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Remorseful Seppuku
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Remorseful Seppuku

0,10 €
Limited: Make a Dishonored Samurai commit seppuku.
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0,10 €
Limited: Give a Personality +1F/+2C.
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0,10 €
Reaction: Play when a unit is being moved out of this battle as the effect of an action. Bow one of your units in the battle to cancel the action and negate all effects of the action that is causing the move.
Bo Stick
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Bo Stick

0,10 €
Weapon May only be attached to a Monk. When this Personality is in a duel, you may play some or all of your Focus cards face up. When you focus a card face-up, your opponent's next focus card must be played face up and may not have a higher focus value than the card you have just focused with.
Light Cavalry
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Light Cavalry

0,10 €
Plague Infested Region
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Plague Infested Region

0,10 €
Corrupted Region Personalities entering play from this Province are immune to the effects of Plague tokens. All Personalities in this Province at the end of the Battle Action Segment of a battle must attach a -1C Plague token.
Fortified Coast
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Fortified Coast

0,10 €
Coastal Region Other players' holdings do not get increased gold production from any of your holdings while this card is in play.
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8,00 €
Unaligned Shadowlands Undead General. Nonhuman Lose 5 Honor. All Shadowlands Followers in Tsukuro's army have a 1F bonus.
Togashi Kokujin
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Togashi Kokujin

2,00 €
If Kokujin defeat an opponent in a duel involving Chi. Kokujin consumed his spirit. You take control of this personality until the end of the game. The Personality is placed in your fief, bowed, with all Followers destroyed. His Chi is permanently reduced by one and his Personal Honor to zero. The personality Gains the trait Shadowlands permanently
Oni no Seiryoku
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Oni no Seiryoku

0,10 €
Unaligned Shadowlands. Nonhuman No Items or Followers. Lose 5 Honor. Reaction: Give this Oni a 1F/1C Energy token whenever a spell or innate ability is used by a Shugenja controlled by another player that targets you or your cards during an Action Phase, or is used by an opposing Shugenja in a battle.
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0,50 €
Unaligned Shadowlands Enforcer. Double Chi. Nonhuman Lose 4 Honor. Kyojin is dishonored if he is bowed when Junzo is challenged, and is destroyed if Junzo is ever destroyed. Reaction: Bow to replace Junzo with Kyojin in a duel when it is accepted.
Kasuga Kyoji
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Kasuga Kyoji

0,30 €
Unaligned Ancient Librarian Cannot be targeted with Feign Death. Limited: Bow and pay 5 gold to draw a Fate card. Limited: Bow and destroy the Librarian to draw five Fate cards.
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1,00 €
Unaligned Samurai. Double Chi. Unique Toturi's Army Lose 5 Honor Toturi enters play dishonored. Will not join Crab, Phoenix, or Scorpion Clan. Reaction: The first time Toturi is restored to honorable status, you gain 5 Honor, and Toturi gains a 2F/3C bonus permanently.
Yogo Ichiba
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Yogo Ichiba

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan Merchant Open: Bow and target any face up Dynasty card that is not in play. The gold cost of that card is permanently raised or lowered by two.
Shashakar Exp
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Shashakar Exp

1,00 €
Experienced Naga Shugenja. Unique Reaction: Bow Shashakar when an action is performed that lowers the Chi of any Naga card in play. The action is cancelled and its effects are negated. This does not prevent Chi loss due to tokens.
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2,00 €
Unaligned Monk. Unique Reaction: Bow as you are putting Ring into play.Go through your fate deck and remove any one Elemental Ring. Show the Ring to your opponents, then put it in your fate hand. Reshuffle your Fate deck.
Akodo Kage Exp
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Akodo Kage Exp

3,00 €
Lion Clan Kolat Master. Experienced. Unique Open: Bow Kage to take control of any Personality with more sensei tokens than their Personal Honor. This action may not be performed during a battle. The controlled Personality may not attack his original controller, and is returned to his original controller at the beginning of his next turn or when Kage...
Agasha Koishi
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Agasha Koishi

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja Open: Bow to reduce the Province Strength of one of your Provinces by three until the end of your next turn. This reduction must target a Province at which a battle has not been resolved this turn and cannot target a Province with a strength less than three. Increase the Province strength of one of your other Provinces by three until...
Yoshi Sensei
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Yoshi Sensei

2,00 €
All clans. Sensei When a player pays full Gold cost for a Personality of his or her Clan, the player cannot gain over 1 Honor, regardless of the Personality's Personal Honor. Your card effects do not cause Honor losses for other players.
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0,10 €
Shadowlands Lose 3 honor. Battle: Ranged 1 attack. This does not bow Obake. The Ranged attack strength cannot be changed, and the ranged attack cannot be combined with others.
The Ikoma Histories
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The Ikoma Histories

0,10 €
Unique While the Ikoma Histories are in play, each player loses 2 Honor whenever one of his or her Events resolves.
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0,20 €
Unaligned Stealer of Dreams. Spirit. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Shiyokai cannot attach Followers or Items. Battle: Bow Shiyokai. Target an opposing Personality. The Personality permanently has -1 Chi.
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0,50 €
Spider Clan · Monk · Shadowlands. Lose 3 Honor. Open: Bow Roshungi: A target Ring loses all abilities (until this turn ends).
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0,10 €
Unaligned Monk When Botsumoku enters play, target another player. Whenever the player resolves an Event, Botsumoku permanently gains +1F/+1C.
Asahina Tsukiyoka
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Asahina Tsukiyoka

0,10 €
Crane Clan Sculptor. Shugenja Limited: Bow Tsukiyoka. Place a 1C Nemuranai token on a Personality without a Nemuranai token.
Toturi's Treatise
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Toturi's Treatise

0,10 €
Reaction: During battle resolution, if your army's Force total equals the opposing army's, bow Toturi's Treatise. Your army wins the battle by 1F.
Shakoki Dogu
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Shakoki Dogu

0,50 €
Battle: Destroy Shakoki Dogu. Discard the top card of your Fate deck. This Personality gains Force equal to the discard's Focus value.
River around the Hill
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River around the Hill

0,20 €
Kiho Limited: Bow one of your monks or shugenja. Get a number of cards from your fate deck up to the chi of the caster and discard them. Reshuffle the deck.
Yokai no Junzo
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Yokai no Junzo

1,00 €
Shadowlands Ancestor. Unique Only a Human Personality with the Shadowlands trait can attach Yokai no Junzo. Lose 3 Honor. Fear effects created by Yokai no Junzo's Personality affect Personalities as well as Followers.
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0,10 €
Ninja Reaction: When a personality takes a political action, the personality has -2 Chi until the turn ends. Lose 2 Honor.
Parade Ground Practice
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Parade Ground Practice

0,10 €
Reaction: When you take a Battle action that targets exactly one Personality, the Personality permanently gains +1C.
Costly Alliance
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Costly Alliance

0,10 €
Political Reaction: When you acept an invitation to ally, play this card. If one of your units is in an army when the army destroys a province or opposing army during this attack phase, permanently take control of a holding controlled by the player with whom you allied. Only one copy of this card can be played per turn.
Usagi Masashi (Signed by Chris Seaman)
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Usagi Masashi (Signed by Chris Seaman)

0,70 €
Hare Clan Samurai Masashi may not assign to an army unless at least one other unit assigns with him or is already assigned there. Masashi permanently gains +1/+1 after each time he is at a battle during that battle's resolution.
Obsidian Magistrate
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Obsidian Magistrate

0,30 €
Cavalry. Magistrate. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor.
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0,30 €
Unique The base strength of this Province is 8. Immediately before each battle at this Province resolves, the Attacker and then the Defender must send one unit in his or her army home without bowing if there is more than one unit in that army.
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0,10 €
Reaction: Bow Musha before this Personality bows from an effect of another player's action to negate the bowing.
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