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0,30 €
Limited: Target a Holding. Destroy it
Desperate Wager
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Desperate Wager

1,50 €
You may only play one Desperate Wager per turn. Reaction: Before your Dynasty Phase begins: Straighten all Personalities you control. Declare an attack. After declaring the Defender, straighten all Personalities and Followers he controls, including those that cannot straighten. Lose the game when the turn ends.
Shadow Dragon Exp
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Shadow Dragon Exp (Español)

1,50 €
Creature · Cavalry · Ninja · Experienced · Unique · Shadowlands. Shadow Dragon cannot bow. After your Straighten Phase ends, if Shadow Dragon is dead in your discard pile, you may bring it into play, paying all costs. Battle: Move Shadow Dragon home from the current battlefield: Target a non-Unique Personality. Gain control of him. Move him to your army...
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0,20 €
Goblin Ravager · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Target and destroy a Goblin you control in Brukash's army: Brukash produces Fear with a strength equal to the Goblin's Force. This Fear affects Personalities as if they were Followers
Ratling Conjuror
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Ratling Conjuror

0,10 €
Ratling Shugenja · Creature. Cannot attach Spells with a Gold cost greater than 3. Open: Bow Ratling Conjuror and discard a card: Give all Ratlings +1F.
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0,10 €
Ratling Commander · Crippled Bone Tribe · Creature · Soul of Mat'tck. Battle: Once per battle: Target a Ratling Personality you control in Pep'trchek's army. For each Ratling Follower in the target's unit, give the target +1F
Ratling Village
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Ratling Village

0,10 €
Singular. Reaction: When paying for a Ratling Personality in this Province: Either reduce his Gold cost by 2, to a minimum of 1, or attach a Ratling Follower to him from your hand after he enters play, ignoring Gold cost. Limited: Pay 1 Gold: Target a Ratling Personality you control. Attach a 0F Ratling Pack Creature Follower token to him.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Monk. Acolytes of Water Elemental Battle: Bow Suana and play a Terrain, destrying any Terrain in play for this battle. Suana must be in the battle to perform this action. Elemental Battle: Once per turn, move this unit to a different Province if you have the Ring of Water in play.
Ikoma Ryozo
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Ikoma Ryozo

0,30 €
Lion Clan Samurai. Shadowlands If an Imperial Favor effect targets a card in Ryozo's battle, Ryozo goes home bowed.
Piercing the Soul
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Piercing the Soul

0,10 €
Kiho Reaction: Bow a shugenja or monk you control immediately before you perform a Ranged Attack in this battle. This Ranged Attack has its strength compared to Chi instead of Force if it is targeting a Personality.
Freezing the Lifeblood
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Freezing the Lifeblood

0,10 €
Kiho Open: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a bowed Personality. Give him a Sleep token. The token has the trait, “Each time this Personality would straighten, remove one Sleep token from him instead of straightening him.”
Medium Infantry
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Medium Infantry

0,20 €
Hawks and Falcons
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Hawks and Falcons

0,20 €
Limited: Bow this card: Gain 1 Honor.
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0,20 €
Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold for each Iron Mine in play.When paying for a Weapon or Armor, bow this card: Produce 4 Gold.
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0,50 €
Unaligned Toturi's Army Samurai
Ninja Spy
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Ninja Spy

0,30 €
NinjaWill not attach non-Ninja Followers.Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow Ninja Spy and target a player: Look at his hand. Lose 1 Honor.Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow Ninja Spy and target a player: Look at all face-down cards in his provinces. Lose 1 Honor
Heichi Chokei
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Heichi Chokei

0,20 €
Unaligned Monk. Shugenja
Matsu Yojo
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Matsu Yojo

0,50 €
Lion Clan • Samurai 
Matsu Gohei
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Matsu Gohei

1,50 €
Lion Clan • SamuraiGohei has +2F while attacking.
Kitsuki Yasu
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Kitsuki Yasu

2,00 €
Dragon Clan • Samurai • JusticarPolitical Reaction: Any number of times per turn, after a Samurai is challenged, bow Yataku: The Samurai's controller may not choose to refuse the challenge.
Touch of Death
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Touch of Death

4,00 €
MahoLimited: Bow this Shugenja, destroy this card, and target a bowed Personality with equal or lower Chi: Destroy him
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0,30 €
Earth • ElementalBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja and target an enemy Personality: Bow him
Peasant Revolt
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Peasant Revolt

1,00 €
Printed Keywords UniqueBow each Personality and Follower with 3 or higher Force; Personalities and Followers with 3 or higher Force will not straighten before your next turn begins.
Kolat Infiltrator
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Kolat Infiltrator

2,00 €
KolatReaction: After a Holding bows to pay for one of its own abilities or traits: Negate that action's or trait's effects.
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