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Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras 2
  • ¡En oferta!
  • -20%
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CONTENIDO1 tablero de práctica, 4 cartas de Casa grandes, 8 emblemas de Casa, 2 bases, 24 cartas iniciales (14 Hechizos, 4 Objetos, 6 Aliados), 31 cartas de Maleficio, 129 cartas de Hogwarts (72 Hechizos, 35 Objetos, 22 Aliados), 5 fichas de Aturdimiento, 30 fichas (14 de Influencia, 8 de Ataque, 8 de Vida) y reglas.
Terraforming Mars Colonias Terraforming Mars Colonias 2
  • ¡En oferta!
  • -10%
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22,49 € 24,99 €
¡El sistema solar exterior es la nueva frontera! Las colonias están comenzando a florecer en las lunas de Saturno. Las nubes de Júpiter ya no están fuera de nuestro alcance. Incluso Plutón demostrará ser de utilidad para la humanidad. ¡Es una oportunidad perfecta para que las corporaciones comercien con las colonias, extraigan recursos y construyan sus...
Village Defenders
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Cartas L5R

Village Defenders

0,50 €
Ashigaru • Conscript Battle: Straighten your target Ashigaru.
Kaiu Daikohime
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Cartas L5R

Kaiu Daikohime

3,00 €
Samurai • Siege Battle, w: If Daikohime is defending, Ranged 3 Attack. After this destroys a card, gain 1 Honor.
Forward Encampment
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Cartas L5R

Forward Encampment

0,20 €
BarracksBattle, w, *:: Equip a target Follower or Spell in your discard pile if another player's action destroyed it or its Personality this battle.
Suana Dojo
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Cartas L5R

Suana Dojo

3,50 €
Dojow: Produce 3 Gold, or 4 Gold if your Stronghold has 3 or lower Gold Production.
Swan Technique
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Cartas L5R

Swan Technique

0,70 €
As a Focus Effect, the winner gains 2 Honor.Engage: Give your target defending Personality +2F. If he is a Duelist, the next time this battle he is in a duel, the other player must focus at least once (if able).
Tamori Touya
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Cartas L5R

Tamori Touya

0,20 €
Blessed by Benten • Earth • Shugenja (Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)Battle: Bow or destroy Touya's target Spell to reduce a target enemy Follower or Personality's Force by the Spell's Focus Value. If the Spell was Earth, gain 1 Honor
Colonial Harbor
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Cartas L5R

Colonial Harbor

3,50 €
PortYour Stronghold's abilities have Tireless (Tireless actions may be taken while bowed.).w: Produce 5 Gold.
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Cartas L5R


2,00 €
Political Political Limited: Bow your target unbowed Courtier. A target player gains or loses 2 Honor.
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Cartas L5R


0,20 €
Kensai • Monk • Spider Clan  
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