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Kakita Yuri
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Kakita Yuri

1,00 €
Crane Clan • NegotiatorBattle: Any number of times per turn, if you are the Defender, target an attacking unit, bow Yuri and pay an amount of Gold equal to the target unit's Force: Move it home.
Hida Tsuru
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Hida Tsuru

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • CavalryAttaches Followers paying 2 less Gold.
Hida Tampako
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Hida Tampako

0,50 €
Crab Clan • SamuraiTampako has +2F while defending.
Dragon Helm
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Dragon Helm

0,20 €
DragonBattle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and target a Dragon: Bow it.
The Fury of Osano-Wo
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The Fury of Osano-Wo

0,20 €
Osano-WoAfter you bring this card into play: Place three tokens on it. When this Spell has no tokens: Destroy it.Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja, and destroy a token on this card: Ranged Attack with strength equal to this Shugenja's Chi plus 2
Glimpse of the Unicorn
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Glimpse of the Unicorn

0,50 €
UniqueDraw an additional card during your End Phase this turn.
Traversable Terrain
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Traversable Terrain

0,30 €
TerrainBefore this battle's resolution: Target one of your units at a battlefield and move it to the current battlefield.Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there
Iaijutsu Challenge
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Iaijutsu Challenge

0,50 €
IaijutsuLimited: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target another player's Personality: Your Personality challenges him. He may refuse; if he did, dishonor him and his controller loses 7 Honor. The winner's controller gains 5 Honor. Destroy the duel's loser
Touch the Lands
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Touch the Lands

0,30 €
Kiho Battle: Bow a Shugenja or Monk you control at this battle when a Terrain is in play for the battle. The Terrain is destroyed, and you can immediately put a Terrain card into play from your hand.
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0,10 €
Reaction: If this card is a Follower, before this Personality is destroyed: This card permanently becomes a 1F/1C Bushi Personality with 1 Personal Honor aligned with your Faction, and is no longer a Follower. It keeps its current location. Move all cards from the original Personality to this card that this card can legally attach.
Ninja Saboteur
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Ninja Saboteur

1,50 €
Ninja Will only attach to a Ninja Personality. Battle: Bow the Saboteur to reduce this Province's Strength to its printed Province Strength.
Kolat Geisha
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Kolat Geisha

0,20 €
This follower may be attached to any player's Personality. Any honor gain that this Follower's Personality is involved in is redirected to the player that brought this card into play.
Utaku Meadows
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Utaku Meadows

0,10 €
Plains · Singular. Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Create a 1F Cavalry Follower and attach it to one of your target Personalities.
Holy Home Village
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Holy Home Village

0,10 €
This Province has a Strength bonus equal to the number of monks you have in play.
Cleansing Bell
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Cleansing Bell

0,10 €
Limited: Bow the Bell. Until the end of the turn, all players play with their Fate Hand face up on the table, and may inspect each others' hands at will. Destroy the Bell.
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0,10 €
Fortification All ranged attacks produced by cards in the attacking army have their strengths reduced by 1, and all ranged attacks produced by cards in the defending army have their strengths increased by 1.
Shinjo Tsuburo Exp
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Shinjo Tsuburo Exp

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Experienced Unique Reaction: Cancel a Ranged Attack that is targeting Tsuburo. Tsuburo may perform this action while bowed.
Moto Amadare
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Moto Amadare

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan Samurai. Cavalry Amadare has +1F and +1C at all times for each Bloodsword, Bloodspeaker, and Iucihiban card controlled by your opponents.
Iuchi Karasu Exp2
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Iuchi Karasu Exp2

1,50 €
Unicorn Clan Doomseeker. Shugenja. Experienced 2. Unique Open: Once per turn, target a Personality in play. That Personality may not assign or move into a battle this turn.
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0,30 €
Unaligned Samurai. Toturi's Army Tohaku will not join the Lion Clan. Battle: Once per turn, Tohaku gains a 2F/2C bonus if there are one or more Lion Personalities in the opposing army.
Takuan Exp
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Takuan Exp

2,00 €
Toturi's Army Imperial Regent. Experienced Samurai. Tactician. Unique All other Toturi's Army Personalities in his army have a 1F/1C bonus. Battle: Once per turn, move any number of your unbowed Toturi's Army Personalities into this battle from your fief.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Samurai. Toturi's Army Hasame will not attach nonhuman followers.
Matsu Toki
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Matsu Toki

1,00 €
Unaligned Samurai. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Toki's Honor requirement is waived if he is being brought into play by a Junzo's Army or Shadowlands Horde player.
Aramoro Exp
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Aramoro Exp

1,00 €
Scorpion clan Samurai. Ninja. Unique. Experienced Bayushi Aramoro Your opponents may not target Aramoro with actions while Aramoro is not part of an army.
Isawa Taeruko
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Isawa Taeruko

0,10 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Master of Earth Elemental Open: Bow Taeruko and target one of your Provinces. Retrieve any one non-Unique Fortification from your Dynasty deck and attach it to the target province, paying all costs. The Gold cost of the Fortification is reduced by Taeruko's Chi.
Isawa Hochiu
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Isawa Hochiu

1,50 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Novice of Fire Elemental Battle: Challenge an opposing Personality to a duel that cannot be refused. Hochiu can focus once before the duel begins. The loser of the duel is bowed, not destroyed. This can be done once per battle
Asako Hosigeru
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Asako Hosigeru

0,50 €
Phoenix Clan Novice of Water. Shugenja Battle: Bow and destroy Hosigeru to produce Ranged 1 Attacks targeting every opposing Personality and Follower in this battle, including Personalities with attached Followers. The strength of these Ranged Attacks cannot be increased.
Agasha Kusabi
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Agasha Kusabi

0,50 €
Phoenix CLan Spiritwalker. Shugenja. Tattooed Kusabi will not join the Dragon Clan.
Shahadet Exp2
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Shahadet Exp2

1,00 €
Naga Samurai. Experienced 2 Naga Warlord Unique All Naga Followers in this unit have a 1F bonus. Reaction: Cancel the effects of any one action that is moving an opposing unit out of the Province that Shahadet is in. This does not bow Shahadet, but can only be performed once per turn.
Yoritomo Hogosha
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Yoritomo Hogosha

1,00 €
Mantis Clan Advisor While Hogosha is in play, Personalities you are bringing into play that are not from your clan have their gold cost reduced by one if you are a Yoritomo's Allience player.
Kakita Yoshi Exp2
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Kakita Yoshi Exp2

1,00 €
Crane Clan Imperial Advisor. Experienced 2. Unique Political Reaction: When one of your Provinces has just been destroyed, put the Dynasty card that is in that Province on the top of your Dynasty Deck instead of your discard pile.
Hiruma Osuno Exp
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Hiruma Osuno Exp

1,00 €
Crab Clan Samurai. Oracle of Earth. Experienced. Unique Elemental Battle: Destroy a Terrain at this battle. You can perform this action twice per battle. Elemental Battle: Bow Osuno to get any one Terrain from your Fate deck and put it into play. You can perform this action once per battle.
Hida Yasamura Exp2
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Hida Yasamura Exp2

1,00 €
Crab Clan Samurai. Unique. Cavalry. Tactician. Experienced 2 Shinjo Yasamura May not assign or move into a battle against a Crab or Unicorn Defender. Will join Unicorn for 2 less gold. Battle: All Personalities and Followers in infantry units in Yasamura's army gain a +1 Force. This is considered Yasamura's use of Tactician for this battle.
Hida Rohiteki
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Hida Rohiteki

0,10 €
Crab Clan Shugenja
The Jade Throne
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The Jade Throne

1,00 €
Unique Can't be attached to a Shadowlands Personality. While this card is in play, your Family Honor is increased by 15 while any player is lobbying for the Imperial Favor. Any player may destroy this card as a limited action by bowing Personalities with a combined Personal Honor greater than 10. The Jade Throne may not be destroyed or stolen with a card...
Poison Dartgun
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Poison Dartgun

0,30 €
Ninja You can only attach the Poison Dartgun to a Ninja. Battle: Once per battle, make a Ranged 2 attack that can target a Personality with attached Followers, without bowing.
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