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Wareta no Oni FOIL
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Wareta no Oni FOIL (Idioma Español)

0,70 €
Shadowlands · Oni · Nonhuman · Lose 6 Honor. Wareta no Oni has a Force penalty equal to the number of cards in your hand
Kokujin Exp3
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Kokujin Exp3

1,00 €
Shadowlands Prophet of the Dark Lotus · Monk · Duelist · Experienced 3 · Unique · Lose 6 Honor. Limited: Target and destroy a Personality you both control and own, and bow Kokujin: Target a Personality controlled by another player. Kokujin issues him an unrefusable challenge. If the other Personality loses, gain control of him, straighten him, and...
Bayushi Shumpei
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Bayushi Shumpei (Idioma Español)

0,30 €
Scorpion Clan Ninja · Ninjutsu 0. Reaction: After another player targets Shumpei with an action: Target an opposing Personality. Until the battle ends, give him -1C after each time an Open or Battle action resolves
Bayushi Moyotoshi
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Bayushi Moyotoshi (Idioma Español)

0,50 €
Scorpion Clan Ninja · Ninjutsu 3. Reaction: After another player targets Moyotoshi with an action: Target a Personality with less than 4 Chi controlled by that player. Destroy him
Water Dragon Exp2
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Water Dragon Exp2

1,50 €
Unaligned Creature · Dragon · Shugenja · Cavalry · Naval · Experienced 2 · Unique. Personalities and Followers have the Naval trait while in an army with Water Dragon. After a Cavalry Maneuvers Segment ends, you may assign any number of units from your home to battlefields
Y'tchee FOIL
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Y'tchee FOIL

0,70 €
Ratling Scout · Creature · Unique. Recon Open: If it is the Action Phase: Target a Province. Until the turn ends, Ratling Personalities you control have the ability, ?Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack. This may be combined with Ranged Attacks from other units,? while at that Province's battlefield.
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0,30 €
Ratling · Creature. Ranged Attacks produced by Ratling cards in Tchree's army have +1 strength. Ratling Personalities created by card or Stronghold effects have +1F while in an army with Tchree. These effects are not cumulative with those from other copies of Thcree.
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0,20 €
Ratling Scout · Third Whisker Tribe · Creature. Recon Open: Target a Province. Until the turn ends, after one or more units assign to attack the province, discard a card from the top of its controller's Fate deck
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0,10 €
Ratling Bandit · Grasping Paw Tribe · Creature. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost outside the Dynasty Phase, Dishonor N'ck: target a Holding controlled by another player. N'ck produces Gold equal to the Holding's Gold cost
Tsuruchi Kaya
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Tsuruchi Kaya

0,10 €
Mantis Clan Samurai · Magistrate. Battle: Once per battle, bow Kaya: Ranged 4 Attack. Kaya need not bow if he opposes a Dishonored Personality or if your Family Honor is greater than your Starting Family Honor
Tsuruchi Dokuo
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Tsuruchi Dokuo

0,20 €
Mantis Clan Scout. Battle: Bow Dokuo: Ranged 3 Attack. If Dokuo or his target is Dishonored, this is a Ranged 5 Attack instead, and it is compared against printed Force.
Mirumoto Masae Exp FOIL
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Mirumoto Masae Exp FOIL

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Samurai · Monk · Experienced Keeper of Air · Unique. Elemental Reaction: After a Ring enters play or a Kiho resolves: Target a Personality. Straighten him
Mirumoto Masae Exp
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Mirumoto Masae Exp

0,50 €
Dragon Clan Samurai · Monk · Experienced Keeper of Air · Unique. Elemental Reaction: After a Ring enters play or a Kiho resolves: Target a Personality. Straighten him
Kitsuki Ryushi FOIL
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Kitsuki Ryushi FOIL

1,00 €
Dragon Clan Samurai · Magistrate. After Ryushi enters play, you may attach a +1F/+1C Weapon token to a Personality you control. Political Open: Target a Dishonored Personality. Bow him
Doji Kazo Exp
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Doji Kazo Exp

0,20 €
Crane Clan Samurai · Courtier · Duelist · Experienced · Unique. Political Reaction: After a Personality is destroyed as a duel result: Permanently raise the strength of each of your Provinces by 2. (GenCon 2001 Challenge Booth · Tyler Running Deer)
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0,10 €
Battle: Target a Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him with lower Personal Honor. Move the other Personality home. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move all Dishonored Personalities at the current battlefield home
Akutenshi's Tribute
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Akutenshi's Tribute

0,20 €
Open: Give each Shadowlands Samurai you control +1F. Give each Shadowlands Samurai you control a Yu bonus equal to his Force
Favor to the Horde
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Favor to the Horde

0,30 €
Tactical Battle: Draw 2 cards
Forest Cleansing
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Forest Cleansing (Español)

0,50 €
Open: Target a Dishonored Personality and a Province belonging to his controller. Bow the Personality. Reduce the Province's Strength to 0
Hida War Cry FOIL
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Hida War Cry FOIL (Español)

1,50 €
Heroic Battle: Target a Personality that has been targeted by Shell of Stone this turn and up to four other Personalities at the same battlefield. Give each target +2F and Yu +2. Before the next time this battle each of these Personalities would be destroyed by a card effect, negate the destruction
Secret from the Ratling
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Secret from the Ratling

0,10 €
Battle: Target a defending Samurai you control. If he is Phoenix Clan, give him +3F permanently. Until your net turn ends, gain the ability, ?Reaction: After the Battle Action Segment begins: Take a Battle action performed by a Shugenja you control.?
Test His Mettle
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Test His Mettle

0,10 €
Battle: Target a Samurai or Berserker Personality you control at the current battlefield: Target a Personality opposing him. Yours issues the other an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. The loser bows an unbowed card in his losing Personality's unit
Eyes of the Serpent
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Eyes of the Serpent

0,10 €
Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Target a Personality at this card's battlefield. Permanently give him the Shadowlands trait. Give him +3F until the battle ends. Battle: Bow this Shugenja, who must be at the current battlefield: Target two Shadowlands Personalities at the current battlefield, at least one of which is controlled by you. Destroy them. Gain 2 Honor.
Mitsu's Return
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Mitsu's Return

0,50 €
Kiho Reaction: After an Event resolves, target a Monk or Dragon Clan Personality you control: Draw a number of Fate cards equal to the number of Rings you control
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