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Fall Back!
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Fall Back!

0,20 €
Battle: Move your target Personality home. If he moved, straighten his unit, and you may straighten one of your other units.
Undefended Border
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Undefended Border

0,50 €
Unique Battle: Bow this card: Give your target Personality +1F, and an additional +1F if he is a Scout or Tactician.
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0,50 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Scout After Pokupo enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Pokupo has +1F while you control Pokku.
Tamori Masako
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Tamori Masako

0,70 €
Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja Reaction: After Masako’s unit assigns or moves to a battlefield: Give the battlefield’s province +3 or -3 strength.
Hida Shinko
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Hida Shinko

0,70 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker Battle: Destroy Shinko: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments.
Bayushi Paneki Exp5 FOIL
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Bayushi Paneki Exp5 FOIL

3,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Clan Champion • Samurai • Tactician • Hero • Experienced 5 • Loyal • Unique After Paneki assigns to a battlefield at a province: You may discard a Dynasty card in one of the Defender's provinces. Political Battle: Bow a target Personality. Destroy him if he is dishonorable. You may target and dishonor a Personality.
Seven Seas Port
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Seven Seas Port

1,50 €
Port Recon Open: Target a province. Your Mantis Clan Personalities and your Scout Followers have +1F while at that province’s battlefield.
Dragon's Guard City
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Dragon's Guard City (Español)

1,00 €
Battle/Open: Target your Personality: Attach a target Follower in your hand or discard pile to him.
Central Castle
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Central Castle (Español)

1,50 €
Reaction: After the resolution of an action during battle for which you discarded a card due to its costs or effects: Draw a card.
Ring of Earth
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Ring of Earth

0,30 €
Earth • Unique After you destroy one or more provinces or enemy units by winning a battle at a province: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Raise a target province's strength by 4; you may instead lower its strength by 3 if this card is in play.
Heavenly Lance of the Unicorn
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1,00 €
Weapon • Unique Will only attach to a Unicorn Clan Personality. Open: Bow this card: Either straighten or remove Cavalry from a target Personality.
Heavenly Kama of the Mantis
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0,50 €
Weapon • Unique Will only attach to a Mantis Clan Personality. Battle/Open: Even if this card is bowed, lose 1 Honor: Straighten your target Holding.
Akuma no Oni Exp2
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Akuma no Oni Exp2

0,50 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • Overlord • Experienced 2 Oni no Akuma • Unique After Akuma enters play: Lose 15 Honor and destroy your rightmost province. During the Action Phase, Akuma does not bow and may not be targeted. Once per game, after a battle's resolution in which an attacking army containing Akuma destroyed a province: Destroy another of...
Kobune Port
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Kobune Port

0,10 €
Port Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Mantis Clan player.
Hida Kagura
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Hida Kagura

1,00 €
Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker
Shattered Peaks Castle (Español)
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Shattered Peaks Castle (Español)

1,00 €
Battle/Open: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten your target unit.
Hida Yumiya
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Hida Yumiya

0,20 €
Crab Clan • Shadowlands • Berserker • Damned Personalities and Followers without Shadowlands have -1F while opposing Yumiya.
Daigotsu Minoko
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Daigotsu Minoko

0,20 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Duelist • Obsidian Claw. After Minoko enters play: Lose 3 Honor. After Minoko challenges a Personality: That Personality loses Duelist.
An Imperial Marriage
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An Imperial Marriage

0,70 €
Imperial • Political. Limited: Target your unbowed Courtier: A target Personality permanently gains Imperial and the ability, “Limited: Take the Imperial Favor.”
Magistrate's Accusation
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Magistrate's Accusation

0,70 €
Battle: Target your unbowed Magistrate Personality: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor than your Magistrate’s Chi. The enemy leader loses 2 Honor.
Death Ravagers
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Death Ravagers

0,10 €
Oni • Shadowlands. Will only attach to an Oni. After this card enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Before the end of your End Phase, if this unit was not in an attacking army this turn: Destroy this card.
Dance of the Winds
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Dance of the Winds

0,20 €
Air Kiho Battle: Target your unbowed Shugenja or Monk: Move a target enemy Personality home. If this is the first Battle action taken in this battle, negate any effects this turn that move the Personality.
Daku no Oni
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Daku no Oni

0,50 €
Shadowlands * Oni * Nonhuman After Daku no Oni enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Bow a target Personality opposing Daku no Oni, or bow one of the enemy leader’s target Holdings. Destroy the targeted card if it is a Farm or Ashigaru.
Powerful Blow
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Powerful Blow (Español)

6,00 €
Battle: Bow your target Commander: Destroy a target enemy unit with fewer Followers than your Commander’s unit.
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