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Kakita Reisei
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Kakita Reisei

0,30 €
Crane Clan • Artisan • Engineer Limited: If Reisei is face-up in one of your provinces, discard her: Give each of your provinces +1 strength until your next turn begins. Reaction: After Reisei enters play: Permanently give each of your provinces +1 strength.
Hiruma Toshio
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Hiruma Toshio

2,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Scout Recon Open: Target a province. After the next time this turn any of your Scout Personalities assign to that province’s battlefield, create two 1F Followers and attach them to any of those Scouts. Before this turn ends, remove those Followers from the game.
Spider Cultist
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Spider Cultist

1,00 €
Retainer • Shadowlands After this card enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if paying for an Oni.
Head of Fudo
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Head of Fudo

5,00 €
Fudo • Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold for each other Fudo card you control. Limited: Bow this card: Look at the top four cards of your Dynasty deck. If one is a Fudo Holding, you may put it into play (bowed) ignoring Gold cost.
Yoritomo Ascends
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Yoritomo Ascends

10,00 €
Kami • ThunderIf you control 20 or more Samurai, remove the 20 of them with the highest Force from the game. You do not need them, for you are your twenty strongest! If this removed 20 Samurai, you win the game.
Mountain Watch Keep
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Mountain Watch Keep

1,00 €
Battle: If your army at the current battlefield is opposed and has more units than the enemy army there: Create a 2F/2C/2PH Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout Personality there. Remove the Scout from the game after this battle’s resolution.
Wrath of the Thunder
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Wrath of the Thunder

0,20 €
Thunder Battle: Attach this card from your hand to your target Thunder Shugenja. Battle/Limited: Bow this card, and destroy it unless this is a Combat Segment: Reduce a target Personality’s Force to 0.
Cleansing the Path
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Cleansing the Path

0,70 €
Fire Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 4 Attack, or Ranged 5 Attack if this Shugenja has the Fire keyword.
Seven Waves Mercenaries
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Seven Waves Mercenaries

1,00 €
After the first time each turn this card bows: Straighten it. Battle/Open: Transfer this card to your target Personality. You may take an additional action appropriate to this phase.
Master the Body
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Master the Body (Español)

2,00 €
Kiho Battle: Target your unbowed Shugenja or Monk: He challenges a target enemy Personality. If the enemy Personality has equal or greater Chi than yours, your Personality has the first opportunity to focus in the duel, and must use this opportunity to focus if possible. Bow the duel’s loser.
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0,70 €
Kiho Battle: Target your Monk: Target an enemy Personality. If he has no Weapons, reduce his Force to 0. If he has any Weapons, destroy one of them. You may attach a Weapon from your hand or discard pile to your Monk.
Desperate Rush
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Desperate Rush

4,00 €
Battle: Target your unbowed Personality: Reduce the Force of a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers by an amount equal to your Personality’s Personal Honor. If the enemy card’s Force is now 0, destroy it.
Uzaki no Oni
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Uzaki no Oni

2,00 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • Commander After Uzaki enters play: Lose 10 Honor. Battle: Target another Nonhuman Personality. Straighten him or move him to the current battlefield.
Shinjo Rina
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Shinjo Rina

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout Battle: Discard a card: Give Rina +2F, or +3F if the discarded card has a Recon ability.
Doji's Guidance
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Doji's Guidance

0,20 €
Kami • Unique Crane Clan Personalities in play have +1F and +1PH while their controller also controls the Imperial Favor. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield, if you are a Crane Clan player, discard this card: Target a Personality. You may bow him. You may move him home. If this moved him, he will not move again this turn.
Shinjo's Guidance
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Shinjo's Guidance

0,30 €
Kami • Unique Unicorn Clan Personalities have +1F while opposed. Reaction: When another player’s Battle action would target one of your Unicorn Clan Personalities, if you are a Unicorn Clan player, discard this card: Choose another one of your Personalities. The action targets him instead, if legal.
Hiruma Hidora
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Hiruma Hidora

0,30 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Scout • Jade Hand Battle: Bow Hidora unless you targeted the current battlefield’s province with a Recon action this turn: Ranged 4 Attack, with +2 strength if the targeted card is Shadowlands.
Akodo Nagataka
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Akodo Nagataka (Idioma Español)

0,20 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Deaths eeker Before a battle’s resolution, if Nagataka is at the current battlefield: Destroy him. Battle: Destroy Nagataka: Give each of your Followers and Personalities at the current battlefield +1F.
Daigotsu Isoroku
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Daigotsu Isoroku

0,30 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Commander • Undead After Isoroku enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Fear Battle: If you control more Undead cards at the current battlefield than the enemy leader controls units there: Bow a target enemy unit.
Thunderous Report
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Thunderous Report

0,70 €
Thunder Battle: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell: Bow each Follower and Personality at this battlefield without attachments and with lower Force than the performing Shugenja’s Chi.
Suitengu's Embrace
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Suitengu's Embrace

0,50 €
Water Battle: Bow this Shugenja, or bow this card if the targeted card has no attachments: Bow a target enemy card.
Rejuvenating Vapors
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Rejuvenating Vapors

0,50 €
Water Battle: Even if this unit is not at the current battlefield, bow this Shugenja: Target your Personality. Give him +3F if he is unbowed. Straighten him.
Breath of the Dragon
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Breath of the Dragon

1,50 €
Fire • Unique Battle: Bow and destroy this Shugenja: Destroy a target enemy Personality without attachments. You may then target an enemy Personality and destroy all his attachments.
Infamous Blade
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Infamous Blade

2,00 €
Weapon • Unique Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target enemy Follower
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