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Mirumoto Kouzei
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Mirumoto Kouzei

0,20 €
Dragon Clan • Samurai • KensaiBattle: Target an enemy card with equal or lower Force: Bow it.
Kakita Kae
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Kakita Kae

1,50 €
Crane Clan • Courtier • StorytellerAfter a Battle action targets Kae, you may discard the Imperial Favor: If you did negate Kae’s destruction, bowing, and movement from the action’s effects. Battle: Move Kae home.
Shrine to Nimuro
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Shrine to Nimuro

0,20 €
Temple • UniqueBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you control a Tactician. Limited: Bow this card and your performing Lion Clan Tactician, and target a province: Lower its strength to 0.
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0,30 €
Forest • UniqueUntil your next turn begins, before the first time each turn another player's card's effect destroys one or more of your Personalities, negate the destruction.
Akodo's Guidance Exp
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Akodo's Guidance Exp

0,50 €
Kami • Experienced • UniqueLion Clan players may target defending enemy units with the rulebook Favor Political Battle action. Battle: If you are a Lion Clan player, discard this card and choose your performing Personality: Melee 4 Attack.
Hida Komatsu
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Hida Komatsu

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Berserker • Hero • Unique • Sould of Hida Rikyu ExperiencedBattle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower with lower Force and no attachments: Bow it. Battle: Target an enemy attachment: Destroy it.
Hida Watari
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Hida Watari

0,30 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Veteran • Unique • Wyrm Rider • Sould of Hida TobashiWhile Tobashi has exactly one Follower, that Follower has Cavalry. Fear Battle: Target an enemy unit: Bow all Followers with 3 or lower Force in it.
Tamori Muzu
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Tamori Muzu

0,10 €
Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja • AlchemisttYour other Earth Personalities have +1F while defending. Battle: Target an enemy card: Bow it if it is attacking or has no /attachments. Gain 1 Honor.
Akodo Makotai
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Akodo Makotai

1,50 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander • Tactician • Soul of Akodo MirotaiTactical Limited: Create a 2F Follower and attach it to Makotai.
Kitsune Kohaki
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Kitsune Kohaki

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Nonhuman • Kitsune • Earth • Shugenja • Spirit
Shosuro Kameyoi
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Shosuro Kameyoi

1,50 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Seductress • LoyalPolitical Limited: Target a Personality: If he is dishonorable, his controller loses 1 Honor, or 2 Honor if his base Personal Honor is 3 or higher. Dishonor him.
Ugulu no Oni
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Ugulu no Oni

1,50 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • OniAfter Ugulu enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Before a Human Personality moves to Ugulu’s battlefield: Negate his movement.
Utaku Ryoko
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Utaku Ryoko

0,20 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Battle Maiden • Cavalry • Paragon • Soul of Utaku Liu-XeungReaction: After engaging at Ryoko’s battlefield, target a Personality or Follower opposing her: Give it a Force penalty equal to Ryoko’s Personal Honor.
Chrysanthemum Blossom
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Chrysanthemum Blossom

0,20 €
ImperialReaction: After this Personality is assigned: Give him a +1F token. Gain 1 Honor.
Clan Standard
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Clan Standard

1,00 €
StandardYour Personalities with your Clan alignment at this card’s battlefield have +1F, or +2F if they have any Followers.
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2,00 €
WeaponBattle: Draw a card.
Ring of Fire
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Ring of Fire

0,70 €
Fire • UniqueAfter the resolution of a battle at a province, if you destroyed one or more provinces or enemy cards in that resolution: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, destroy your performing Personality, and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi: Destroy him.
A Paragon's Strength
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A Paragon's Strength

3,00 €
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Paragon: Ranged Attack with strength equal to his Force. Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Paragon and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Personal Honor: Move him home. Gain 2 Honor.
Bad Kharma
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Bad Kharma

6,00 €
Reaction: After another player with Family Honor of –1 or lower announces an action on a Strategy: He ignores the action’s costs. Negate its effects.
Final Confrontation
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Final Confrontation

0,20 €
Iaijutsu • PoliticalAs a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if your Personality won it, take the Imperial Favor. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Duelist and target one or two Personalities whose total Chi is lower than or equal to your Duelist’s Chi: Bow them.
Relentless Conviction
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Relentless Conviction

2,00 €
UniqueBattle: Target a dishonorable Personality: Destroy him.
Shadows Walk
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Shadows Walk

0,30 €
Fear • NinjaOpen: Bow one or more of your performing Shadowlands Ninja Personalities and target a card without attachments: If the card is an attachment, destroy it. If it is a Personality with Chi lower than or equal to the number of performers, permanently give him Ninja and Shadowlands and take control of him. Lose 3 Honor.
Strength of Purity
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Strength of Purity

0,20 €
Battle: Choose your performing Personality with 3 or higher Personal Honor: Give him +3F.
Tireless Efforts
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Tireless Efforts

0,20 €
Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Straighten him. Battle/Open: Choose your performing Personality: Negate all current and new Force penalties on him.
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