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Kuni Chutsu FOIL
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Kuni Chutsu FOIL

1,00 €
Earth • Shugenja (Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)
Nexus of Lies
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Nexus of Lies

0,10 €
After another player loses Honor from a card he owns, increase the loss by an amount equal to half his Starting Family Honor, rounded down.w: Produce 4 Gold.
Doji Natsuyo
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Doji Natsuyo

0,20 €
Courtier Natsuyo enters play for 1 less Gold if another player is Scorpion Clan.Favor Political Open, w: Discard the Imperial Favor to gain 1 Honor.
The Blessing
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The Blessing

3,00 €
Economic Open: Target your Holding. After your next turn begins, give it a +1 Gold Production Wealth token.
Coastal Pearl Bed
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Coastal Pearl Bed

0,10 €
w: Produce 2 Gold.Open, w: A target Holding's abilities may not be taken (this turn).
Asp Skirmisher
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Asp Skirmisher

0,20 €
Naga • Nonhuman • Scout • Expendable(Draw a card after your Expendable card is destroyed.)Asp Skirmisher will not join a player who controls a Human Personality.
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0,70 €
Spider Clan • Fallen • Monk • KensaiAfter Nishiguchi enters play, lose 2 Honor.Battle: Give a target enemy Personality a Force penalty equal to the number of Madness tokens he has.
Deep Roots
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Deep Roots

2,50 €
Battle: Choose your performing Personality with 7 or more base Force: Negate all current and new Force penalties on him and effects which prevent him from contributing Force. He contributes Force even while bowed.
Kitsune Denhei
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Kitsune Denhei

0,30 €
Mantis Clan • Earth • ShugenjaReaction: After Denhei enters play: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Mantis Clan • Nonhuman • Snake • Spirit Personality with the ability, “Open: Target a Personality: He is bitten. His base abilities may not be used.”
Kitsune Gina
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Kitsune Gina

0,30 €
Mantis Clan • Earth • ShugenjaReaction: After Gina enters play: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Mantis Clan • Nonhuman • Fox • Spirit Personality with the trait, “Enemy attacking Personalities and Followers at this card’s battlefield have –1F”.
Goju Oyoto
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Goju Oyoto

0,20 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • Shugenja • Soul of Goju UtsueiAfter Oyoto enters play: Lose 3 Honor.
Extended Maneuvers
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Extended Maneuvers

0,10 €
TerrainBefore this battle resolves: You may choose and straighten a Samurai Personality at the current battlefield, and you may choose and bow a non-Samurai Personality there. Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there.
Strategic Strike
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Strategic Strike

2,00 €
Battle: Bow your performing Scout Personality: Ranged 6 Attack, which may target a Personality with attached Followers if you have Reconnaissance.
The Strength of the Spider
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The Strength of the Spider

0,20 €
As a Focus Effect: You may choose (now) to delay the effects of losing this duel until after the next Dynasty Phase begins. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Spider Clan Personality and target an enemy Personality or Follower: Destroy it if it is bowed. Reduce its Force by an amount equal to your Personality’s Force. Bow it if its Force is now 0.
Goju Yurishi
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Goju Yurishi

0,30 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • Dragon ChildAfter Yurishi enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After another player’s Battle action targets Yurishi: He disappears into the shadows. Move him home. If he is no longer a legal target for the action, negate its effects on him.
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3,00 €
RetainerBow this card: Produce 5 Gold. Political Limited: Choose your performing Courtier or Magistrate, bow this card, and target a Personality: Dishonor him.
Sword for Hire
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Sword for Hire

0,50 €
IaijutsuLimited: Target another player's Personality: Create a 0F/3C/0PH Assasin • Duelist Personlaty. He dueles the targeted Personality. Destroy the duel's loser. After the duel ends, remove the created Personality from the game.
Steadfast Defense
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Steadfast Defense

0,20 €
KihoBattle: Choose your perfoming Monk: Straighten him. If you control a Temple, you may target a Personality or Follower and bow or straighten him.
A Game of Dice
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A Game of Dice

12,00 €
UniqueLimited: Draw two additional cards during your next End Phase
The Second City
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The Second City

8,00 €
UniqueEach of your cards that is a Courtier or Magistrate has +1 F. Political Open: Bow this card and target a face-down card in a province: You claim a new tract of land. Turn the card face-up. You may increase the province strenght's by 2.
Yoritomo Haruhiko
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Yoritomo Haruhiko

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Scout • NavalBattle: Ranged 3 Attack with +2 strenght if you have Reconnaissance
Tsuruchi Nobukatsu
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Tsuruchi Nobukatsu

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Bounty Hunter • MagistrateBattle: Ranged 4 Attack. If the Ranged Attack destroyed a card. You may target and straighten a Holding.
Fury of a Mob
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Fury of a Mob

2,00 €
Battle: If your current army has more units than the current enemy army, bow your two performing Nonhumans and target an enemy unit: Destroy it.
Raido no Oni
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Raido no Oni

0,20 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • OniAfter Raido enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Raido may not perform Battle actions while your current army has higher total Force than the current enemy army.
Matsu Akuto
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Matsu Akuto

0,10 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Paragon After you lose Honor, or after a battle resolution that destroyed one or more of your units: Destroy Akuto.
Imperial Legionaries
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Imperial Legionaries

0,30 €
Imperial Political Battle: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten your target Imperial Personality or Follower.
First-Hand Account
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First-Hand Account

0,10 €
Reaction: After battle resolution, if you destroyed any enemy units or a province in that resolution: Give each Personality and Follower in your army a +1F Victory token.
Shogun's Advisors
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Shogun's Advisors (Español)

2,00 €
Courtier. This Personality has +1 Personal Honor. Political Limited: Bow the Shogun's Advisors: This Personality challenges a target Personality to an unrefusable duel of Personal Honor. The winner gains 3 Honor, and the loser is Dishonored.
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0,20 €
Ratling · Creature · Grasping Paw Tribe · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of Itch'choo in your deck. While you control 3 or more Grasping Paw Tribe cards, Grasping Paw Tribe cards cost 1 less Gold (minimum 1) and have the ability, "Reaction: Before this card is destroyed: Each player discards the top two cards of his Fate deck."
Kuni Daigo
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Kuni Daigo (Español)

1,00 €
Crab Clan Earth Shugenja. Daigo permanently gains +3F at the end of each turn in which another player played a Shadowlands card. Reaction: After a Crab Clan Personality you control is targeted with an action, bow Daigo: The action has an additional cost of discarding a card.
Divining Pool
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Divining Pool (Español)

0,50 €
Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Turn a face down card in a Province or in play face up. (This does not target.)
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