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Toturi's Battle Standard
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Toturi's Battle Standard

2,00 €
Unique May only be attached to a Toturi's Army Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Toturi's Army Personality receives a +1F. All opposing Toturi's Army Personalities receive a -1F penalty in battle. Reaction: Bow when a Toturi's Army Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
Master Smith
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Master Smith

0,30 €
Retainer Bow to produce 3 Gold. Limited: Bow to place a 2F/2C weapon token on a Personality. No Personality may have more than one Master Smith token at any time. This token counts as a weapon. (Clarification: The Weapon token is also an Item.) (Errata: Personalities may now have no more than one Weapon token, not Master Smith token.)
The Twelve Ronin
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The Twelve Ronin

1,00 €
Cavalry. Unique May only be attached to a Toturi's Army Personality. Battle: Ranged 3 attack, once per battle. This does not bow the Twelve Ronin. Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 attack.
Warrior Monks
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Warrior Monks

0,10 €
Will attach to a Monk Personality for 3 less Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, when a Spell targets this unit or any cards in it, cancel that Spell.
Shiryo no Asahina
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Shiryo no Asahina

1,50 €
Crane Clan Ancestor. Unique This Personality does not need to bow to lobby for the Imperial Favor. Items that require the discarding of the Imperial Favor can be attached to this Personality without discarding the Favor.
Shiryo no Yogo
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Shiryo no Yogo

2,00 €
Scorpion Clan Ancestor · Unique While this card remains in play, all of your Ninja cards have their cost reduced by two.
Jiujutsu Duel
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Jiujutsu Duel

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when you are entering a duel. All items controlled by both Personalities in the duel are bowed. These items give no bonuses and produce no effects during this duel.
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0,10 €
Reaction: Play immediately after a Ninja card has all costs paid to bring it into play. That card is not considered a Ninja card until it uses an ability or attaches a ninja-only card. Ninja action cards are not affected by this card.
Kolat Spy
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Kolat Spy

0,10 €
Limited: Turn all of the face-down Dynasty cards in the target player's Provinces face-up. Lose 1 honor. Events are not resolved until that player's next event phase.
Offer of Fealty
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Offer of Fealty

0,10 €
Reaction: Play immediately after one of your Personalities wins a duel where the loser is killed. You may attach any Followers from the loser's unit that will legally attach to your Personality.
The Time is Now
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The Time is Now

0,30 €
Reaction: Play this card as an event is revealed. You may perform one Open action before this event is resolved.
Know the School
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Know the School

0,10 €
Limited: Bow one of your personalities and name a family. For the rest of the game, if this Personality faces a Personality from that family in a duel, he or she gains a 3C bonus for that duel. Remember that in Rokugan a person's family name comes before his own. Personalities without a family name are unaffected.
A Moment of Clarity
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A Moment of Clarity

0,30 €
Reaction: Play when one of your Personalities is about to enter a duel. You may perform one Open action that targets this Personality before the duel begins.
Counting the Lost
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Counting the Lost

0,10 €
Limited: All Personalities aligned to your clan that are not also aligned to the clan of the player controlling them are declared 'lost'. They are bowed, dishonored and permanently lose 1F, 1C, 1 Personal Honor and your clan's alignment.
Distractions of the Flesh
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Distractions of the Flesh

0,10 €
Reaction: Play this card when a player is putting an elemental ring into play. Draw and discard your top Fate card. If the focus value of the discard is less than the number of elemental rings that player has in play, the ring card is shuffled back into the player's Fate deck instead of entering into play.
Towers of the Asako
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Towers of the Asako

2,00 €
Reaction: When an action targets one of your Shugenja personalities, bow the Towers of the Asako to cancel it. Reaction: When an action targets one of your Samurai, bow one of your Shugenja Personalities to cancel it. 
The Noble Halls of the Akodo
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The Noble Halls of the Akodo

2,00 €
You cannot bring Ninja or Shadowlands cards into play. Your Lion Clan Shugenja can attach other Clan's Ancestors. Battle: Once per turn, if there are one or more opposing units in this battle, give the Tactician trait to one of your Personalities in this battle. 
Obsidian Statues
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Obsidian Statues

2,00 €
Unique Battle: Move one of your Personalities with over 1 Personal Honor into this battle. 
Cliffs of Golden Tears
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Cliffs of Golden Tears

0,30 €
Any player may, as a Battle action, destroy a Spirit card in one of his or her units to move that unit into this battle or send the unit home from this battle, bowed. 
Amaterasu's Furnace
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Amaterasu's Furnace

0,30 €
Battle: Once per tun, destroy a Unique Item in the oposing army. The Attaker and the Defender may each take this action once per turn.  
Moto Vordu
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Moto Vordu

0,30 €
Unicorn Clan Shugenja. Cavalry Battle: Bow Vordu and discard a Kiho or Spell from your hand to straighten a bowed Cavalry card in this battle. 
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0,10 €
Unaligned Spirit. Samurai. Cavalry  
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0,30 €
Unaligned Spirit. Samurai Followers in Lsinyuan's unit with "Infantry" in their names each get +1F and are immune to Fear. 
Bayushi Baku Exp
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Bayushi Baku Exp

2,00 €
Scorpion Clan Spirit. Nonhuman. Experienced. Unique Lower Baku's Force to 0 during battles in which no other Scorpion Clan or Spirit Personalities are in Baku's army. Reaction: Before the Resolution Segment of a battle, send Baku home bowed. Lose 3 Honor. 
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