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False Alliance
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False Alliance

0,30 €
Battle: If you are an ally: Lose 4 Honor. You become an ally of the enemy leader instead of the friendly leader. All your units at battlefields enter your new leader's side there (this is not movement).
Defend Your Honor
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Defend Your Honor

0,20 €
PoliticalReaction: Before you lose Honor from another player's action, you may choose your performing unbowed Samurai: Negate the Honor loss. If you chose a performer, he issues a challenge which the other player may accept with any of his unbowed Personalities. If the player does not accept or his Personality loses the duel, he loses Honor equal to the...
Another Time
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Another Time

0,30 €
As a Focus Effect: Discard all cards in focusing areas. The duel ends immediately without resolution.
All Distances are One
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All Distances are One

0,10 €
Elemental Limited: Bow this Shugenja to move one Region card to a different Province of the same player that it can be legally attached to. Destroy this spell if the target Region is not your own. Elemental Limited: Bow this Shugenja and target a Region in play. While this Region remains in play, no other Regions with the same name may be brought into play.
Streets of Otosan Uchi
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Streets of Otosan Uchi

0,10 €
Unique Each player may, as a Battle action once per battle per each of his or her Personalities, have one of his or her Personalities in this battle challenge an opposing Personality. The challenged Personality's controller may refuse the challenge by discarding a card from his or her hand.
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1,00 €
Unaligned Monk Advisor You must have at least one Elemental Ring in play to bring Shioda into play. Open: Bow Shioda and a temple you control to straighten your stronghold.
Matsu Hokitare
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Matsu Hokitare

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai Reaction: Bow to challenge to a duel a Personality that is leaving a battle that Hokitare is in. If the challenge is refused, the Personality is dishonored and the controller loses 7 honor.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Creature The Kappa always has a 0F/1C when bowed. Battle: Once per battle, the Kappa can issue an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Samurai. The duel is a contest of Force instead of Chi. The loser is bowed.
Bayushi Kachiko Inexp
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Bayushi Kachiko Inexp

3,00 €
Scorpion Clan Seductress · Inexperienced · Unique. Open: Bow Kachiko and target a Personality whose Personal Honor is reduced to zero until the beginning of your next turn.
Akodo Hari
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Akodo Hari

0,10 €
Lion Clan Samurai Battle: Bow Hari when your army has more Force than the opposing army, if there are any units in the opposing army. Gain 2 honor. Hari gains 1 personal honor permanently, maximum of 5.
Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion
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Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion

2,00 €
Weapon. Unique When controlled by a Scorpion Clan Personality, this sword gains a +1F/+1C bonus for every Scorpion Clan Personality you control. Any other Scorpion Clan players lose 6 honor when this item is brought into play for the first time.
Agasha's Mirror
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Agasha's Mirror

0,20 €
Reaction: Redirect one Ranged Attack to this Personality if he is a legal target. Reaction: Bow the Mirror to redirect a Ranged Attack targeting this Personality to another card in this army.
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0,10 €
Fortification While this card is in play, you are always considered to have a defensive unit at this Province for the purposes of being able to perform an action during battle.
East Wall of Otosan Uchi
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East Wall of Otosan Uchi

0,50 €
Unique Imperial Fortification Lose 4 honor. This Province has a 3 strength bonus. The gold cost of this Fortification cannot be reduced. Spell effects and innate abilities are canceled without effect when performed during a battle at this province.
Lieutenant Morito
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Lieutenant Morito

0,30 €
Cavalry. Unique May only be attached to a Unicorn Samurai. Reaction: When another player's unit is being moved into a battle with an action, bow this Follower to move this unit into the same Province.
Cavalry Raiders
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Cavalry Raiders

0,30 €
Cavalry Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 Attack. If this is a Cavalry unit, you may then return the unit to your fief.
Acolyte Kaede
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Acolyte Kaede

0,50 €
Unique. May only be attached to a Phoenix Personality. Open: Discard your entire Fate hand to give this Personality a Force bonus equal to the number of cards discarded.
The First Scroll is Opened
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The First Scroll is Opened

0,10 €
Each shugenja in play must destroy one attached spell. Any shugenja that didn't have a scroll attached loses 2C permanently.
The 38th Hantei Falls
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The 38th Hantei Falls

0,10 €
The Imperial Favor is discarded. Bow all imperial cards. No Political action can be performed until the beginning of your next turn. Hantei the 38th is destroyed if he is in play. If any player currently has all four Walls of Otosan Uchi in play, he or she wins.
The Crab Arrive
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The Crab Arrive

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when another player's unit is being moved into a battle with an action. Select one of your Personalities with a Chi greater than two. Your unit is also moved into that battle. You may target any unbowed Crab Personality with this action (regardless of Chi).
Political Mistake
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Political Mistake

0,30 €
Political Reaction: Target a Personality immediately after a Political action performed by the Personality is unsuccessful or canceled. That Personality is dishonored and his controller loses 7 honor.
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0,10 €
Limited: Bow one of your Personalities. Until the endo of the game, when this Personality is performing a single Ranged Attack which is not a spell effect or innate ability, he may make a second consecutive Ranged Attack. If he does so, both Ranged Attacks are at one less strength.
Gift of Fealty
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Gift of Fealty

1,00 €
Political Limited: Give control of one of your Personalities to another player, until the end of the game.
A Vision of Truth
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A Vision of Truth

0,30 €
Reaction: After another player is able to put a Ring into play by its own text but does not: Search your Fate deck for a copy of that Ring. Show it. Put it in your hand.
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