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Fallow Lands
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Fallow Lands

0,10 €
This province has +2 strength. Reaction: After a Melee or Ranged attack is targeted: give it -2 strength
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0,10 €
Gaijin • SenseiAfter Atosa enters play: Lose 2 Honor and discard all other Sensei Personalities you control. Your Gaijin Personalities in and out of play (including Atosa) have your Clan alignment.
The Ki-Rin's Path
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The Ki-Rin's Path

1,00 €
Your Tacticians have the ability “Tactical Open: Give this Personality +1F and Cavalry.”
Yojimbo Assemble
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Yojimbo Assemble

2,00 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Yojimbo, and target an enemy card with Force lower than your Yojimbo’s Force plus the highest Chi among all Shugenja and Courtiers you control: Bow the target. Destroy it if it has no attachments.
Pronouncement of Guilt
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Pronouncement of Guilt

3,00 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate and target an enemy Personality: Move him to the current battlefield. Straighten his unit unless he is dishonorable, Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands.
Perplexing Guests
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Perplexing Guests

0,10 €
Reaction: After another player’s action targets your Personality: Discard him. Battle: Create a 1F/1C/1PH Monk Personality on your side at the current battlefield. Remove him from the game when the turn ends
Moving and Unmoving
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Moving and Unmoving

2,00 €
Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Kensai: Move him there. Straighten him if he moved. Battle: Choose your target performing Kensai and target an enemy Personality with lower force: Move him home.
Killing Intent
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Killing Intent

0,10 €
As a Focus Effect: You may chose (now) to use the base Force of your Personality in this duel as his duel stat if he is at a battlefield. Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Straighten him. You may move him home.
Inciting Mistrust
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Inciting Mistrust

2,50 €
NinjaReaction: After another player's Melee or Ranged Attack targets your Ninja: Show the card in the current battlefield's province. If it is a Personality, negate the Melee or Ranged Attack's effects. Battle: Discard a card in the current battlefield's province. Draw a card.
The Menacing Sky
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The Menacing Sky

1,50 €
ThunderLimited: Bow this Shugenja unless he is Thunder, and target a Personality: After the next time (this turn) he assigns or an action resolves which moved him to a battlefield: Bow him.
Illusory Defense
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Illusory Defense

1,00 €
Air • RitualYour Air Shugenja have +1C. Limited: Bow one or more of your performing Shugenja with 10 or greater total Chi, and remove this card from the game: Create a province to the left of your leftmost province which permanently does not hold Dynasty cards.
Field Messenger
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Field Messenger

0,10 €
CavalryBattle/Open: Target your Personality: Transfer this card to him.
Shinjo Sarang
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Shinjo Sarang

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • CommanderBattle: Choose your performing Personality, and target your Follower at any location: Transfer it to the Personality. Straighten the Follower if the Personality is opposed or Spider Clan.
Shinjo Hayan
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Shinjo Hayan

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Sensei • LoyalAfter hayan enters play: Discars all your other Sensei Personalities. After engaging: Once per turn, you may assign your (unbowed) Unicorn Clan Personality in your home to the current battalefield.
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0,70 €
Shadowlands * Monk * Bloodspeaker * Order of Death * Student of Kinuye * Experienced Asako Makito * UniqueMakito has +1F while a Phoenix Clan player controls him. After a card is destroyed: Give Makito +1F. Maho Battle: Target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi: Destroy a card without attachments in his unit; this destruction will not be...
Daigotsu Takayasu Exp
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Daigotsu Takayasu Exp

2,00 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Commander • Conqueror • Experienced • UniqueAfter Takayasu enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Maho Battle: Melee 6 Attack.
Daigotsu Susaiken
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Daigotsu Susaiken

0,10 €
Spider Clan * Shadowlands * Samurai * Conqueror * Sensei * LoyalAfter Sunsaki enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities. Once per turn, you may refill one of your provinces face-up
Isawa Sanetomo
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Isawa Sanetomo

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan • Shugenja • Sensei • Air • LoyalAfter Sanetomo enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities. Once per battle, one of your Phoenix Clan Shugenja may perfom the Equip Battle action even if bowed and even if unopposed
Akodo Uehara
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Akodo Uehara

0,20 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • TacticianUehara has +1F while he opposes a Phoenix Clan Personality. Limited: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may leave it there, discard it, or put it at the bottom of the deck.
Hiruma Moritoki
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Hiruma Moritoki

0,20 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Scholar • Scout.
Growing Hostility
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Growing Hostility

0,10 €
UniqueDestroy all Non-Unique Holdings with a base Gold Cost of 0. Until the game ends, Holdings in and out of play have a minimum Gold Cost of 1
Sneak Attack (Alternate Art) FOIL
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Sneak Attack (Alternate Art) FOIL

4,00 €
Engage: The Attacker has the first opportunity to take a Battle action or pass in this battle.
The Shadow's Lair Full Bleed
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The Shadow's Lair Full Bleed

6,00 €
You do not lose Honor from Ninja and Fate cards you own. Ninja Battle: Once per battle, even if this card is bowed and even if you control no units at the current battlefield, target one or more unopposed units with combined total Force of 9 or lower, or one opposed unit: Move each target home; this will not be negated or delayed if you control a Ninja.
Shiro Chugo Full Bleed
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Shiro Chugo Full Bleed

5,00 €
Political Reaction: Before an action’s resolution, choose your performing unbowed Courtier: Reduce any Honor gain or loss from the action’s effects by 2. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality: Melee 4 Attack, with +1 strength if he is Loyal.
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