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Evil Feeds Upon Itself
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Evil Feeds Upon Itself

1,50 €
The Player or Players with the lowest Family Honor lose their rightmost Province (it is destroyed).
Thunder Dragon Bay
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Thunder Dragon Bay (Español)

1,00 €
Thunder After the resolution of one of your Thunder actions: Give your target Personality +1F. Battle: Lightning strikes your enemies. Ranged 4 Attack.
Heavy Elite
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Heavy Elite

4,00 €
Elite Ranged Attacks targeting cards in this unit have -2 strength. Battle: Destroy a target enemy card with equal or lower Force and no attachments. Draw a card.
Moto Kushi
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Moto Kushi

0,10 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments.
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0,10 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Shugenja • Alchemist After Morru enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Reaction: After a Goblin enters play from a Province, bow Morru: Refill the Province face-up.
Arjuna Singh
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Arjuna Singh

0,30 €
Mantis Clan • Cavalry • Naval • Gaijin • Kshatriya Singh does not bow from battle resolution.
Emerald Champion
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Emerald Champion

0,10 €
Samurai • Duelist May not be included in decks
Legion of Toshigoku
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Legion of Toshigoku

1,00 €
Spirit Battle: Even if this card is bowed: Destroy this card. Reaction: After this card enters a discard pile from play: Draw a card.
Thorough Preparations
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Thorough Preparations

0,20 €
After this card enters a discard pile from your hand during a battle: Draw a card.
Utaku Hana
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Utaku Hana

0,50 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to Hana’s Personal Honor.
Hida's Guidance
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Hida's Guidance

0,30 €
Kami • Unique Crab Clan players’ provinces have +2 strength. Battle: If you are an attacking Crab Clan player, the Defender has 2 or more provinces, and your current army’s total Force is greater than the current battlefield’s province’s strength, destroy all your Personalities there and discard this card: Destroy the province and end this battle without...
Yoritomo's Guidance
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Yoritomo's Guidance

0,30 €
Kami • Unique When a Mantis Clan player’s Port Holding produces Gold: It produces one additional Gold. Reaction: After a battle resolution that destroyed a province, if you are a Mantis Clan player and the Attacker, discard this card: Gain a province to the left of your leftmost province.
Kakita Kensho-in Exp
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Kakita Kensho-in Exp (Español)

1,00 €
Crane Clan • Obsidian • Samurai • Duelist • Artisan • Experienced • Unique After Kensho-in wins a duel: Before the next time this turn another player’s action bows, moves, or destroys her, negate that effect.
Akodo Masao
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Akodo Masao

0,20 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero • Kensai Masao has +3F while attacking unless he has any non-Weapon attachments.
Ikoma Tobikuma
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Ikoma Tobikuma (Español)

1,00 €
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician Tactical Open: Give Tobikuma either Cavalry, Naval, or Philosopher.
Tsuruchi Nabeta
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Tsuruchi Nabeta

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai Battle: Bow Nabeta: Ranged 4 Attack. Straighten Nabeta before this battle’s resolution.
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0,20 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhu man • Goblin • Scout After Gakku enters play: Lose 3 Honor.
Utaku Yanai
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Utaku Yanai

0,70 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -2F. If its Force is now 0, bow it and gain 2 Honor.
Daigotsu Shinjitsu
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Daigotsu Shinjitsu

0,50 €
Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark Truth After Shinjitsu enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Discard a Dark Virtue card: Give Shinjitsu a Force bonus equal to the discarded card’s Focus Value plus 1.
Bayushi Sihaken
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Bayushi Sihaken

0,50 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Reaction: After Sihaken’s army destroys one or more provinces or enemy units by winning a battle: The Defender loses 2 Honor.
My Father's Shrine
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My Father's Shrine

1,00 €
Temple Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow your target Personality: Gain 1 Honor.
Touch of Ice
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Touch of Ice

0,20 €
Water Open: If it is not your turn, bow this Shugenja: Another target player may choose to bow two of his Personalities. If he does not bow two Personalities, gain 3 Honor.
Unfortunate Incident
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Unfortunate Incident

0,70 €
Political Limited: Target another player with higher Family Honor than yours. He has shamed his clan, and loses 5 Honor. Until the game ends, he may ignore Honor Requirements when bringing Personalities into play.
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0,50 €
Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Create an additional Attack Phase of your own in which you must choose the previous phase’s Attacker as the Defender. Neither player may invite allies and you may only assign one unit. Give the Personality and each Follower in that unit +1F after it assigns.
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