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Blade of Champions
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Blade of Champions

1,50 €
Weapon • UniqueReaction: When a Battle action would target a card in this unit, bow this card: The action targets another of your cards instead, if legal.
Utaku Mai
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Utaku Mai

0,50 €
Unicorn Clan • Imperial • Samurai • Battle Maiden • Cavalry • ParagonBattle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower: You may move Mai to the current battlefield. If she is now there, give the targeted card a Force penalty equal to Mai’s Personal Honor.
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0,20 €
Spider Clan • Monk • Kensai • Tiger’s ClaWBattle: Bow Sutigu or one of his Weapons, and target an enemy card: Negate its straightening (until the turn ends) if it is an attachment. Bow it.
Kitsune Tokoru
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Kitsune Tokoru

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Earth • ShugenjaReaction: After Tokoru enters play: Create a 4F/2C/3PH Mantis Clan • Nonhuman • Bear • Spirit Personality with the ability, “Battle: Target an attacking enemy card: Bow it. Destroy it if it is an attachment.”
Archery Range
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Archery Range

0,30 €
DojoBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it +1 strength.
Bamboo Harvesters Exp
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Bamboo Harvesters Exp

4,00 €
Forest • Experienced • UniqueThis card will not straighten before your third turn.w: Produce 2 Gold.Limited, w: Draw a card. If you now have 6 or more cards in your hand, discard a card.
Gripped by Terror
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Gripped by Terror

0,20 €
FearBattle: Choose your performing Personality and target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it -4F. If your personality is Nonhuman, give each of your Personalities at the current battlefield +1F
Ninube Shiho
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Ninube Shiho

3,00 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • Shugenja • UnmakerAfter Shiho enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: Put Shiho on top of your Dinasty deck an target an enemy Personality: Put all cards without attachments in his unit on the bottom of their owner's appropiate decks.
Bayushi Toshimo
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Bayushi Toshimo

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Bitter Lies • Kensai • Paragon • Yojimbo • LoyalBattle: Target an enemy card without attachments : Bow it. If Toshimo has a Weapon or you control a Courtier, negate the card's straightening.
Shiba Sawaken
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Shiba Sawaken

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Duelist • YojimboIaijutsu Battle: Target an enemy Follower or Personality: Give it -5F
Asako Chukage
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Asako Chukage

0,70 €
Phoenix Clan • Water • Monk • Shugenja • Cavalry • Henshin • Unique • Elemental MasterAfter Chukage enteres play: Search your discard pile, then hand, then deck, for a Ring of Water. Put it into play or in your hand. Reaction: Even if Chukage is bowed, after an action that moved your Personality: Move Chukage to the Personality's location. Straighten...
Doji Hakuseki Exp2
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Doji Hakuseki Exp2

3,00 €
Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Magistrate • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique • First MagistrateOpen: Target a Personality: Choose one of his abbilities; it may not be used. Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Hakuseki issues him an unrefusable challenge. The controller of the duel's winner gains 2 Honor. Bow the duel's loser, and destroy him if he is...
Yasuki Daiki
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Yasuki Daiki

0,30 €
Crab Clan • Courtier • Merchant"There are many ways to win a war"
Border Keep Exp
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Border Keep Exp

8,00 €
Experienced • Uniquew: Produce 2 Gold.Limited: Once per game, put one to three cards in your hand at the bottom of your deck. Draw cards equal to the number you put at the bottom.
Ryoshun's Guidance
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Ryoshun's Guidance

4,00 €
Kami • UniqueYour personalities have +1C while they are not involved in a duel. Reaction: When another's player action would target one of your cards, discard this card: Choose another of your non-Stronghold cards at the same location. The action targets it instead, if legal.
Master Scouts
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Master Scouts

0,50 €
Elite • Gaijin • ScoutAfter the resolution of a Recon action you took: Give this card +1F.
Sly Deceiver
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Sly Deceiver

0,20 €
NinjaLimited: Choose your performing Ninja Personality and target a non-Unique Personality: Your Ninja permanently copies the Personality’s base keywords, except Clan Champion, Daimyo, or Shugenja, and permanently copies his base abilities which do not themselves copy abilities.
Seek the Stain
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Seek the Stain (Español)

0,20 €
VoidYou may attach this card from your discard pile to your Void Shugenja.Open: Bow this card and target another player’s Personality: You find out his dark secret. Give him Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands.
Asako Izuna
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Asako Izuna

0,20 €
Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate • VillainReaction: After Izuna enters play, target another player’s Personality with Personal Honor lower than or equal to Izuna’s Chi: She coerces testimony of a family’s secret. Dishonor the targeted Personality and permanently give him Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands.
Matsu Kaido
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Matsu Kaido

1,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • HeroKaido has +1F while attacking. Fear Battle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower: Reduce its Force to 0.
Ikoma Ayumu
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Ikoma Ayumu

1,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • TacticianReaction: Even if Hazama is bowed, after you announce a Tactical action, if he is at the current battlefield: Straighten him.
Preserve Your Forces
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Preserve Your Forces (Español)

0,10 €
Reaction: After another player’s action targets your Personality at the current battlefield, choose your performing Commander there: Transfer one or more of the Personality’s Followers to one of your other Personalities (at any location).
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0,10 €
Battle: Choose your performing bowed Kensai: Give a target enemy Personality -4F. If his Force is now 0, bow him and negate his movement (this turn). Straighten your Kensai’s unit.
Crippling Weather
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Crippling Weather

0,10 €
Winter Battle: Destroy all Terrains in play. Until this battle ends, no new Terrains may be played. After each time this battle an action ends, bow any Personalities who performed it.
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