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A Champion's Tactics
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Cartas L5R

A Champion's Tactics

0,20 €
Battle: If he would be opposed, move your target unbowed Personality at home to the current battlefield. If he is Cavalry, Scout, or a Clan Champion, you may take an additional action to use a printed ability on a card in his unit.
Komori Taruko
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Cartas L5R

Komori Taruko

0,20 €
Bat Clan • Air • Shugenja(Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)Air Tireless Open: Straighten Taruko. (Tireless actions can be taken even while bowed.)
Isawa Kouka
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Isawa Kouka

0,30 €
Phoenix Clan • Soul of Isawa Kimi • Void • Shugenja(Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.) Void Tireless Open: Give Kouka Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. (Tireless actions can be taken even while bowed.)
Tsuruchi Gosho
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Cartas L5R

Tsuruchi Gosho

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Thunder • Samurai • Naval • Scout(You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if he would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.) Thunder Absent Interrupt: After you Recruit Gosho at this battlefield, Ranged 3 Attack.
Moshi Madohime
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Moshi Madohime

0,10 €
Mantis Clan • Naval • Scout • Shugenja • Thunder(Once a turn, the Attacker gets the first Battle action, if it's from a Naval Personality's unit. Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)Thunder Battle: Fear 2.
Togashi Korimi
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Togashi Korimi

0,50 €
Dragon Clan • Earth • Monk • Tattooed • Soul of Togashi OkiKorimi has +2F while defending. Interrupt, w: After you Recruit Korimi, draw a card.
Hida Ayahi
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Hida Ayahi

3,50 €
Crab Clan • Berserker • Samurai • Soul of Hida Kashin
Imperial Dojo
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Imperial Dojo

4,00 €
Dojo • Imperialw: Produce 2 Gold. Limited, w: If you have two or fewer Provinces, discard any face-up Holdings in your Provinces, refilling those Provinces face-up.
Haiku School
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Haiku School

0,20 €
w: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you control a Courtier and the Imperial Favor.
Geisha House
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Geisha House

0,10 €
Geisha Housew: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Scorpion Clan player.
Unpleasant Truths
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Unpleasant Truths

0,20 €
Battle: Give a target Personality a Force penalty equal to his printed Personal Honor. If he is dishonorable, bow him.
Seasoned Ashigaru
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Seasoned Ashigaru

0,10 €
Ashigaru Melee Attacks may not target this Follower.
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0,10 €
Gaijin • Yodotai After Isidoros enters play, lose 2 Honor.Battle: Straighten your target Follower.
Daigotsu Endo
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Cartas L5R

Daigotsu Endo

1,00 €
Destined • Nonhuman • Samurai • Shadowlands • Spider Clan • Undead (Draw a card after your Destined card enters play.)Limited, : If Endo is dead, Recruit him.
The Sorrow
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The Sorrow

0,30 €
Scorpion Clan • Magistrate • Paragon • Samurai • Yojimbo • Experienced Bayushi Tenzan • Loyal • Unique While you control a Courtier, The Sorrow's printed ability is Battle/Limited.Battle: Give a target Personality -4F.
Isawa Ikariya
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Cartas L5R

Isawa Ikariya

1,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Fire • Reserve • Shugenja (You may Recruit a Reserve card, if it would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)Fire Battle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the number of Spells in this unit.
Kitsune Merihiko Exp
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Kitsune Merihiko Exp

1,00 €
Mantis Clan • Earth • Ivory Champion's Advisor • Experienced • Shugenja • Unique Your Nonhuman Spirits have the ability, "Battle, w: Ranged 3 Attack."
Matsu Ryohei
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Matsu Ryohei

0,20 €
Lion Clan • Paragon • Samurai • Cavalry • Destined • Reserve (You may Recruit a Reserve card, if it would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)(Draw a card after your Destined card enters play.)
Togashi Noboru Exp2
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Togashi Noboru Exp2

0,30 €
Daimyo • Dragon Clan • Experienced 2 • Fire • Loyal • Monk • Tattooed • Unique Political Limited: Take the Imperial Favor.
Exotic Market
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Cartas L5R

Exotic Market

0,20 €
Marketw: Produce 2 Gold.w: When paying for an Item, it enters play for 3 less Gold.
Spawn of Vritra
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Cartas L5R

Spawn of Vritra

0,10 €
Nonhuman • Spawn of VritraWill not attach to a Water Personality.Battle: Ranged 6 Attack.
Practicing Kata
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Practicing Kata

0,10 €
KataYou may Equip as a Battle/Open action once per turn.Limited: Put this Kata into play. Discard all your other Kata in play.
A Welcome Reprieve
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Cartas L5R

A Welcome Reprieve

0,10 €
Open: Target your honorable Personality. Other players' actions may not target him this phase.
Tsuruchi Gombei
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Cartas L5R

Tsuruchi Gombei

0,10 €
Mantis Clan • Fallen • Samurai • Scout • NavalAfter Gombei enters play, lose 1 Honor.
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