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Oni Mura
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Cartas L5R

Oni Mura

0,10 €
Mountain • Forest • Unique. Your non-Shadowlands Nonhuman Personalities have +2F while defending this province. Open/Battle: Bow this card: Straighten a target non-Shadowlands Nonhuman Personality.
Hida Lineage
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Hida Lineage

0,20 €
Limited: Target a Crab Clan Personality in your discard pile. One of your target Human Personalities permanently has his Force raised to 4 and gains the ability, “Battle: Destroy a target card in the enemy army with a Gold Cost of 4 or less.”
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0,10 €
Political Battle: Target one of your Courtiers who is not at the current battlefield: Target another player’s Personality who is not at the current battlefield. Straighten him and move him here. His controller loses 1 Honor.
Skilled Quartermaster
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Skilled Quartermaster

0,50 €
Battle: Bow one of your target attachments: Destroy a target card opposing it with lower Gold Cost than your attachment.
Pokku's Raiders
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Pokku's Raiders

0,10 €
Cavalry • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 3 attack.
Winter Ravager
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Winter Ravager

0,10 €
Nonhuman • Winter. Winter Ravager has +1F for each other Winter card in play and in discard piles.
Ancestral Sword of the Ki-Rin
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Ancestral Sword of the Ki-Rin

0,50 €
Weapon • Unique. Your Cavalry Personalities and Followers in this army have +1F. Battle: If this personality is honorable: Move home a target Personality with 0, 4, or 5 PH.
Gift Armor
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Gift Armor

2,00 €
Negate all Chi penalties on this Personality. This card cannot be destroyed except by its Personality being destroyed.
Poisoned Gift
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Poisoned Gift

0,20 €
If this Personality is not a Ninja, he cannot use his own base abilities. Ninja Open: If this Personality is a Ninja, bow this card: Transfer this card to a target Personality.
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4,00 €
Ronin • Samurai Battle: Destroy all cards with zero Gold Cost in a target enemy unit.
Bayushi Norachai Exp2
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Bayushi Norachai Exp2

2,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Imperial Magistrate • Defender of the Imperial City Experienced 2 • Unique Political Battle: Discard the Imperial Favor:Bow and dishonor a target enemy Personality.
Shiba Yoma Exp3
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Shiba Yoma Exp3

2,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Kolat Voice of the Masters • Experienced 3 • Unique Battle/Open: Straighten a target Shugenja. If this straightened an Elemental Master, gain 1 Honor.
Shiba Danjuro Exp2
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Shiba Danjuro Exp2

4,00 €
Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo • Tactician Champion of Ji • Experienced 2 • Unique Your Yojimbo cards have +1F.Battle: All Shugenja in Danjuro’s army gain +1F. After this Combat Segment ends, straighten all Shugenja in your current army.
The Mikado
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The Mikado

1,00 €
Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 gold, plus 1 Gold foreach Wealth token on this card.Limited: Name a number. Select a card at random from another player’s hand. Show the card. If you correctly named its base Focus Value,give this card a Wealth token.
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0,10 €
Betrayal is afoot. Destroy a target Shadowlands Personality whose controller also controls a non-Shadowlands Personality.
Doji Armor FOIL
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Doji Armor FOIL

0,30 €
Armor This Personality has +1PH
Heart of the Katana Style FOIL
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Heart of the Katana Style FOIL

1,50 €
Focus Effect: If your personality in this duel is Lion Clan: Add 3 or his Personal Honor, wichever is lower, to this card's Focus Value. Tactical Battle: Bow one of your target Lion Clan Tacticians: Destroy a target enemy personality qith lower Personal H
Mirumoto Ryosaki Exp FOIL
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Mirumoto Ryosaki Exp FOIL

2,50 €
Dragon Clan · Samurai · Duelist · Experienced · Unique. Reaction: Before Focus Effects resolve involving Ryosaki: Raise the Focus Value of a focused card to 4. Battle: Move a target Personality controlled by the enemy leader to Ryosaki's battlefield.
Vigilance Keep (Español)
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Vigilance Keep (Español)

1,00 €
After you destroy a province as the Attacker: Gain Honor equal to the base Personal Honor of one of your Personalities at that battlefield.
Respected Mentor
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Respected Mentor

0,10 €
Can only attach to a Monk or Shugenja. Reaction: After a Ring bows: Straigthen it.
Vision of P'an Ku 
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Vision of P'an Ku 

0,30 €
Kiho Battle/Open: Target one of your unbowed Shugenja or Monk Personalities: Raise his Force, Chi or Personal Honor to the value os the same stat on another player's target non-Unique Personality. This bonus is permanent.
The Hundred-Hand Strike
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The Hundred-Hand Strike

4,00 €
Kiho Battle: Give one of yor target Monks -1F: Give a target enemy Personality -3F. Bow the enemy target if it now has 0 Force. You may take an additiona Battle action.
Storm's Eye Style
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Storm's Eye Style

0,50 €
Focus Effect: If your Personality in this duel is Mantis Clan and one of your focused cards has 3 Gold Cost or higher: Add 3 to this card's Focus Value. Battle: Target one of your unbowed Mantis Clan Personalities with a Ranged Attack ability: Ranged Atta
Private Whispers
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Private Whispers

0,50 €
Political Open: Bow one of your target Courtier or Shugenja Personalities: Bow a target Personality with higher Personal Honor.
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