Juegos de Mesa
40,49 €
44,99 €
Los espíritus inquietos de los muertos gritan y los gules merodean por las calles a medianoche. Portales ruinosos se abren entre nuestro plano de existencia y el aterrador Mundo subterráneo, y en el barrio histórico de French Hill, la Orden del Crepúsculo de Plata teje un plan para lograr más poder.
Arkham Horror LCG
Arkham Horror LCG: A Light in the Fog (Inglés) Mythos Pack
17,09 €
18,99 €
Since you first awoke in a dank and gloomy tidal cavern, you’ve attempted to pull together the disparate pieces of your shipwrecked memories. You’ve learned some of why you came to Innsmouth, and you’ve battled the evils rising from the ocean deeps… but as you escape from the Deep Ones overrunning Innsmouth and race toward the Falcon Point lighthouse, you...
Arkham Horror LCG
Arkham Horror Lcg: Machinations Through Time. Scenario Pack (inglés)
21,59 €
26,99 €
Something is wrong. Nobel Award-winning scientists and their revolutionary discoveries have vanished. This ripple in reality is a devastating loss for humanity, and it must be restored. Who has tampered with the past and disrupted the future? Only time will tell?
Arkham Horror LCG
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Circle Undone
35,99 €
39,99 €
The reading is not yet complete. Dark machinations once again enshroud the Silver Twilight Lodge and, as the cards spin a new story, you find that you are the key to unlocking its secrets! Reopen the chapter in this upgrade expansion for the entire Circle Undone campaign, with new scenario cards and encounter sets to increase the difficulty and change up...
Arkham Horror LCG
Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion. Arkham Horror LCG (Inglés)
62,99 €
69,99 €
3En lo más hondo del baldío continente helado de la Antártida yace un secreto: uno tan antiguo y profundo que amenaza con hacer pedazos nuestra concepción del planeta que llamamos hogar. Cuando un profesor y su alumno confiesan por fin la verdad oculta tras la tragedia de su reciente expedición al corazón de la Antártida, nadie hace caso de su...