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Hiruma Akio
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Hiruma Akio

0,50 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Gunso • Scout Battle: If this battlefield's province has been targeted by a Recon action: Bow a target enemy card without attachments.
Ikoma Ryudo
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Ikoma Ryudo

0,30 €
Lion Clan • Courtier Political Battle: Even if Ryudo is not at the current battlefield, bow him: Give your target opposed Personality +4F.
Moshi Enju
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Moshi Enju

0,50 €
Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • Naval
Shiba Kosoku
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Shiba Kosoku

2,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo Reaction: When another player's action would target one of your Shugenja at Kosoku's location: It targets Kosoku instead, if legal.
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1,00 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Monk • Kensai • Order of Venom After Momiji enters play: Lose 4 Honor.
Shinjo Ji-tae
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Shinjo Ji-tae

0,20 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander Battle: Move your target Personality home
Tsudo no Oni
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Tsudo no Oni

2,50 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni After Tsudo enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Destroy a target enemy card. That card's owner may target and destroy one of your cards at the current battlefield, other than this card.
Blind Rage
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Blind Rage

0,20 €
Battle: Target your unbowed Berserker: Give him +5F. Lose 2 honor.
Censure of Thunder
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Censure of Thunder

1,00 €
Thunder • Kiho Battle: Target your Shugenja, and bow him unless he is Thunder: Give a target enemy Personality -4F. If he now has 0F, you may take an additional Battle action.
Doomed Undertaking
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Doomed Undertaking

0,50 €
Terrain Battle: Non-Shadowlands Personalities have -2F/-1C while at this battlefield.
Imperial Adjudication
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Imperial Adjudication

7,00 €
Iajutsu • Imperial • Political Open: Target your unbowed Duelist: He challenges another player's target Personality. If that Personality is honorable, his controller looks at the top three cards of his Fate Deck, then may refuse the duel; if he refuses, bow and dishonor the Personality, and discard those cards. Destroy the duel's loser.
Ritual of Binding
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Ritual of Binding

0,30 €
Maho Battle: Move your target opposed Shugenja home and destroy one of his Spells: Draw two cards
Training Maneuvers
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Training Maneuvers

0,10 €
Terrain Battle: If you control a Tactician or Scout Personality at the current battlefield: Your Personalities and Followers have +1F while there.
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1,00 €
Battle/Open: Target five of your non-Shadowlands Personalities, no two of whom share a Clan alignment: Give each of them +4F. Negate their movement home from other players' actions until the turn ends.
Unleashed Fury
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Unleashed Fury

0,50 €
Battle: Bow a target enemy unit. At your next opportunity to take a Battle action in this battle, you must pass
Festival of Drifting Souls
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Festival of Drifting Souls

2,00 €
Festival Until your next turn begins, after the first time each turn a player attaches a card from his hand, draw a card.
Hida Togeriso
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Hida Togeriso

0,20 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Lorekeeper Limited: Show a random card in another player’s hand. Togeriso gains a Force bonus equal to its Focus Value.
Kuni Sagara
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Kuni Sagara

0,10 €
Crab Clan • Shugenja Sagara attaches Maho Spells paying 1 less Gold.
Matsu Misato (Español)
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Matsu Misato (Español)

1,50 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Paragon Battle: Bow Misato: Ranged 3 Attack with +1 strength for every 10 points of Family Honor you have.
Yoritomo Kisho
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Yoritomo Kisho

0,10 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Gunso. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack with +1 strength for each Follower in Kisho’s army.
Bayushi Hirose
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Bayushi Hirose

5,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate. Political Battle: Bow a target dishonorable Personality. His controller loses 2 Honor.
Shosuro Nitsu
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Shosuro Nitsu

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Ninja. Battle: Give one or two target enemy Personalities one -1F Poison token each. You may move Nitsu home
Soshi Mayumi
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Soshi Mayumi

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan • Shugenja
Daigotsu Churo
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Daigotsu Churo

0,20 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Undead • Samurai. After Buroki enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Reaction: After an action targets Churo: Either negate the action’s effects that bow Churo, or negate the action’s effects that move Churo home.
Goju Asagi
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Goju Asagi

0,20 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • Assassin
Moto Xiao
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Moto Xiao

2,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Unique. Followers in Xiao’s army have +1F. Battle/Open: Straighten all Followers in a target uni
Open Shore Market
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Open Shore Market

0,20 €
Market. Battle/Open: Bow this card: Attach a target attachment from your hand to your target Personality.
A Rival Eliminated
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A Rival Eliminated

0,20 €
Battle: Give your target Duelist +2F, and an additional +3F if he is opposed.
Dangerous Reconnaissance
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Dangerous Reconnaissance

6,00 €
Recon Limited: Target your unbowed Scout: Target a province. Draw a card. During your End Phase this turn, draw an additional card if you destroyed the targeted province in battle resolution.
Half-Breath Strike
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Half-Breath Strike

1,50 €
iaijutsu Reaction: After the resolution of another player’s action that targeted your Duelist during a battle, show another Iaijutsu card in your hand: Target an enemy Personality with 3C or lower at the current battlefield. His controller may destroy him. If he is not destroyed, gain 3 Honor.
I Carry Two Blades!
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I Carry Two Blades!

0,20 €
Reaction: After one of your Weapons is destroyed, target a non-Unique Weapon in your hand or discard pile: Attach it to your target Personality, paying 4 less Gold.
Incredible Resilience
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Incredible Resilience

4,00 €
Unique. Reaction: After the resolution of an enemy player’s Battle action that targeted one of your Personalities: The player chooses and bows one of his unbowed Personalities at the current battlefield.
Low Stance
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Low Stance

8,00 €
Focus Effect: Before this duel’s resolution, negate all bonuses to each focused card’s Focus Value. Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai Personality: Target an enemy Personality. After this Combat Segment ends, reduce his Force to 0.
Power Corrupting
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Power Corrupting

2,00 €
Kiho • Maho. Open: Target your unbowed Shugenja and destroy another of your target Personalities: Create a 7F/4C Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni Personality. Lose 3 Honor. Your Shugenja permanently gains Shadowlands.
Imperial Elite Guard
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Imperial Elite Guard

0,20 €
Imperial. Battle: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments.
Ronin Brotherhood
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Ronin Brotherhood

7,00 €
Ronin Battle: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack. Battle: Move this unit home.
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