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Salt the Earth
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Salt the Earth

0,10 €
Limited: Destroy any Region in play.
Purging the House
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Purging the House

0,50 €
Limited: All of the Personalities you control that are not aligned to your clan (minimum one) are discarded from play. Give a +1F/+1C permanent bonus to each of your Personalities. For the rest of the game, you may only bring Personalities aligned to your clan into play.
Out of the Shadows
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Out of the Shadows

0,20 €
Open: Select one of your Ninja Personalities. That Personality gains a number of 1F Ninja Follower tokens equal to half (round down) of the gold produced to put this card into play. These Ninja Follower tokens are destroyed at the beginning of your next events phase.
Master's Tactics
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Master's Tactics

0,50 €
Reaction: play immediately before you have played a terrain when you have a tactician in this battle. Any terrain card in play is destroyed, even if it "may not be destroyed", and your terrain cannot be destroyed by any player who does not have a tactician in this battle. All affects that would prevent this card from taking full effect are negated. This...
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0,50 €
Limited: Every player may bow one Personality, beginning with the player on your left. The player who bows the Personality with the highest Personal Honor gains honor equal to the difference between his Personality and the Personality with the second highest Personal Honor.
Hitomi Technique
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Hitomi Technique

0,30 €
Battle: Bow one of your Samurai to destroy an opposing Shugenja. If you are a Dragon player, your Samurai gains a +1c permanently.
Dragon Tattoo
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Dragon Tattoo

0,30 €
Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait but without a Dragon Tattoo. Until the end of the game, this Personality has a Dragon Tattoo and gains the following ability: Open: Gain up to three 1F/1C Fire tokens. this Personality cannot have more than three Fire tokens and cannot straighten if he or she has any Fire tokens. Remove one...
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0,30 €
Reaction: Remove the Double Chi trait, until the end of the turn, from a Personality entering a duel against one of your personalities. Battle: Remove the Tactitian trait, until the end of the turn, from a Personality in this battle.
Deadly Message
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Deadly Message

0,50 €
Ninja Limited: Bow a Ninja you control to bow any Personality in play with an equal or lower Chi.
Day and Night
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Day and Night

0,50 €
Open: Straighten your stronghold
Battle Hardened
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Battle Hardened

0,30 €
Reaction: After your army wins a battle, target one of your Personalities in that army. At the end of the turn, permanently give him the ability, "Reaction: Once per turn, after this Personality is in an army that wins a battle, give him -2C to straighten him."
Book of Air
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Book of Air

2,00 €
Singular Elemental Battle: Bow this Personality or one of your Rings of Air to create a permanent 1F/1C Personality card under your control in the current battle.
Scouting Report
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Scouting Report

0,50 €
Open: Give the cavalry trait to all Scout Personalities and to all Followers attached to Scout Personalities.
Ikm'atch-tek FOIL
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Ikm'atch-tek FOIL

0,70 €
Ratling Champion . Shugenja . Creature Shaman . Unique Battle: Give a Ratling Personality a Force bonus equal to the number of destroyed Ratling Followers in your Fate discard pile, then remove one of those Followers from the game.  
Usagi Rangers
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Usagi Rangers

0,10 €
Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Usagi Rangers gain +1F while you have a Terrain in play. Usagi Rangers gain +2F while another player has a Terrain in play.  
Hardy Infantry
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Hardy Infantry

0,50 €
Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: Before this Personality is moved or destroyed while in a battle, move Hardy Infantry to one of your other Personalities in that battle.  
Shrine of Duty
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Shrine of Duty

1,00 €
Singular Bow Shrine of Duty to produce 2 Gold. Political Reaction: During your End Phase, if you assigned at least two Samurai or Bushi to attack this turn, destroy Shrine of Duty to target a player. Until the beginning of your next turn, negate all Honor gains for that player other than those from winning a battle or duel.  
Legacy of My Ancestors
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Legacy of My Ancestors (Español)

0,30 €
Bow Legacy of My Ancestors to produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Before one of your Personalities is destroyed, bow and destroy Legacy of My Ancestors to move any of that Personality's Spells, Followers, or Items to one of your other Personalities. If the Personality to be destroyed is in an army, the other Personality must be in that army.
A Favor Returned
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A Favor Returned

0,20 €
Bow A Favor Returned to produce 2 Gold, or to produce 3 Gold if paying for a Holding. Open: If you have not yet begun a turn, bow your Stronghold to search your deck, then Provinces, for this card. Put the first A Favor Returned you find into play, bowed. It may not straighten before your third Straighten Phase. If you find none, you lose the game.  
Moto Gurban
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Moto Gurban

0,20 €
Unicorn Clan Bushi . Cavalry Gurban gains +1F if she has an item. Reaction: Once per turn, when a Limited action targets one of you Personalities, cancel it. Permanently reduce Gurban's Personal Honor by the number of other Personalities you control. If her new Personal Honor is 0, Gurban commits seppuku. 
Shosuro Osamito
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Shosuro Osamito

0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Samurai . Ninja Battle: Once per battle, bow Osamito or discard a card from your hand for a Ranged 3 Attack. 
Shosuro Mikado
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Shosuro Mikado

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan Courtier . Ninja . Mikado costs 2 less Gold if you control a Scorpion Clan Courtier. Political Reaction: Bow Mikado after you play a Political Action card to draw a card. Political Limited: Bow Mikado to look at the top three cards of your Fate deck. You may show one to all players and add it to your hand if it is a Political card. 
Naka Tokei Exp2
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Naka Tokei Exp2

2,00 €
Unaligned Grand Master of the Elements . Air, Earth, Fire, Void, Water Shugenja . Experienced 2 . Unique Before bringing Naka Tokei into play you may waive his Honor Requirement, permanently give him the Shadowlands trait, and lose 5 Honor. Elemental Limited: Once per turn, straighten a card if Tokei does not have the Shadowlands trait, or bow a card if...
Shiba Aikune Exp2
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Shiba Aikune Exp2

1,00 €
Phoenix Clan Samurai . Experienced 2 . Unique Open: Once per turn, target any number of your Shugenja to raise Aikune's Force and lower his Chi, or to raise his Chi and lower his Force, by that number. Open: Once per turn, bow one of your Shugenja to give Aikune Tactician, Double Chi, or Cavalry.  
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