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Touching the Soul
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Touching the Soul

0,10 €
Kiho Reaction: Before one of your Personalities not at this battle performs an action, bow one of your Shugenja or Monks at this battle. The Personality not at the battle takes the action as if he were at the battle.
The Endless Well
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The Endless Well

0,50 €
Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Monks or Shugenja to look at a number of your Fate Deck's top cards equal to the caster's Chi, one at a time. At any point during this effect, if the Focus value of the card you are looking at plus the number of cards you have looked at is less than or equal to the caster's Chi, you may show the card to the other players, add...
Master of the Rolling River
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Master of the Rolling River

0,10 €
Kiho Water Battle: Bow one of your target Shugenja or Monks at any location: Move one of your target units at a battlefield to a different battlefield.
Torrential Rain
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Torrential Rain

5,00 €
Elemental Battle : Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to end this battle without resolution. All units go home bowed.
Blood Rite
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Blood Rite

0,30 €
Spell Maho Ritual Limited: Destroy this Spell and bow this Shugenja and any number of your other Shugenja to place a 1F/1C Blood token on each Shugenja Personality in this Ritual.
Asahina's Breath
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Asahina's Breath

0,50 €
Only a Crane Clan Shugenja ca attach this Spell. Elemental Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to have one of your Personalities issue a challenge to a Personality. Add this Shugenja's Chi to your Personality's Chi during the duel. If the challenged Personality refuses the challenge, he or she becomes Dishonored and his or her controller...
The Noble Halls of the Akodo
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The Noble Halls of the Akodo

2,00 €
You cannot bring Ninja or Shadowlands cards into play. Your Lion Clan Shugenja can attach other Clan's Ancestors. Battle: Once per turn, if there are one or more opposing units in this battle, give the Tactician trait to one of your Personalities in this battle.
The Great Walls of Kaiu
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The Great Walls of Kaiu

2,00 €
You can not bring Shadowlands cards into play. All Fortifications cost four less Gold for you.
The Citadel of the Hiruma
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The Citadel of the Hiruma

1,50 €
Battle: Bow The Citadel of the Hiruma. Target any one of your defending Crab Personalities. Double the Personality's current Force. Destroy the Personality immediately after the end of this battle.
The Ancient Halls of the Lion
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The Ancient Halls of the Lion

1,50 €
Battle: Bow to destroy a terrain. Reaction: Bow to negate all the effects of a terrain when it is played. The terrain is still in play but has no effects.
Kyuden Hitomi
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Kyuden Hitomi

2,00 €
After the other players reveal their Strongholds and before players select Sensei, you may place up to five cards from your Fate deck under Kyuden Hitomi. Reaction: During your End Phase, instead of Drawing a card, bow Kyuden Hitomi to add a card under it to your hand.
Iron Mountain
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Iron Mountain

2,00 €
Players cannot assign units during the Cavalry Maneuvers Segment when you are the Defender. Limited: Bow the Iron Mountain to permanently give the Tattooed trait to one of your Personalities.
Eternal Halls of the Shiba
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Eternal Halls of the Shiba

1,50 €
At the beginning of the game, all human Shugenja in your deck become permanently aligned to your Clan. Reaction: Immediately after you put a Kiho in your discard pile after its use, put the Kiho back into your hand, then discard one card from your hand. You canot use this ability twice with the same Kiho or twice on the same turn.
Unexpected Allies
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Unexpected Allies

0,10 €
All players turn over the top card of their Dynasty decks. If the card is a Personality, it is put into play immediately. Honor requirements and gold costs are waived. If the card is not a Personality, it is discarded. (Clarification: No effects are generated by Personalities brought into play.)
The Celestial Pattern
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The Celestial Pattern

0,30 €
Negate the effect of the next Event that resolves.
Test of Stone
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Test of Stone

0,50 €
One of Personalities issues unrefusable challenge to another player's Personality. The winner's controller gains 4 Honor. Dishonor the loser.
Solar Eclipse
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Solar Eclipse

0,30 €
Negate any current effects of Spells and innate abilities. Shugenja cannot cast Spells or use innate abilities until yor next turn.
Peasant Revolt
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Peasant Revolt

1,00 €
Each Personality and Follower with over 2 Force bows. No Persaonalty or Follower with over 2 Force can straighten befpre your next turn.
Kamoko's Constellation
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Kamoko's Constellation

0,30 €
Begining with the player on your left, each player may target one of his or her Persoanalities to get a more Experienced version of that Personality from his or her deck and lay that version over the Personality as though the player were doing so during his or her Dynasty Phase, paying any costs as usual.
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0,10 €
Each player targets one Region controlled by the player on his or her left. All targeted regions are destroyed.
The Face of Fear
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The Face of Fear

0,10 €
Reaction: Play when one of your cards creates Fear. The Fear affects Personalities as if they were Followers.
The Emperor's Left Hand
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The Emperor's Left Hand

0,10 €
Political Reaction: After the player with the highest Family Honor, or who is tied for highest, announces a Political action: Negate its effects.
Salt the Earth
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Salt the Earth

0,30 €
Limited: Destroy any Region in play.
Oath of Fealty
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Oath of Fealty

0,10 €
Limited: Your Personalities "swear fealty" to you. Each of your Personalities without your Faction's trait permanently gains +1F/+1C and your Faction's traits (except Monk, Naga, Ninja, Ratling or Spirit) and the Unaligned trait.
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