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Jama Suru Exp FOIL
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Jama Suru Exp FOIL (Español)

0,70 €
Bloodspeaker * Shugenja * Experienced Unique * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor. Spell effects created by Suru are Maho. Reaction: Immediately before you play a Kiho, destroy one of Suru's Human Followers to straighten Suru, then bow him to cast the Kiho.
Goblin Wizard
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Goblin Wizard (Español)

0,10 €
Goblin Shugenja * Nonhuman * Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor.
Shosuro Toson Exp
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Shosuro Toson Exp

0,30 €
Scorpion Clan Courtier * Ninja Experienced * Unique Soul of Aramoro Experienced Other players cannot target Toson with actions while Toson is not in an army. 
Shosuro Toson
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Shosuro Toson

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Samurai * Ninja Soul of Bayushi Aramoro Limited: Bow Toson to discard a Dynasty card from a Province. (This does not refer to cards attached to a Province. Empty Provinces are refilled immediately.) 
Yogo Soto
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Yogo Soto

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Shugenja Soul of Yogo Shidachi Battle: Once per turn, switch the locations of two of your unbowed Personalities. 
Bayushi Tsimaru
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Bayushi Tsimaru

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan Bushi . Unique Soul of Abresax Experienced Political actions cannot target Tsimaru. Tsimaru cannot perform Political actions. Followers gain +1F while attached to Tsimaru.
Water Dragon
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Water Dragon

3,00 €
Unaligned Creature * Shugenja * Cavalry * Unique Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, during the Events Phase, the Water Dragon copies one innate ability from another card in play. 
Void Dragon
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Void Dragon

4,00 €
Unaligned Creature * Shugenja * Cavalry * Unique Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Reaction: After an attacking army including Void Dragon destroys a Province, force the Defender to discard all cards from his Fate hand.  
Thunder Dragon
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Thunder Dragon

2,00 €
Unaligned Creature * Shugenja * Cavalry * Unique Cannot attach Followers or Items. Battle: Once per battle, bow an opposing Personality. 
The Mad Ronin FOIL
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The Mad Ronin FOIL

0,70 €
Unaligned Ronin * Samurai * Unique Soul of Shotai Battle: Once per battle, The Mad Ronin gains a Force bonus equal to the number of opposing units. Destroy The Mad Ronin after the end of the battle. 
The Mad Ronin
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The Mad Ronin

0,50 €
Unaligned Ronin * Samurai * Unique Soul of Shotai Battle: Once per battle, The Mad Ronin gains a Force bonus equal to the number of opposing units. Destroy The Mad Ronin after the end of the battle. 
Fire Dragon
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Fire Dragon

4,00 €
Unaligned Creature * Shugenja * Cavalry * Unique Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Battle: Bow Fire Dragon for two consecutive Ranged 5 Attacks. (Consecutive ranged attacks are targeted and resolved one at a time.) Elemental Battle: Bow Fire Dragon for a Ranged 10 Attack. 
Earth Dragon
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Earth Dragon

3,00 €
Unaligned Creature * Shugenja * Cavalry * Unique Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Battle: Once per turn, Earth Dragon gains +5F if it is defending. 
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0,50 €
Unaligned * Double Chi * Tactician * Unique Chiang-Tsu will not swear fealty. Limited: Bow Chiang-Tsu and one of your Human Personalities as costs. When that Personality next straightens, permanently give him either Double Chi or Tactician. Chiang-Tsu cannot straighten until after your next Straighten Phase. This action may target each Personality once...
Shiba Ningen Exp
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Shiba Ningen Exp

0,50 €
Phoenix Clan Master of the Void * Shugenja Experienced * Unique Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, after you draw a Fate card, discard that card to draw a Fate card. 
Isawa Washichi Exp2
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Isawa Washichi Exp2

1,00 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja * Double Chi Unique * Soul of Naka Kuro Experienced 2 Limited: Once per turn, search your Fate deck for a Spell or Kiho. Show it to the other players. Add it to your hand. Discard a card from your hand.
Agasha Seruma
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Agasha Seruma

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Acolyte of the Void. Soul of Shiba Ningen Reaction: When Seruma enters play from a Province, refill her Province face-up. 
Agasha Chieh
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Agasha Chieh

0,10 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Magistrate Chieh is also considered a member of every family that has members in your Faction.
Te'tik'kir Exp
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Te'tik'kir Exp

0,50 €
Mantis Clan Master Bowman * Samurai * Experienced Unique * Soul of Tsuruchi Experienced Followers attached to Hiro that can produce ranged attacks have +2 ranged attack strength. Battle: Twice per turn, make a Ranged 2 Attack without bowing. Battle: Bow Hiro for a Ranged 5 Attack. 
Ratling Scavenger
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Ratling Scavenger

0,10 €
Ratling * Creature Items being attached to Ratling Scavenger cost 2 less Gold, to a minimum of 1. 
Yoritomo Kumiko Exp
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Yoritomo Kumiko Exp

3,00 €
Mantis Clan Champion * Daughter of Storms Samurai * Double Chi * Naval * Experienced Unique * Will only join a Mantis Clan player. Kumiko may attach two Weapons. Weapons gain +1F/+2C while attached to Kumiko. Followers gain +1F and Naval while attached to Kumiko. Other Mantis Clan Personalities gain +2F while in an army with Kumiko. 
Yoritomo Kajiko
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Yoritomo Kajiko

0,10 €
Mantis Clan Veteran * Samurai * Naval Soul of Yoritomo Yukue Reaction: When paying a Gold cost to gain an additional Province, bow Kajiko to lower that Gold cost to zero. 
Matsu Mabuchi
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Matsu Mabuchi

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai * Soul of Matsu Turi Mabuchi will not lobby. Imperial Favor effects cannot target this unit. 
Matsu Kenji
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Matsu Kenji

0,50 €
Lion Clan Samurai * Taisa * Tactician * Unique Units in Kenji's army led by Matsu Personalities (including this unit) are immune to Fear. 
Togashi Teijo
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Togashi Teijo

0,10 €
Dragon Clan Monk * Acolyte of the Void Soul of Koichi Elemental Limited: Bow Teijo to discard a card from your hand or from one of your Provinces. Elemental Limited: If you have a Ring of the Void in play, bow Teijo to draw a card.
Tamori Shaitung Exp
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Tamori Shaitung Exp

0,50 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja * Tamori Family Daimyo Experienced * Unique Elemental Reaction: Bow Shaitung to cancel an Elemental action targeting you, your Stronghold, or a card or token you own. Open: Bow Shaitung to bow a Shugenja. 
Kakita Masazumi
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Kakita Masazumi

0,10 €
Crane Clan Hero . Samurai . Soul of Kakita Kaiten Reaction: When Masazumi enters a duel, he gains a Chi bonus equal to his Personal Honor until the end of the duel.
Kakita Mai Exp FOIL
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Kakita Mai Exp FOIL (Español)

0,70 €
Crane Clan Courtier . Experienced . Unique Soul of Kakita Ichiro Experienced Political Limited: Target one of your Personalities and another player's Personality. Discard the Imperial Favor to have your Personality issue a challenge to the other Personality. The other Personality may refuse the challenge by losing 4 Family Honor. This loss cannot be...
Doji Nagori
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Doji Nagori

0,20 €
Crane Clan Storyteller * Courtier Soul of Doji Shizue Political Reaction: When another player gains or loses Honor, bow Nagori to increase that gain or loss by 1. Gain 1 Honor.
Kuni Tansho
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Kuni Tansho

0,10 €
Crab Clan Shugenja * Soul of Kuni Yori Battle: Bow Tansho and discard a Fate card to force an opposing player to discard a random card from his hand.
Hida Reiha Exp FOIL
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Hida Reiha Exp FOIL (Español)

1,00 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Experienced * Unique Followers gain Yu +2 while attached to Reiha. 
Hida Reiha Exp
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Hida Reiha Exp

0,50 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 5 Experienced * Unique Followers gain Yu +2 while attached to Reiha.
Ruby of Iuchiban
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Ruby of Iuchiban (Español)

1,00 €
Unique Limited: Bow Ruby of Iuchiban, which may remain bowed, and this Personality to target a Personality. Bow the target. While the Ruby remains bowed and in play, the target cannot straighten and his controller may, as a Limited action, destroy the Ruby by discarding a Fate card whose Focus value plus the target's Personal Honor is greater than or...
Celestial Sword of the Lion
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1,00 €
Weapon * Unique If you are a Lion Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Lion counts as the Ancestral Sword of Lion Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Lion Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Lion gains +1F/+1C for each Lion Clan Personality you control.
Armor of Earth FOIL
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Armor of Earth FOIL

0,50 €
Unique While you have a Ring of Earth in play, Armor of Earth gains a +2F/+1C bonus and has a printed Gold cost of 0. Elemental Reaction: Cancel an action moving this unit out of a battle it assigned to during this attack. 
Palm Strike FOIL
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Palm Strike FOIL

2,00 €
Kiho Battle: Target one of your unbowed Monk Personalities with no Weapons to bow an opposing Personality with no Weapons. 
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