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Unwavering Commitment
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Unwavering Commitment

0,30 €
This card costs 1 less Gold for each unit you control at the current battlefield.Battle: Move a target enemy Personality home. If you are a Scorpion Clan player, his controller loses 2 Honor.
Selfless Yojimbo
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Selfless Yojimbo

0,10 €
Samurai • YojimboMay not be included in decks.
Chuda Atsuro
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Chuda Atsuro

0,70 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja After Atsuro enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Maho Reaction: After Atsuro enters play from a province: Create a 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personality.
Oyo Seido
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Oyo Seido

0,30 €
Temple Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: If you have not lost Honor from cards you own this game and your Family Honor is 5 or lower: Gain 2 Honor.
The Earth Answers
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The Earth Answers (Español)

0,10 €
Earth Open: Increase or decrease the strength of a target province by your target Spell’s Focus Value.
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Masserah (Español)

0,10 €
Nonhuman • Naga • Greensnake • Mountaineer • Scout Masserah’s unit may be assigned during Cavalry Maneuvers if you are the Defender. Battle/Open: Give Masserah a keyword on a target Samurai.
Heavenly Jumonji-yari of the Lion
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0,50 €
Weapon • Unique Will only attach to a Lion Clan Personality. Battle: Bow this card: Give your target attacking Lion Clan Personality +3F.
Restoring Order
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Restoring Order

0,20 €
Political Battle: Target your unbowed Magistrate Personality: Target an enemy Personality with Personal Honor lower than your Magistrate's Chi. Move the enemy Personality home. Bow him if he moved. Destroy him if he is dishonorable.
Dramatic Assassination
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Dramatic Assassination

0,70 €
Ninja Limited: Bow your target Ninja Personality and pay Gold equal to the targeted unit's total Gold Cost: Destroy a target unit. Lose 4 Honor.
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1,00 €
Bushido Virtue Battle: Until this battle ends, negate the movement home of your honorable Samurai from other players' cards' effects. Battle: Until this battle ends, negate the bowing from other players' cards' effects of cards in units led by your honorable Samurai.
Akodo Seiichi
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Akodo Seiichi (Español)

0,10 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician Tactical Battle: Bow Seiichi: Bow each unit opposing him with lower total Force than Seiichi's Force.
Diamond Mine
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Diamond Mine

0,10 €
Mine Bow this card: Produce 5 Gold.
Border Keep FOIL
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Border Keep FOIL

2,50 €
Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: If it is your first turn: Put one or more cards in your provinces at the bottom of your deck, refilling the provinces face-up. Limited: Once per game: Put one or more cards in your provinces at the bottom of your deck, refilling the provinces face-up.
Matsu Shunran
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Matsu Shunran

2,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Paragon Shunran has +2F while attacking. Units may not be assigned opposing Shunran during Cavalry Maneuvers.
Hida Hikita
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Hida Hikita

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander Battle: Bow your target Follower: Reduce the Force of a target enemy card to 0.
Akodo Yanagi
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Akodo Yanagi

0,10 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero Battle: If the enemy side has more units than your side at this battlefield: Give Yanagi +5F.
Matsu Ishigaki
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Matsu Ishigaki

0,10 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander
Akaru no Oni
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Akaru no Oni

0,10 €
Shadowlands • Oni • Nonhuman. After this card enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Limited: Bow a target unit with total Gold Cost less than or equal to the Gold Production of its controller’s Stronghold plus 2.
Game of Sincerity
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Game of Sincerity (Español)

3,00 €
Political Battle: Dishonor your target unbowed Personality: Dishonor a target Personality. His controller loses 2 Honor. Neither Personality contributes Force in this battle’s resolution.
Strike of the Dragon FOIL
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Strike of the Dragon FOIL

0,50 €
Kiho Battle: Bow one of your Rings and one of your target Monks: Bow one to three target Personalities opposing him, each with Force higher tha his own Chi.
Mak'irtch FOIL
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Mak'irtch FOIL

0,30 €
Ratling Shugenja · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature. Limited: Once per turn, target a number of Ratlings up to the number of different Tribe traits on cards in play. Give each a 1F Ratling Creature Follower token. Reaction: After Mak'irtch enters your discard pile: Target a Ratling Personality you control. Give him a 1F Ratling Creature Follower token....
The Spider's Lair
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The Spider's Lair

1,00 €
You do not lose Honor from Fate and Spider Clan cards you own. In your Dynasty Phase, you may refill a province face-up one time for each of your provinces destroyed this game.
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