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Aramasu's Pride
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Aramasu's Pride (Español)

1,00 €
Raid Limited: Declare an additional Attack Phase. This is a Raid attack. During it, battles are Raid battles, and battle resolution does not destroy armies or Provinces and does not bow Pirate cards. After it, target a number of Holdings up to the number of battles you won (even against no units at resolution). Raise their Gold production by 4
Banish All Shadows
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Banish All Shadows (Español)

3,50 €
Kiho Limited: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck. Put one in your hand. Shuffle the deck
Kuruma Date
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Kuruma Date

1,00 €
Undead · Creature · Siege · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. Ranged Attacks cannot target cards in this unit. Battle: Bow this card: Target an opposing Follower or an opposing Personality with no Followers. Destroy it.
Crippled Bone Runner
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Crippled Bone Runner

0,10 €
Ratling · Creature · Scout. Costs 1 less Gold for Ratling players. Battle: If this card is at the current battlefield, bow and destroy it: Target a Terrain. Destroy it.
Brothers in Arms
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Brothers in Arms (Español)

0,50 €
Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: After this card enters play from your hand: Search your Fate discard pile, then deck, for a Brothers in Arms. Show it. Put it in your hand
You Walk With Evil
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You Walk With Evil

0,30 €
Battle: Target a Samurai in an army that contains a Shadowlands card. Bow the Samurai. Dishonor him. Permanently give him the Shadowlands trait
Treachery and Deceit
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Treachery and Deceit

0,20 €
Battle: Target a unit with more than 6 total Force. Move it home
Superior Strategist
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Superior Strategist

3,00 €
Tactical Battle: Target a Tactician you control: Search your Fate deck for an Action card with a Battle or Open action or for a Formation card. If you find a card, take a Battle or Open action to play it.
Search For Advantage
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Search For Advantage

0,30 €
Limited: Target and bow a Personality you control: Target a Dishonored Personality. Restore him to Honor. Shuffle him and all his attached cards into their owners' decks
Heavily Engaged
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Heavily Engaged

1,00 €
Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Each player targets an unbowed Personality he controls at the current battlefield, if possible. Bow all targets
Influenced from Afar
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Influenced from Afar

0,20 €
Political Reaction: When paying a cost of discarding the Imperial Favor, target and bow a Personality you control: This action pays that cost. Battle: Target a Personality you control at the current battlefield: Target a Terrain. Destroy it
Imperial Summons
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Imperial Summons

0,20 €
Political Open: If it is the Action Phase, bow your Stronghold or discard the Imperial Favor: Target a Personality. Bow him
Explored Territory
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Explored Territory

0,10 €
Immediate Terrain. Battle: The next time a card you control at this battlefield, other than this card, would be destroyed by a card effect, negate the destruction and draw a card. (This does not affect destroying a card to pay a cost.)
Encircled Terrain
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Encircled Terrain

0,10 €
Delayed Terrain. Battle: The Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each targets a unit he controls at the current battlefield. Move all other units there home.
Brutal Confrontation
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Brutal Confrontation

0,50 €
Battle: Until the battle ends, all players may take the following actions any number of times. You may take one immediately if your current army has at least two units. ?Battle: Target and bow a Personality you control: He produces a Ranged 3 Attack.? ?Battle: Target and bow a Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him. Yours issues the...
Iuchi Hira
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Iuchi Hira

0,20 €
Unicorn Clan Air Shugenja · Cavalry · Baraunghar · Soul of Iuchi Katta. Limited: Target a Unicorn Clan Personality you control. Straighten him
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0,20 €
Goblin · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. After the End Phase begins, you may bring this card into play from your discard pile, ignoring costs, if it was destroyed this turn during a battle or duel.
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0,10 €
Goblin · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After Zeth enters play, pay 2 Gold: Attach a 1F Shadowlands Nonhuman Goblin Follower token to him
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0,20 €
Cavalry · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor. After each time Ashura is destroyed while at a battlefield, target and destroy a Follower, or a Personality without Followers, at that battlefield. Battle: Fear 4
Shosuro Higatsuku
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Shosuro Higatsuku

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Instigator · Courtier. Political Battle: Bow Higatsuku: Target an opposing Personality with greater Chi than Higatsuku. He challenges Higatsuku
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0,10 €
Ratling · Tattered Ear Tribe · Creature · Soul of Rik'tik'tichek. Ashi has the Tactician trait while defending
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0,20 €
Ratling General · Green-Green-White Tribe · Bushi · Creature · Soul of Z'orr'tek. Reaction: After an opposing Personality gains a Force bonus, bow Ep'kee: Lower the bonus to +0F until the turn ends
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0,10 €
Ratling Predator · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature. D'gr'n-ki costs 1 less Gold for each Ratling with a printed Gold cost above 6 you have in play or dead in your discard pile. Battle: Bow D'gr'n-ki: Ranged 2 Attack, or Ranged 4 Attack if the target is a Ratling or a Human.
Akodo Natsu
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Akodo Natsu

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician · Soul of Akodo Yobi. Tactical Reaction: After a Terrain enters play from your hand: Draw a card. (Natsu need not be at the current battlefield.)
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