2 less Gold and ignoring Honor Requirements.
Treacherous Sands
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Treacherous Sands

0,50 €
Immediate Terrain. Can be played even if a Terrain is already in play. Battle: Destroy any other Terrains in play. You may destroy a Formation. If this action destroyed any cards, this terrain may not be destroyed by card effects.
Rising Tensions
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Rising Tensions

0,20 €
You may not play this action if you have played a Courtier, Duelist or Shadowlands card this game. Open: Bow a Personality. This does not target, and this action may not have its effects negated.
Toku Butaka
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Toku Butaka (Español)

0,20 €
Monkey Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Hero. Open: Copy a boldface trait on a target Personality in any discard pile. Reaction: After an action targets Butaka, give him a -1C Exhaustion token: Negate the effects of the action.
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0,30 €
Ratling Bushi · Creature · Chipped Tooth Tribe · Naval. Open: Pay 2 Gold: Move a target Item in play to Tok-ik. Lose 2 Honor.
Asahina Aoshi
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Asahina Aoshi

0,50 €
Crane Clan Oracle of Air · Shugenja · Unique. Aoshi may cast up to 3 Spells and/or Kihos per turn without bowing.
Partake of the Fire
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Partake of the Fire

0,50 €
Elemental Fire Water Battle: Bow this Spell: Ranged 4 Attack. You may destroy a Terrain, Region, or Formation at this Province. You may move this unit home.
Elemental Arrow
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Elemental Arrow

3,00 €
Kiho Fire Reaction: Before a card in your army produces a Ranged Attack, target a Monk, Shugenja, or Enlightened Personality in your army: The Ranged Attack has +3 Strength. You may produce a second consecutive Ranged Attack with strength equal to the final strength of the first.
Cautious Escort
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Cautious Escort (Idioma Inglés)

0,10 €
Limited: Bow a target Personality you control: Target a Personality controlled by another player. Give him a 1F Cavalry Naval Ashigaru Follower token. While the token is attached to him, gain 3 Honor after the first time each attack his controller assigns or moves him.
Utaku Keyo Exp
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Utaku Keyo Exp

1,50 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai · Battle Maiden · Cavalry · Junghar · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. Reaction: After an attack is declared against you, even if Keyo is bowed: Straighten a number of target units equal to one plus the number of Rings you own in play and in your discard pile.
Iuchi Umeka Exp
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Iuchi Umeka Exp

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan Shugenja · Cavalry · Baraunghar · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. Actions on cards straightened by Umeka's printed abilities may be used one additional time per turn. Open: Bow a Spell or Ring you control: Straighten a target Samurai. Open: Bow a Samurai you control: Straighten a target Ring or Spell.
Komori Junsaku
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Komori Junsaku

0,20 €
Unaligned Bat Clan Shugenja. Junsaku may not use Spells or Kihos during battles. Open: Target an Honorably Dead Personality you own and a Personality you control. Replace the printed Force, Chi, or Personal Honor of your Personality with the same printed stat from the dead Personality.
Shiba Yoshimi Exp
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Shiba Yoshimi Exp

1,00 €
Phoenix Clan Yojimbo · Samurai · Duelist · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. If there is an Earth Shugenja in Yoshimi's army, other players must discard a card as an additional cost to target Shugenja in Yoshimi's army. Elemental Air Reaction: After another player's action targets a Personality in Yoshimi's army, target an Air Shugenja in your army:...
Agasha Miyoshi Exp
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Agasha Miyoshi Exp

1,00 €
Phoenix Clan Fire Shugenja · Cavalry · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. Open: Bow Miyoshi and a Ring you control: Search your discard pile for a Dragon Creature Personality and put it into play, ignoring costs and requirements. Miyoshi can not straighten until the beginning of your next turn. At the end of the turn, remove the Dragon from the game.
Yoritomo Iongi Exp
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Yoritomo Iongi Exp

1,50 €
Mantis Clan Pirate · Naval · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. Battle: Bow a Ring you control, discard a Ring from your hand, or bow Iongi: Target a unit. Your actions may target the Personality in that unit as if he had no attached cards. Battle: Even if Iongi is bowed: Ranged 5 Attack.
Mirumoto Hakahime Exp
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Mirumoto Hakahime Exp

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Samurai · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique. Reaction: Before removing a Personality from the game after a battle ends: Attach that Personality face down to one of your Provinces.
Kyofu Exp2 FOIL (Español)
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Kyofu Exp2 FOIL (Español)

3,00 €
Crab Clan Onisu of Fear · Cavalry · Shadowlands · Nonhuman · Experienced 2 Hida Kuroda · Unique · Lose 4 Honor. Crab Clan Personalities you control have the Cavalry trait. Personalities in Kyofu's army (including Kyofu) have the ability, ?Battle: Fear 5. This affects Personalities as if they were Followers.?
Kokujin's Daisho Exp
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Kokujin's Daisho Exp

0,50 €
Experienced Weapon · Unique. Lose 5 Honor. Limited: Bow this card: Target a Personality. Lose 3 Honor. This Personality issues an unrefusable challenge to the target. Destroy the loser if he is Shadowlands, or permanently give him the Shadowlands trait if he is not
Heroic Feat
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Heroic Feat

0,20 €
Heroic Battle: Target an opposed unit you control. Straighten all attached cards in it. If the Personality is a Hero, straighten him.
Crossroads of Destiny
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Crossroads of Destiny

0,20 €
Singular. Other players' actions may not remove Personalities aligned to your faction from your discard pile. Reaction: If you control a Personality, when paying for a non-Shadowlands Personality with no Faction traits in common with any you control: Reduce the Personality's Gold cost by 2, to a minimum of 1.
Goblin Sapper
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Goblin Sapper

0,50 €
Goblin · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Target another Goblin you control and destroy Goblin Sapper: If Goblin Sapper is in the current battle, target a different one of the Defender's Provinces. Permanently reduce its Strength to 0.
Hitomi Tsubo
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Hitomi Tsubo

0,20 €
Dragon Clan Monk. Limited: Give control of Tsubo to a target player. After the end of the turn, you regain control of Tsubo.
Temple of the Lotus
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Temple of the Lotus (Español)

0,50 €
Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold if you control a Spell and you are paying for a Shugenja. Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold if you control a Shugenja and you are paying for a Spell
Tsuruchi Chae FOIL
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Tsuruchi Chae FOIL

2,00 €
Mantis Clan Scout · Bounty Hunter. Battle: Bow Chae: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: Dishonor Chae: Two consecutive Ranged 4 Attacks
Moshi Sayoko
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Moshi Sayoko

0,30 €
Mantis Clan Air Shugenja · Storm Rider. Reaction: Before an Orochi bows due to battle resolution: Negate the bowing.
Hiruma Hino
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Hiruma Hino

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai · Scout. Recon Open: Bow Hino: Target a Province. Crab Clan Personalities have +2F while at its battlefield. Personalities who are Shadowlands or Dishonored (or both) have -2F while there.
Hida Unkei
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Hida Unkei (Idioma Español)

0,30 €
Crab Clan Berserker. Unkei has +1F for each Personality in play who is Dishonored or Shadowlands (or both).
Favorable Terrain
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Favorable Terrain

0,10 €
Immediate Terrain. Battle: You may perform the ability, ?Reaction: After a Samurai is targeted with an action by a player other than his controller, destroy this card: Target the Samurai. Give him +2F/+1C until the battle ends. If he is now an illegal target for the action, negate its effects on him.?
I Know that Trick FOIL
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I Know that Trick FOIL

10,00 €
Battle: Target a Personality you control at the current battlefield: He produces a number of simultaneous Ranged 1 Attacks up to his Force. Battle: Target and Dishonor a Personality you control at the current battlefield: He produces a Ranged Attack with a strength equal to his Force
Fortress of the Bear
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Fortaleza del OSO (Idioma español)

1,00 €
Battle: Target and bow a Crab Personality you control: Target up to two units opposing him with less combined Force than this unit's Force. Destroy the opposing units. If your Personality is a Berserker, you may discard 1 card as a cost to straighten him.
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