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Kyoso no Oni
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Kyoso no Oni

0,30 €
Oni *JNonhuman * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor. Destroy one of your Holdings after Kyoso no Oni enters play. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Battle: Bow Kyoso no Oni for a Ranged 7 Attack. 
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0,10 €
Elemental Terror * Void Oni * Nonhuman Shadowlands * Lose 4 Honor. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Open: Discard a card from your hand to give Kukanchi +1F. Elemental Open: Discard a card from your hand to give Kukanchi +1C. 
Jama Suru Exp
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Jama Suru Exp

0,50 €
Bloodspeaker * Shugenja * Experienced Unique * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor. Spell effects created by Suru are Maho. Reaction: Immediately before you play a Kiho, destroy one of Suru's Human Followers to straighten Suru, then bow him to cast the Kiho. 
Gekido no Oni
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Gekido no Oni

0,20 €
Oni * Nonhuman * Shadowlands * Lose 3 Honor. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Open: Once per turn, Gekido no Oni gains +2F/+3C until the end of the phase. At the end of this phase the bonus is lost and Gekido no Oni loses -2F/-2C until the end of your next turn. 
Fushiki no Oni
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Fushiki no Oni

0,10 €
Fire Oni * Nonhuman * Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. Elemental Battle: Once per battle, destroy a Fortification at this Province with a Gold cost less than Fushiki no Oni's Force to permanently give Fushiki no Oni +1F. 
Soshi Angai
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Soshi Angai

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Infiltrator * Shugenja * Courtier
Shosuro Higatsuku
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Shosuro Higatsuku

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Instigator * Courtier Political Battle: Discard a card and bow Higatsuku to force an opposing Personality with greater Chi to challenge Higatsuku. 
Bayushi Tsimaru FOIL
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Bayushi Tsimaru FOIL

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan Bushi . Unique Soul of Abresax Experienced Political actions cannot target Tsimaru. Tsimaru cannot perform Political actions. Followers gain +1F while attached to Tsimaru.
Bayushi Tai
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Bayushi Tai

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Spy * Samurai Limited: Once per turn, target a Province. First turn any face-down cards in the Province face-up. Then, if there are any Personality cards in the Province, lower the Province's strength by their total Personal Honor. Bow Tai at the end of the turn. 
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0,70 €
Unaligned Creature . Unique While Ki-Rin is unbowed and honorable, Personalities with a Personal Honor of zero, four, or five cannot assign or move into armies attacking your Provinces. 
Isawa Yoriko
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Isawa Yoriko

0,10 €
Phoenix Clan Shugenja Reaction: After Yoriko bows and successfully casts a Spell, destroy that Spell to straighten her. (This can't be done if the Spell is destroyed or discarded when cast.) 
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0,10 €
Ratling Adventurer * Tattered Ear Tribe Bushi * Creature Battle: Bow Yoee'trr for a Ranged 3 Attack. 
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0,10 €
Ratling Scout * Grasping Paw Tribe Creature * Cavalry Ratling Followers gain the Cavalry trait while attached to Ruantek. 
Tsuruchi Isunori
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Tsuruchi Isunori

0,10 €
Mantis Clan Samurai * Naval Soul of Tsuruchi Yutaka Once per battle, one of Isunori's Followers can perform the action, "Battle: Bow for a Ranged 2 Attack." 
Akodo Yobi
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Akodo Yobi

0,20 €
Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician Tactical Reaction: After playing a Terrain from your hand, draw a card. Yobi does not need to be in the battle to use this ability. 
Akodo Shigetoshi
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Akodo Shigetoshi

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai. Soul of Seppun Hotaitaka Reaction: Once per turn, after you attach a Follower to Shigetoshi from your hand, draw an additional Fate card during your next End Phase. 
Hoshi Wayan Exp2 FOIL
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Hoshi Wayan Exp2 FOIL

1,50 €
Dragon Clan Monk * Tattooed Experienced 2 * Unique Limited: Once per turn, place a Tattoo token on Wayan. Reaction: After Wayan gains a Force bonus, remove a Tattoo token from him to raise the bonus by his Personal Honor until the end of the turn.
Tamori Shaitung Exp FOIL
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Tamori Shaitung Exp FOIL

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Shugenja * Tamori Family Daimyo Experienced * Unique Elemental Reaction: Bow Shaitung to cancel an Elemental action targeting you, your Stronghold, or a card or token you own. Open: Bow Shaitung to bow a Shugenja. 
Hitomi Mae
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Hitomi Mae

0,20 €
Dragon Clan Monk * Acolyte of Fire * Soul of Takao Elemental Reaction: When Mae enters a duel against an opponent with higher Chi, Mae has the first opportunity to focus or strike. Elemental Reaction: When Mae enters a duel while you have a Ring of Fire in play, destroy one Weapon attached to her opponent. 
Doji Tanitsu Exp2 FOIL
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Doji Tanitsu Exp2 FOIL (Español)

3,50 €
Crane Clan Imperial Advisor * Samurai Courtier * Experienced 2 * Unique Soul of Kakita Yoshi Experienced 3 Political Reaction: After you use the Imperial Favor, bow Tanitsu to gain the Favor.
Doji Jotaro
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Doji Jotaro

0,20 €
Crane Clan Samurai * Taisa First Legion * Courtier Political Battle: Bow Jotaro to dishonor a Human Personality attacking one of your Provinces.
Doji Gombei
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Doji Gombei

0,10 €
Crane Clan Prodigy * Samurai * Soul of Doji Jiro Reaction: When Gombei enters a duel, discard a card from your hand as a cost. When focus cards are revealed, you may select one card Gombei focused whose Focus value equals its printed Focus value. Double the Focus value of that card.
Daidoji Gudeta
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Daidoji Gudeta

0,10 €
Crane Clan Samurai Battle: Bow Gudeta for a Ranged 4 Attack.
Hida Tenshu
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Hida Tenshu

0,10 €
Crab Clan Berserker * Soul of Hida Amoro Will not attach Armor. Destroy Tenshu at the end of the Resolution Segment if there was an opposing army and the army he is in had a total Force less than or equal to twice the opposing army's Force at resolution.
Hida Sunao
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Hida Sunao

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 3 Reaction: After the end of a battle Sunao was in during resolution, discard a card to straighten him.
Hida Isamu FOIL
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Hida Isamu FOIL (Español)

0,50 €
Crab Clan Samurai * Unique * Soul of Hida Tsuneo Your other Personalities gain +2F while in a defending army with Isamu.
Hida Hitoshi
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Hida Hitoshi

0,10 €
Crab Clan Samurai Hitoshi gains +1F while he has one or more Followers. Open: Bow Hitoshi to give a Follower a Force bonus equal to Hitoshi's Force.
The Imperial Standard FOIL
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The Imperial Standard FOIL

2,50 €
Unique * Putting this card into play from your hand is a Political action. You must use and discard the Imperial Favor to bring the Imperial Standard into play. Gain 4 Honor. Each Follower in this unit gains +2F and is immune to Fear while Imperial Standard is attached. 
The Emerald Armor
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The Emerald Armor

0,50 €
Unique Followers being attached to this Personality cost 3 less Gold, to a minimum of 1. This Personality has a minimum Chi of 1.
Gunsen of Water FOIL
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Gunsen of Water FOIL

0,50 €
Weapon * Unique While you have a Ring of Water in play, Gunsen of Water gains a +2F/+1C bonus and has a printed Gold cost of 0. Elemental Battle: Bow Gunsen of Water to move this unit to one of the Defender's Provinces or from the current battle to your home. 
Gunsen of Water
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Gunsen of Water

0,30 €
Weapon * Unique While you have a Ring of Water in play, Gunsen of Water gains a +2F/+1C bonus and has a printed Gold cost of 0. Elemental Battle: Bow Gunsen of Water to move this unit to one of the Defender's Provinces or from the current battle to your home. 
Fan of Command
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Fan of Command

0,20 €
This Personality gains Tactician while Fan of Command is attached. 
Dragon Pearl
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Dragon Pearl

0,50 €
Unique Before Dragon Pearl enters play, target an Item, including a Unique Item, that this Personality can legally attach. After entering play, this card becomes a copy of that Item's printed card plus all permanent changes in effect on it. None of the Item's costs need to be paid and no entering-play effects are produced. 
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0,10 €
Weapon Only Cavalry Personalities may attach Daikyu. Battle: Bow Daikyu for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion
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1,00 €
Weapon * Unique If you are a Scorpion Clan player, each other player loses 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Scorpion counts as the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion for uniqueness. While attached to a Scorpion Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Scorpion gains +1F/+1C for each Scorpion Clan Personality you control.
Blade of Truths
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2,00 €
Weapon * Unique Reaction: After this Personality enters a duel, name a Focus value. The opposing player cannot play Focus cards or Reaction Action cards with that Focus value during the duel.
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