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Bayushi Irezu
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Bayushi Irezu

0,70 €
Scorpion Clan • Bitter Lies • Martyr • Soul of Bayushi KwanchaiReaction: Before your Scorpion Clan Personality enters a duel, bow Irezu: He enters the duel instead. Battle: If Irezu is at home, target your Scorpion Clan Personality: Move him home. Move Irezu to the current battlefield.
Daigotsu Gyoken
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Daigotsu Gyoken

0,10 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • SamuraiAfter Gyoken enters play: Lose 1 Honor.
Daigotsu Kendo
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Daigotsu Kendo

0,10 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Commander • Conqueror
Seppun Washi
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Seppun Washi

0,10 €
Imperial • Samurai • Imperial bank oF Rokugan • Banker • Soul of Seppun UjifusaReaction: When paying a Gold cost, bow Washi: Produce 2 Gold. Washi is worth One Koku.
Shinjo Eun-Sahng
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Shinjo Eun-Sahng

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Soul of Shinjo Chu-YeungBattle: Ranged 4 Attack.
Apprentice Shinobi
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Apprentice Shinobi

0,10 €
NinjaAfter the resolution of a Ninja action: Give this card +1F.
Hiruma Sniper
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Hiruma Sniper

0,20 €
ScoutBattle: If you have Reconnaissance: Ranged 4 Attack.
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0,10 €
Soshi House Guard
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Soshi House Guard

0,50 €
Ninja • UniqueWill only attach to a Scorpion Clan Personality. Political Battle/Open: Target a Personality: If it is a Combat Segment, bow him. If he is dishonorable, his controller loses 1 Honor.
Tsuruchi House Guard
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Tsuruchi House Guard

0,50 €
Scout • UniqueWill only attach to a Mantis Clan Personality. Battle: Ranged 5 Attack that you may compare against Gold Cost.
Ring of Earth
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Ring of Earth

0,70 €
Earth • UniqueAfter the resolution of a battle that you won, if there were ever any enemy units at that battlefield and none of your Personalities were destroyed during the battle: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield, bow this card or discard it from your hand: Give a province +3...
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0,50 €
UniquePolitical Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Gain 4 Honor.
A Stain Cleansed
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A Stain Cleansed

2,50 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate, target an enemy card without attachments or an enemy unit, and pay Gold equal to the card or unit’s total Gold Cost minus 2: Destroy it
Aramoro's Promise
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Aramoro's Promise

0,30 €
NinjaLimited: Choose your performing Saboteur or Ninja Personality: Discard a Dynasty card in a province. Lose 2 Honor.
Back to the Front
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Back to the Front

0,10 €
Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Move him to a battlefield he assigned to this turn. If he moved, straighten his unit.
Confusion at Court
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Confusion at Court

0,10 €
PoliticalReaction: Before an action resolves, if discarding the Imperial Favor is one of its base costs: Negate the action’s effects.
Encircled Terrain
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Encircled Terrain

0,10 €
TerrainBefore this battle resolves: The Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each choose one of their units at the current battlefield. Move all other units there home. Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there.
Inspired Devotion
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Inspired Devotion

0,10 €
Battle/Open: Choose your performing Yojimbo: Give him +2F or a Force bonus equal to the highest Chi of any Courtier or Shugenja you control.
Oyo's Second Lesson
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Oyo's Second Lesson

0,10 €
KihoBattle/Open: Choose your performing dead Henshin and target your Personality: Your Henshin is reborn. Overlay him onto your Personality. Draw a card. You may take an additional action.
Plans Within Plans
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Plans Within Plans

2,00 €
Open: At your next opportunity to take an Open action, you may instead take a Limited action.
Rumors Travel
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Rumors Travel

5,00 €
PoliticalLimited: Until your next turn begins, before each time a player gains 1 or more Honor, reduce the gain by 1 if it is not during a battle or Attack Phase. Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Personality: Move him there. Straighten him if he moved.
Solid Defense
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Solid Defense

0,70 €
Political Reaction: Before the resolution of another player’s action, discard the Imperial Favor unless you control a Personality with 5 or higher Force: Negate any Honor losses from the action’s effects. Battle: Target a Personality without attachments: Move him home.
Soul's Sacrifice
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Soul's Sacrifice

0,10 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai with 3 or higher Personal Honor and target an enemy Personality: Move him home. Permanently give your Samurai Shadowlands and Undead.
Strength in Terror
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Strength in Terror

0,20 €
FearBattle: Choose your performing Paragon and target an enemy Personality: Reduce his Force by an amount equal to your Paragon’s Force. You may target and destroy one of the Personality’s attachments. Lose 3 Honor.
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