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Set'tchr'foo (Español)

0,10 €
Ratling Matron . Tattered Ear Tribe . Creature Battle: Shuffle Set'tchr'foo into your Dynasty deck to create a number of 0F Ratling Creature Follower tokens up to the highest Gold cost of any other Ratling card in your army. Attach these tokens any way you wish to Ratling Personalities in your army.
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0,50 €
Ratling Champion . Shugenja . Creature Shaman . Unique Battle: Give a Ratling Personality a Force bonus equal to the number of destroyed Ratling Followers in your Fate discard pile, then remove one of those Followers from the game.  
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0,10 €
Ratling Bushi . Crooked Tail Tribe . Creature Battle: Bow Er'chi-chek to destroy an opposing Follower with less Force than the number of Ratlings in this army. Battle: Bow Er'chi-chek to destroy an opposing Personality with no Followers and less Force than half the number of Ratlings in this army.  
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0,10 €
Ratling Bushi . Crippled Bone Tribe . Creature Battle: Once per battle, give +1F to all your Ratling Personalities or to all your Ratling Followers.  
Tsuruchi Mochisa
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Tsuruchi Mochisa

0,20 €
Mantis Clan Samurai . Magistrate Battle: Bow Mochisa for a Ranged 3 Attack, or for a Ranged 4 Attack if the target is a Personality with 0 Personal Honor. This ranged attack may target a Dishonored Personality even if he has Followers. 
Tamori Minoru
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Tamori Minoru

0,20 €
Dragon Clan Earth Shugenja Reaction: After a Region is revealed but before it enters play, bow Minoru to switch that Region with a Dynasty card in one of the revealing players other Provinces. 
Senpet Scimitar
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Senpet Scimitar

0,10 €
Weapon After attaching Senpet Scimitar from your hand, dishonor this Personality unless he is Unicorn clan or Scorpion Clan. Force bonuses this Personality recieves are increased by 1 while he is opposed. 
Mirumoto Daisho
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Mirumoto Daisho

0,20 €
Weapon Mirumoto Daisho gains +2F while attached to a Samurai or Bushi. After attaching Mirumoto Daisho from your hand, you may give this Personality a +1C Weapon Item token.  
Gleaming Wakizashi
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Gleaming Wakizashi

0,50 €
Weapon . Unique Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: Bow Gleaming Wakizashi to draw a card after this Personality enters a duel.  
Summon Earth Kami
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Summon Earth Kami

1,00 €
Elemental Earth Battle: Once per turn, bow this Shugenja to create a 1F/1C Personality card in the current battle, controlled by either the Attacker or the Defender and in that player's army. Remove that Personality from the game when the turns ends. You need not bow this Shugenja if he is an Earth Shugenja.  
The Legions Charge
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The Legions Charge

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when a phase ends in which two or more of your Personalities were destroyerd by one other player's actions. If it was an Attack Phase, create a permanent +4F/4C Cavalry Samurai Personality card with 4 Personal Honor in your home under your control. If it was not an Attack Phase, create two such cards. 
Ten Thousand Swords
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Ten Thousand Swords

0,10 €
Battle: Give each Personality in your army who has a Weapon or Armor (or both) a Force and Chi bonus equal to the number of such Personalities in your army. 
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0,30 €
Ratling Creature. Nonhuman When Oh-chi'chek is destroyed, you may place three 1F Ratling Nonhuman follower tokens on any one of your unbowed Ratling personalities.
Palace of the Emerald Champion
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Palace of the Emerald Champion

1,00 €
Unique You cannot achieve an Honor Victory while the Palace of the Emerald Champion is in play. Reaction: When this province is about to be destroyed, discard the top ten card s of your Fate deck. The Province is not destroyed.
The Kaiu Forge
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The Kaiu Forge

0,10 €
The Kaiu Forge costs 2 less gold for Crab players. Limited: Bow the Kaiu Forge. Give any one of your personalities a +1f/+1c weapon token. This token counts as an item in all ways.
Temple to Shinsei
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Temple to Shinsei

0,20 €
Temple. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow this card and one of your target Monk or Shugenja Personalities: Gain 2 Honor.
Hasame Exp
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Hasame Exp

1,00 €
Unaligned Samurai. Toturi's Army. Experienced. Unique Hasame will not attach Nonhuman Followers. Battle: Once per battle, all Followers attached to Hasame gain a Force bonus equal to his Personal Honor.
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0,10 €
Unaligned Element Terror. Air Oni. Shugenja Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. Yosuchi cannot attach Followers or Items. Elelemental Open: Up to twice per turn, Yosuchi gains either +1F or +1C.
Kuni Yori Exp3
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Kuni Yori Exp3

3,00 €
Unaligned Undead Shugenja. Experienced 3. Unique. Shadowlands Maho Limited: Bow Yori and discard a card from your hand. Target a dead Personality. If Yori's Chi and the discard's Focus value are both more than or equal to the Personality's Chi, return the Personality to play under your control. The Personality permanently gains the Undead and Shadowlands...
Soshi Jujun
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Soshi Jujun

0,20 €
Scorpion Clan Betrayer. Shugenja Reaction: Bow Jujin when an action is about to end a Battle Action Segment. Cancel the action. Battle: Bow Jujin. Destroy a Terrain in this battle that prevents you from playing actions.
Shosuro Taberu Exp
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Shosuro Taberu Exp

1,00 €
Scorpian Clan Manipulator. Experienced. Unique Reaction: Bow Taberu when another player is gaining Honor. You gain the Honor instead. Taberu cannot take this action if the Honor gain is the result of a battle or duel, or if the player has less than his or her starting Honor.
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0,10 €
Scorpion Clan Explorer. Ashalan Reaction: Bow and destroy Hojyn when an Event is revealed. Discard the Event without resolution.
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0,20 €
Unaligned Bandit Leader Rodrigo gains +2F/+1C while attacking for each Merchant Caravan controlled by the defender.
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0,30 €
Unaligned Mujina Boss. Shugenja. Nonhuman Lose 1 Honor. Reaction: Once per turn, discard a random card from your hand. Reduce the cost of a Mujina card by the Focus value of the card.
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