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Celestial Sword of the Dragon FOIL
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6,00 €
Weapon. Unique If you are a Dragon Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Dragon counts as the Ancestral Sword of Dragon Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Dragon Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Dragon gains +1F/+1C for each Dragon Clan Personality you control.
The Council Reforms
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The Council Reforms

0,50 €
For the rest of the game, each Unique Shugenja Personality gains the ability "Limited: Once per turn, discard a card from your hand to bow a Samurai with Force less than the card's Focus value."
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5,00 €
Unaligned Ronin Lose 1 Honor. Kuso will not swear fealty.
Taking Credit FOIL
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Taking Credit FOIL

0,50 €
Reaction: Play after an opponent reveals an Event but before it resolves. Discard a card from your leftmost Province. That Event resolves as though it was revealed in your leftmost Province. If discarded or reshuffled, the Event still goes into the opponent's discard pile or deck.
Defend your Honor (Borde dorado)
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Defend your Honor (Borde dorado)

0,50 €
Reaction: Play when another player's action is causing you a loss of family honor. The honor loss is cancelled. You may step forward one of your unbowed samurai who challenges the other player's honor. This player may accept the challenge with any of his unbowed Personalities. If the challenge is refused or lost, the other player loses family honor equal...
Iuchi Dayu
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Iuchi Dayu

5,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Shugenja • CavalryRanged Attacks may not target cards in this unit.
Skeletal Troops
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Skeletal Troops

0,10 €
Undead · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 2 Honor. Battle: Fear 3.
Kenku Teacher
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Kenku Teacher

0,10 €
Creature Open: Bow to give this Personality a 1F bonus. Open: Bow to give this Personality a 1C bonus. Open: Bow to raise the Personal Honor of this Personality by one.
River Delta
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River Delta

0,10 €
Limited: Once per turn, you may pay 3 gold to attach a 1F Nonhuman Naga Follower to one of your Naga Personalities.
Plains Above Evil
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Plains Above Evil

0,10 €
Singular All Human and Naga Personalities entering play from this Province gain +1F/+1C permanently.
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0,10 €
Heavily Traveled Region Any holding in this Province has its gold cost reduced by three.
Unscalable Walls
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Unscalable Walls

0,10 €
Fortification This Province gains +4 Strength while Unscalable Walls are attached.
Retired General
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Retired General

0,10 €
Retainer Open: Bow to provide a 2F bonus to any Personality until the end of the turn.
Oracle of the Void
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Oracle of the Void

0,50 €
Retainer. Unique Elemental Limited: Bow Oracle of the Void and pay 1 Gold to either draw a card or discard a card from your hand. Show the card to the other players. Elemental Reaction: At any time during your End Phase, if you have fewer than five cards in your hand, bow the Oracle of the Void to draw cards until you have five in your hand. Lose 2 Honor...
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0,10 €
Market Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crane Clan player.
Hawks and Falcons
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Hawks and Falcons

0,10 €
Limited: Bow Hawks and Falcons to gain 1 Honor.
Corrupted Silver Mine
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Corrupted Silver Mine

0,10 €
Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Bow the Corrupted Silver Mine to produce 2 Gold. If you are a Phoenix Clan player, bow the Corrupted Silver Mine to produce 3 Gold. Either way, lose 1 Honor.
Shinjo Sanetama
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Shinjo Sanetama

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan Master of the Hunt. Cavalry? Reaction: Bow Shinjo Sanetama when an Infantry unit is moving into or out of a battle he is in. The move is cancelled if all the units in Sanetama's army are Cavalry.
Otaku Kamoko
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Otaku Kamoko

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan Battle Maiden. Cavalry Samurai Followers attaching to Kamoko must be Cavalry. Kamoko gains +1F while attacking.
Oni no Akuma
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Oni no Akuma

3,00 €
Unaligned Oni Overlord. Shadowlands. Nonhuman. Experienced. Unique. When Akuma enters play it destroys the province from which it enters play. Lose 5 Honor. You must destroy a Follower you control in order to assign or move Akuma into a battle.
Kappuksu Exp
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Kappuksu Exp

0,30 €
Unaligned Goblin Warmonger. Experienced. Unique. Shadowlands. Nonhuman Kappuksu cannot be destroyed if he has any goblin Followers. The Followers are destroyed instead, and Kappuksu is returned to your fief, bowed. Battle: Replace one of your units in this battle with Kappuksu's unit, if Kappuksu is not assigned to a battle.
Bayushi Aramoro
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Bayushi Aramoro

0,30 €
Scorpion Clan Samurai. Ninja Limited: Bow Bayushi Aromaro. Force the discard of a Dynasty card from any one Province in play. Reaction: Bow Bayushi Aramoro. Replace Bayushi Kachiko in a duel after it is accepted but before either Personality focuses or strikes.
Naga Shugenja
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Naga Shugenja

0,10 €
Shugenja. Nonhuman Open: Bow the Naga Shugenja. Each Naga card in play gains +1F until the turn ends.
Shiba Tsukune Exp
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Shiba Tsukune Exp

2,50 €
Phoenix Clan Champion. Samurai. Unique Experienced Shiba Tsukune will only join ahoenix player. Shiba Tsukune has a 1F/2C bonus while allying or in any army with allies.
Shiba Tsukune
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Shiba Tsukune

0,10 €
Phoenix Clan Champion Samurai Reaction: When Tsukune enters a duel with Shugenja, she gains +3C.
Ninja Shapeshifter
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Ninja Shapeshifter

0,30 €
Unaligned Ninja. Inexperienced. Unique Limited: Bow to challenge any Personality in play to a duel that cannot be refused. If the Shapeshifter wins the duel, he may permanently change his Force or Chi to that of the target, or may permanently gain one of the target's abilities. The Shapeshifter loses this change if it performs this action again. If the...
Isha Exp
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Isha Exp

0,10 €
Naga Hunter. Experienced. Unique. Tactician Reaction: Before the Defender performs his first battle action, you may play a terrain card for this battle. Reaction: If Qamar is about to be destroyed, all cards and tokens attached to Qamar are attached to Isha. Until the end of the game, Isha is considered to be Qamar.
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0,20 €
Wasp Clan Skirmsiher. Yortitomo's Alliance Battle: Bow Mukami for a Ranged 3 Attack, then remove this unit from the battle and return it to your fief.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Monk All Meditation cards or meditating at a shrine, provides an additional 1F/2C bonus to Komaro for the same duration as the meditation bonus.
Ikoma Kaoku
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Ikoma Kaoku

0,20 €
Lion Clan Historian Reaction: Bow after a battle (as an Attacker, Defender, or ally) in which your side destroyed the opposing army or a Province. Each of your Personalities in this army gains +1F/+1C permanently.
Mitsu Exp
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Mitsu Exp

2,00 €
Tattooed Man. Monk. Experienced. Unique. Toturi's Army Open: Gain up to five fire tokens on Mitsu. Mitsu may not have more than five fire tokens. Battle: Bow Mitsu and destroy one or more fire tokens on Mitsu to produce a Ranged Attack equal to the number of fire tokens destroyed. Mitsu may not add more fire tokens this turn.
Togashi Hoshi
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Togashi Hoshi

2,00 €
Dragon Clan Champion. Dragon. Creature. Cavalry. Double Chi. Experienced 2. Unique Hoshi wil only join a Dragon or Monk player. Hoshi can attach Dragon items without Gold cost. Once per turn, Hoshi may cast a kiho as if he were a Monk, without bowing. Limited: Bow Hoshi. All of your Hoshi Personalities in your provinces, in your dynasty deck, and in play...
Hitomi Kokujin
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Hitomi Kokujin

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Tattooed Man. Shadowlands. Experienced. Unique. Double Chi Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Destroy one of your Personalities to issue an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality. Once per turn. Limited: Destroy one of your personalities to issue an unrefusable duel to any personality with a Chi lower to the person you destroyed. Once per turn.
Agasha Tamori
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Agasha Tamori

0,10 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja Has a 3C bonus when bringing spells into play and when bowing to use spells.
Doji Shizue
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Doji Shizue

0,20 €
Crane Clan Storyteller Political Reaction: Bow Shizue when another player is gaining or losing honour. The honour gain or loss is increased by one point. You gain one honour.
Daidoji Uji
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Daidoji Uji

0,30 €
Crane Clan Samurai
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