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Gold Mine FOIL
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Cartas L5R

Gold Mine FOIL

1,00 €
Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
Yasuki Tijaki
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Yasuki Tijaki

0,10 €
Crab Clan • Courtier Political Limited: A target Personality may not perform Political actions, or any actions if he is Crane Clan.
Doji Kishio
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Doji Kishio

0,50 €
Crane Clan • Courtier Political Open: Discard the Imperial Favor: Straighten a target Holding.
Matsu Youko
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Matsu Youko

2,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers.
Essence of Evil
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Essence of Evil

0,50 €
Maho • Kiho Battle/Open: Bow your target Shadowlands Shugenja at any location: Straighten one or two target Shadowlands Personalities
Imperial Command
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Imperial Command

2,50 €
Political · Imperial Reaction: After a target card is destroyed: Remove it from the game. Reaction: When an action would target your Unique Personality, pay 2 Gold: The action targets another of your Personalities instead, if legal.
Limbs of Fudo
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Limbs of Fudo

3,50 €
Fudo · Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card: Give each Personality and Follower in a target unit +1F.
Asako Serizawa
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Asako Serizawa (Español)

2,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Void • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate. Open: Bow Serizawa: Give -4F to a target Personality with lower Personal Honor than Serizawa’s Chi
Shinjo Ki-Chang
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Shinjo Ki-Chang

2,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander. Battle: Even if Ki-Chang is not at the current battlefield, if any enemy units are there: Move your target Personality with a Follower there
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0,20 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin. After Mokku enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Fire Battle: Destroy your target Goblin: Destroy a target enemy Follower
The Sea's Lightning
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The Sea's Lightning

0,10 €
Thunder. Battle: Target your opposed Naval Personality: This battle’s resolution does not bow your Personalities.
Might of the Shadowlands (Español)
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Might of the Shadowlands (Español)

0,50 €
Maho • Singular. Battle: Even if this card is not at the current battlefield: Target one or more Shadowlands cards at the current battlefield. Give each target +1F, or +2F if it is Undead. Lose 3 Honor.
Tsuruchi Saya
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Tsuruchi Saya

1,00 €
Mantis Clan * Samurai Battle: Ranged 5 Attack.
Matsu Notsuo
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Matsu Notsuo

0,20 €
Lion Clan * Samurai Notsuo does not bow from battle resolution.
No Escape
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No Escape

0,30 €
Battle: Target your unbowed Magistrate, and bow him if he is not Scorpion Clan: Reduce a target enemy Personality’s Force to his own Personal Honor. If he is dishonorable, destroy his attachments.
Gentle Blade of Winter
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Gentle Blade of Winter

0,30 €
Kata Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards you control. While this card is in play, you have the ability, “Reaction: After a Battle action resolves, if it was performed by one of your Personalities who now has a Weapon: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -3F.”
Togashi Binya
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Togashi Binya

0,30 €
Dragon Clan • Monk • Tattooed. Battle: Set a target Personality’s Force to Binya’s Force.
Shosuro Seibei
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Shosuro Seibei

3,50 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo • Unique When another player would target a Courtier at Seibei's location with an action: It targets Seibei instead, if legal.
Rampart Sentries
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Rampart Sentries

0,50 €
This card has +1F for each Castle Holding you control. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged Attack with strength equal to this card's Force.
Front Gate
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Front Gate

6,00 €
Castle • Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 gold. If you are a Crab Clan player, your provinces have +1 strength. If you have fewer provinces than at least one other player, your provinces have +1 strength.
Yasuki Miliko Exp (Lenguaje Español)
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Yasuki Miliko Exp (Lenguaje Español)

12,00 €
Crab Clan • Courtier · Samurai · Master Sensei · Ruby Champion · Experienced · Unique. Miliko uses her force as a duel stat in duels to wich she is challenged. Battle: If there are any units at the current battlefield: Straighten one of your target personalities and move him there.
Bayushi Eisaku Exp
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Bayushi Eisaku Exp

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Hero • Bitter Lies Swordsman • Experienced • Unique. Reaction: After Eisaku enters play: Discard a target Dynasty card from a province
A Warrior's Courtesy
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A Warrior's Courtesy

0,10 €
Political Battle: Straighten a target bowed enemy Personality. If this straightened him, take the Imperial Favor and draw a card
Famous Bazaar FOIL
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Cartas L5R

Famous Bazaar FOIL

8,00 €
Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. After this card enters play from a province: Refill the province face-up.
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