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Unnatural Flood
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Unnatural Flood

2,00 €
Water • UniqueBattle: Bow this Shugenja and target an enemy Personality: Move him home; if this Shugenja is Water, this movement will not be negated. If the target moved, bow him and negate his (future) movement.
A Forefather's Vengeance
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A Forefather's Vengeance

0,20 €
Limited: Gain 3 Honor, or 1 Honor for each Ancestor you have in play, whichever is lower. Battle: Destroy your performing unbowed Ancestor and target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it.
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1,00 €
Siege • UniqueOpen: Destroy a performing Personality you own and control: Increase or decrease the strength of all players’ provinces by an amount equal to the Personality’s base Chi.
Mysterious Deaths
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Mysterious Deaths

1,00 €
Kolat • UniqueLimited: Each player targets a unit he controls with the lowest total Gold Cost of all units he controls, if possible. Destroy all targets. Remove this card from the game. Lose 4 Honor.
Nerve Strike
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Nerve Strike

0,50 €
KihoBattle: Bow your performing Monk and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi: Reduce his Force and the Force of each of his Followers to 0. Cards in that unit may not perform actions until this battle ends.
Ogre Savagery
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Ogre Savagery

0,10 €
FearBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Nonhuman Shadowlands Personality and target an enemy Personality: Bow him. “Taint no longer plagues us, but the Shadowlands are no less a place of menace.
Sacrifice of Pawns
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Sacrifice of Pawns

1,50 €
PoliticalLimited: Destroy your performing unbowed Courtier and target another player’s Personality: His controller may destroy the target. If he did not choose this, search your Dynasty deck for a Personality and bring him into play, paying all costs but paying two more Gold. (Discard him if you are unable to play him.)
Treachery and Deceit
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Treachery and Deceit

0,30 €
Battle: Target a Personality whose unit’s total Force is 7 or higher: Move him home.
Vigilant Eyes
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Vigilant Eyes

0,10 €
Dark Virtue • InsightOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target a Personality: Give him a Force penalty equal to your Samurai’s Force.
Kyuden Otomo Exp
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Kyuden Otomo Exp

1,00 €
Imperial • ExperiencedYou may substitute discarding a Favor token from this card for discarding the Imperial Favor as a cost. After you take the Imperial Favor: You may discard it; if you did, add a Favor token to this card. Political Open: Bow your performing honorable Courtier: Add a Favor token to this card.
The Ruby Championship
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The Ruby Championship (Español)

4,00 €
UniqueChoose one of your Personalities in play. Permanently give him Imperial • Magistrate and the ability, "Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow him. If he is dishonorable, destroy a card without attachments in his unit."
The Emerald Championship
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4,00 €
UniqueChoose one of your Personalities in play. Permanently give him Imperial • Magistrate and the ability, "Battle/Open: Even if this Personality is bowed, target a Personality: Straighten him."
The Weakness of Man
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The Weakness of Man

0,70 €
KihoBattle/Open: Choose your performing unbowed Monk and target a Personality whose Force is different from his own base Force: Bow or straighten him.
Tales of Dishonor
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Tales of Dishonor

1,50 €
Political Reaction: After the resolution of a battle at a province, if you destroyed any enemy units or a province in that resolution: The battle’s loser loses 4 Honor. Battle: Choose your performing Magistrate: Straighten him.
Silent Terror
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Silent Terror

0,20 €
NinjaBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Ninja Personality and target an enemy card: Bow it. You may discard a card in the current battlefield’s province.
Never Safe
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Never Safe

0,20 €
NinjaBattle: Choose your performing Ninja and target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it –4F. After this battle ends, if this card is in your discard pile, you may put it into your hand.
Basic Lesson
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Basic Lesson

0,20 €
Limited: Create a (bowed) Holding with the trait “Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.” Open: Destroy your target Holding: Create a Samurai Personality with 3C/2PH and Force equal to the Holding’s base Gold Cost.
Bo of Water
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Bo of Water

0,20 €
WaterWhile this Shugenja is Water, he contributes Force to his army even if bowed. Limited: Once per game: Create a +2F/+0C Water • Weapon Item with the ability, “Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it” and attach it to one of your Personalities.
Legion of the Bat
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Legion of the Bat

0,10 €
Bat Clan • CavalryEnters play paying 1 less Gold if you are a Crane Clan player. Reaction: After the resolution of an action that moved a target enemy Infantry Personality to this card’s battlefield: Bow the Personality.
Fading Shadows
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Fading Shadows

0,20 €
NinjaYou may include up to 10 copies of this card in your deck. Will only attach to a Ninja. After this card enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: If this card is in your hand, choose your performing Ninja: Attach it to him.
Shinden Shorai
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Shinden Shorai

1,00 €
UniqueLimited: If it is not your first or second turn: Bring a face-up Personality in this province into play, paying all costs. You may ignore the Personality’s Honor Requirement if he is Lion Clan.
Moto Jun-Ni
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Moto Jun-Ni

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Demon slayerFollowers in this unit have Cavalry. Limited: Target a Follower in any player’s discard pile: Attach it to Jun-Ni, paying all costs.
Shosuro Hawado
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Shosuro Hawado

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Ninja • ShadowspawnBattle: Even if Hawado is bowed, remove a Dynasty card in any discard pile from the game: Move Hawado home or to a battlefield with one or more enemy units. If she moved, straighten her.
Bayushi Nori
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Bayushi Nori

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • MagistrateBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow the Personality or all of his attachments. If he is dishonorable, his controller loses 2 Honor.
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