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Your True Nature
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Your True Nature

1,00 €
Battle/Open, *: Destroy a target attachment with Gold Cost less than or equal to the amount paid, or the amount paid plus three if the target is an Item.
Beset from All Sides
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Beset from All Sides

4,00 €
PoliticalPolitical Open, 2: Bow your target unbowed Courtier. Look at a number of cards on the top of your Fate deck equal to his Chi. You may put one at the bottom of your deck. Put the rest back in any order. Draw a card.
Toshigoku's Blade
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Toshigoku's Blade

5,00 €
Cursed • Sword • Two-Handed • WeaponOn your turn, you must declare an Attack Phase and assign this Personality to attack, if able.Battle, w: Destroy a target enemy card with Force less than or equal to this Item's, and no attachments. Give this Item a +1F token.
Utaku Kimiono
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Utaku Kimiono

0,50 €
Courtier • SamuraiKimiono enters play for 1 less Gold if your Allegiance is Progressive.Political Battle: Fear equal to Kimiono's Personal Honor. If this bowed a card in a unit whose Personality has lower Personal Honor, gain 1 Honor.
Moto Alani
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Moto Alani

3,00 €
Death Priest • Destined • Resilient • Shugenja • Water(Once per game per card, a Resilient card does not die in battle resolution.)Water Interrupt: The action's Fear effects have +1 strength, may target Items, and destroy attachments after they bow.
Iuchi Kalsang
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Iuchi Kalsang

0,10 €
Cavalry • Death Priest • Shugenja • WaterWater Battle: Discard a card from your hand to create Fear equal to the card's Focus Value, +1 if its target is Phoenix Clan.
Yogo Gingo
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Yogo Gingo

2,50 €
Cavalry • Reserve • SamuraiGingo enters play for 1 less Gold if your Allegiance is Traditionalist.Invest 10: Give Gingo two +1F/+1C tokens, and permanently give him Conqueror and the ability, "Battle: Move a target Personality home." This Invest cost cannot be reduced.
Bayushi Yasunari
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Bayushi Yasunari

0,10 €
Samurai • YojimboHome Battle: If he would be opposed, move Yasunari to the current battlefield.
Togashi Shao
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Togashi Shao

3,00 €
Monk • Resilient • Tattooed • VoidVoid Engage: You may give Shao +1F, or you may target an enemy Personality with higher printed Force and give him a Force penalty, and Shao a bonus, equal to the difference between their printed force.
Kakita Ariyoshi
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Kakita Ariyoshi

2,00 €
Artisan • CourtierAriyoshi enters play for 1 less Gold if your Allegiance is Progressive.Political Battle: Show the top card of your Fate Deck. Target an enemy Personality with Chi less than or equal to the card's Focus Value. His controller may choose to move him home. If he doesn't choose this, draw the top card and take an additional action.
Tanizaki Sensei
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Tanizaki Sensei

0,50 €
Crab • Lion • Spider • UnicornIncrease Fear strength bonuses and penalties from your Courage actions by 1.Battle, w: Fear 0.
Ohsuki Sensei
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Ohsuki Sensei

2,00 €
Mantis ClanAfter your action creates a Spirit, once per turn you may target and bow your unbowed Shugenja to gain 1 Honor.Absent Battle, w: If there are any attacking enemy units at the current battlefield, bow your target unbowed Shugenja at any location to move your target Spirit Personality at any location there. Straighten him as he moves.
Kagako Sensei
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Kagako Sensei

1,00 €
Lion ClanYour Ancestors have -1F while attacking. Interrupt, w, 3: After the action Recruits your Lion Clan Shugenja, create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Ancestor • Samurai • Spirit Personality and gain 1 Honor.
Way of the Crab FOIL
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Way of the Crab FOIL

4,50 €
If you are a Crab Clan player, this Strategy has Discipline 1. Battle: Straighten your target Personality. Negate all Force penalties on him. He has +2F while his army is opposed. Destroy him before the turn ends.
Kuni Shinoda Exp2, Advisor to the Jade Champion FOIL
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2,50 €
Earth • Experienced 2 • Hero • Jade • Magistrate • Scout • Shugenja • Tactician • Unique Jade Battle: Fear 3, or 5 if the target is Shadowlands, that may target a Personality with Followers.
Singing Blade
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Singing Blade

0,50 €
One-Handed • Sword • Weapon After this Personality wins a duel, give this Item a +1F token.
Osano-wo's Bow
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Osano-wo's Bow

0,10 €
Bow • Jade • Two-Handed • Weapon Battle, w: Ranged 3 Attack, or Ranged 4 Attack if the target is Shadowlands (Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without Followers, with Force equal to or lower than the Ranged Attack's strength).
Way of the Scorpion
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Way of the Scorpion

12,00 €
If you are a Scorpion Clan player, this Strategy has Discipline 2.Open, 1: Target a Personality whose Personal Honor is less than printed. His controller loses Honor equal to the difference. Look at two cards in his hand or Provinces.
Way of the Crane
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Way of the Crane

10,00 €
IaijutsuIf you are a Crane Clan player, this Strategy has Discipline 3. Iaijutsu Battle: Your target unbowed Personality challenges a target enemy Personality, whose controller can dishonor him and move him home to refuse. Bow the loser. The winner gains 1 Honor.
Discovering the Anvil of Earth
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Discovering the Anvil of Earth

3,50 €
Battle: Destroy a target Terrain and bow a target enemy Personality. If you are a Phoenix Clan player and the Terrain is yours, put it into your hand.
Moto Erdene
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Moto Erdene

0,20 €
Death Priest • Expendable • Shugenja • Water(Draw a card after your Expendable card dies.)Tireless Battle: Erdene commits Seppuku. Bow a target enemy card. (Rehonor, then destroy, a Personality who commits Seppuku; these effects cannot be negated.)
Bayushi Akagi
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Bayushi Akagi

2,50 €
Samurai • Bitter Lies • Kensai(Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed.) Battle: Give a target enemy Personality a Force penalty equal to Akagi's Force.
Kakita Jikeru
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Kakita Jikeru

3,00 €
Artisan • Courtier • Jester Political Open, w: Target a Personality. After the next time he assigns to attack a Province with a Fortification, target a player who gains or loses 1 Honor
Hida Zaiberu
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Hida Zaiberu

0,20 €
Drunkard • Samurai Cannot attach Followers.Battle: Zaiberu is belligerent. Give a target enemy Follower or Personality -2F. time the action discards or shows any cards, you may give them +1FV. (Focused cards cannot gain this bonus.)
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