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Vinyl Collectibles
Figura Vinyl Vixens Harley Quinn
28,00 € 40,00 €
Cartas L5R
Unwanted Tutelage
0,20 €
Battle: Straighten a target card with a Melee or Ranged Attack ability. Lose 2 Honor.Interrupt: If the action has a Melee or Ranged Attack, give it +2 strength. Lose 2 Honor.
Cartas L5R
Productive Mine
4,00 €
Mine • Kharmic(Repeatable Limited, 2: Discard a Kharmic card from your Province and refill it face-up.)w: Produce 4 Gold.
0,20 €
Water • Unique Play after a battle resolves in which you played a Terrain, destroyed a Terrain, and destroyed any cards or Provinces during resolution. You may discard this Ring from your hand to use its ability without cost.Water Absent Repeatable Battle, w: Move your target Personality home or, if he would be opposed, move your target...
0,20 €
Fire • Unique Play after you win a duel during a battle, if your Personality did not enter the duel with higher Chi than the other. You may discard this Ring from your hand to use its ability without cost.Fire Battle, w: Target an enemy card without attachments. After this battle resolves, if you lost the battle, destroy the target.
Cartas L5R
Togashi Korimi
0,50 €
Dragon Clan • Earth • Monk • Tattooed • Soul of Togashi OkiKorimi has +2F while defending. Interrupt, w: After you Recruit Korimi, draw a card.
1,00 €
Earth • Unique Play after a battle resolves at your Province, if it was not destroyed and any enemy units were ever at its battlefield. You may discard this Ring from your hand to use its ability without cost.Earth Repeatable Interrupt, w: The Battle action cannot move Personalities.
Cartas L5R
Questionable Vassal
1,00 €
Mercenary • Ninja • RoninAfter this Follower enters play, lose 1 Honor. Ninja Battle, 2: Ranged 3 Attack (Destroy a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers with 3 or lower Force).
Cartas L5R
Matsu Hachiro Exp
0,50 €
Commander • Paragon • Samurai • Scout • Cavalry • ExperiencedHachiro has +2F while attacking.Unstoppable Battle: Melee 2 Attack, or Melee 3 Attack if the target is Scorpion Clan. (Other players cannot Interrupt Unstoppable actions.)
1,00 €
Cavalry • Loyal • Magistrate • Samurai (Once per turn, as an Absent Engage, move your unbowed Personality in a Cavalry unit to the battle. Loyal Personalities will not join other Clans.)Political Open, w: Target a Personality. After the next time this turn he attacks you, dishonor him.
1,00 €
Duelist • Ninja (Duelists win tied duels versus non-Duelists.)After Saigyo enters play, lose 2 Honor.Ninja Battle: A target enemy Personality challenges Saigyo. Give the winner +2F.
1,00 €
Air • Alchemist • Fire • Shugenja • Soul of Asako Hoshimi(Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)
1,00 €
Armor • Courage • Earth (A Personality can only have one Armor.)Before this Spell is destroyed, give it Expendable if this Shugenja is Earth.This Shugenja has +3F during the Combat Segment (before battle resolution).
1,00 €
Shugenja • Soul of Moshi Kamiya • Thunder (Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)
1,00 €
Battle, w: Give each of your Cavalry Followers at the current battlefield +1F.
1,00 €
Fortification(Fortifications attach, bowed, to the Province from which they entered play.) Interrupt, w: Negate a target Personality's movement into an attacking army.
1,00 €
Fortification • Expendable (Draw a card after your Expendable card is destroyed. Fortifications attach, bowed, to the Province from which they entered play.) Tireless Interrupt: Negate all the action's Melee and Ranged Attacks (at this battlefield).
31,65 € 37,50 €
Los mundos astronave eldars (titánicas naves interestelares en las que viven los últimos supervivientes de la raza que antaño gobernase la galaxia) están dispersos por las estrellas. Los Eldars están a punto de desaparecer y deben batallar constantemente contra las demás razas de la galaxia e incluso darse a la piratería para sobrevivir. Este Codex de 84...