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Clan Standard  - StandardYour Personalities with your Clan alignment at this card’s battlefield have +1F, or +2F if they have an
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Clan Standard

1,00 €
StandardYour Personalities with your Clan alignment at this card’s battlefield have +1F, or +2F if they have any Followers.
Modifications  - WeaponBattle: Draw a card.
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2,00 €
WeaponBattle: Draw a card.
Ring of Fire  - Fire • UniqueAfter the resolution of a battle at a province, if you destroyed one or more provinces or enemy car
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Ring of Fire

0,70 €
Fire • UniqueAfter the resolution of a battle at a province, if you destroyed one or more provinces or enemy cards in that resolution: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, destroy your performing Personality, and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi: Destroy him.
Bad Kharma  - Reaction: After another player with Family Honor of –1 or lower announces an action on a Strategy: He ignores the
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Bad Kharma

6,00 €
Reaction: After another player with Family Honor of –1 or lower announces an action on a Strategy: He ignores the action’s costs. Negate its effects.
Burn the Towers  - ReconReaction: After engaging, choose your performing unbowed Scout Personality at the current battlefield: Y
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Burn the Towers

0,10 €
ReconReaction: After engaging, choose your performing unbowed Scout Personality at the current battlefield: You have Reconnaissance there. Give its province –3 strength.
Final Confrontation  - Iaijutsu • PoliticalAs a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if your Personality won it, take the Imperia
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Final Confrontation

0,20 €
Iaijutsu • PoliticalAs a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if your Personality won it, take the Imperial Favor. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Duelist and target one or two Personalities whose total Chi is lower than or equal to your Duelist’s Chi: Bow them.
Relentless Conviction  - UniqueBattle: Target a dishonorable Personality: Destroy him.
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Relentless Conviction

2,00 €
UniqueBattle: Target a dishonorable Personality: Destroy him.
Sacrifice of Pawns  - PoliticalLimited: Destroy your performing unbowed Courtier and target another player’s Personality: His co
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Sacrifice of Pawns

1,50 €
PoliticalLimited: Destroy your performing unbowed Courtier and target another player’s Personality: His controller may destroy the target. If he did not choose this, search your Dynasty deck for a Personality and bring him into play, paying all costs but paying two more Gold. (Discard him if you are unable to play him.)
Shadows Walk  - Fear • NinjaOpen: Bow one or more of your performing Shadowlands Ninja Personalities and target a card without a
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Shadows Walk

0,30 €
Fear • NinjaOpen: Bow one or more of your performing Shadowlands Ninja Personalities and target a card without attachments: If the card is an attachment, destroy it. If it is a Personality with Chi lower than or equal to the number of performers, permanently give him Ninja and Shadowlands and take control of him. Lose 3 Honor.
Sniping  - Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it a strength bonus equal to its current strength.
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1,50 €
Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it a strength bonus equal to its current strength.
Strength of Purity  - Battle: Choose your performing Personality with 3 or higher Personal Honor: Give him +3F.
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Strength of Purity

0,20 €
Battle: Choose your performing Personality with 3 or higher Personal Honor: Give him +3F.
Vigilant Eyes  - Dark Virtue • InsightOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target a Personality: Give him a Force pe
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Vigilant Eyes

0,10 €
Dark Virtue • InsightOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target a Personality: Give him a Force penalty equal to your Samurai’s Force.
Silent Terror  - NinjaBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Ninja Personality and target an enemy card: Bow it. You may discard
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Silent Terror

0,20 €
NinjaBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Ninja Personality and target an enemy card: Bow it. You may discard a card in the current battlefield’s province.
Utaku Liu-Xeung Exp  - Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Battle Maiden • Cavalry • Paragon • Experienced • UniqueAfter the resolution of
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Utaku Liu-Xeung Exp

1,00 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Battle Maiden • Cavalry • Paragon • Experienced • UniqueAfter the resolution of an action that gave a Force penalty to an enemy card at Liu- Xeung’s battlefield: Give Liu-Xeung +1F. Battle: Target an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor: Move him home. Gain 1 Honor.
Shosuro Rin  - Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Actor • Artisan • Eye of ShadowPolitical Open: Bow Rin and target an honorable Persona
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Shosuro Rin

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Actor • Artisan • Eye of ShadowPolitical Open: Bow Rin and target an honorable Personality: Rin shames him in a performance. The Personality’s controller may dishonor him. If he did not choose this, bow him and negate his straightening (this turn).
Kitsu Akai  - Lion Clan • Water • ShugenjaLimited: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality. Battl
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Kitsu Akai

3,00 €
Lion Clan • Water • ShugenjaLimited: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality. Battle: Bow your performing Ancestor Personality and target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it. Gain 1 Honor.
Togashi Meiyu  - Dragon Clan • Fire • Monk • TattooedReaction: After Meiyu enters play: Give her three +1F Fire tokens.
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Togashi Meiyu

0,20 €
Dragon Clan • Fire • Monk • TattooedReaction: After Meiyu enters play: Give her three +1F Fire tokens.
Stagnation  - KihoBattle/Open: Choose your performing unbowed Monk or Shugenja and target a Personality: Remove his base abiliti
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0,10 €
KihoBattle/Open: Choose your performing unbowed Monk or Shugenja and target a Personality: Remove his base abilities (until the turn ends).
Iron Will  - Reaction: After another player targets your Paragon with a Battle action performed by a Personality with lower Pers
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Iron Will

4,00 €
Reaction: After another player targets your Paragon with a Battle action performed by a Personality with lower Personal Honor: The action’s costs are ignored and its effects are negated. That player may take an additional Battle action.
Tsuruchi Yashiro  - Mantis Clan • Samurai • ScoutEnters play paying 2 less Gold if you are a Lion Clan or Scorpion Clan player.
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Tsuruchi Yashiro

0,10 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • ScoutEnters play paying 2 less Gold if you are a Lion Clan or Scorpion Clan player. Battle: Bow Yashiro unless you have Reconnaissance: Ranged 4 Attack.
Well Scouted Target  - Battle: Choose your performing Scout: Increase or reduce the current battlefield’s province’s strength by
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Well Scouted Target

0,50 €
Battle: Choose your performing Scout: Increase or reduce the current battlefield’s province’s strength by 3. If you targeted that province with a Recon action this turn, you may take an additional Battle action. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets a card: Give the Ranged Attack +2 strength.
Taxing the Scum  - Political Open: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate or Courtier: Target another player’s dishonorable P
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Taxing the Scum

0,50 €
Political Open: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate or Courtier: Target another player’s dishonorable Personality. Increase all Honor Requirements on Personalities in and out of play by 10 (except - HR). Choose a player, who gains or loses 2 Honor.
Archery Unit (Español)  - Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack that is compared against the targeted card’s base Force.
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Archery Unit (Español)

0,10 €
Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack that is compared against the targeted card’s base Force.
Ignoble Demise (Español)  - You may destroy a dishonorable Personality.
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Ignoble Demise (Español)

0,30 €
You may destroy a dishonorable Personality.
Hida Yiu  - Crab Clan • Berserker Reaction: After Yiu enters play: Bow a target Personality with lower Force. Until that Persona
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Hida Yiu

0,50 €
Crab Clan • Berserker Reaction: After Yiu enters play: Bow a target Personality with lower Force. Until that Personality leaves play, his next straightening will be negated.
Fortifications  - Castle  Your provinces have +1 strength.
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0,50 €
Castle Your provinces have +1 strength.
Kitsuki Nakai  - Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Magistrate
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Kitsuki Nakai

0,10 €
Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Magistrate
Tsuruchi Shisuken Exp  - Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • Commander • Experienced • Unique Battle: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: Strai
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Tsuruchi Shisuken Exp

0,50 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • Commander • Experienced • Unique Battle: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: Straighten your target Personality or Follower. That card may use each of its base Ranged Attack abilities a second time this turn.
Tsuruchi Kuze  - Mantis Clan • Samurai • Perfect. Battle: Ranged 6 Attack
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Tsuruchi Kuze

0,20 €
Mantis Clan • Samurai • Perfect. Battle: Ranged 6 Attack
Shinjo Hee-Young  - Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout • Loyal Battle: If Hee-Young is face-up in one of your Provinces: B
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Shinjo Hee-Young

0,50 €
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout • Loyal Battle: If Hee-Young is face-up in one of your Provinces: Bring her into play at the current battlefield, ignoring costs if a Recon action has targeted the current battlefield’s province this turn.
Cold Hands, Stone Heart  - Kiho Battle: Choose your performing Monk with no Weapons: Remove an ability from a target enemy Perso
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Cold Hands, Stone Heart

0,70 €
Kiho Battle: Choose your performing Monk with no Weapons: Remove an ability from a target enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi. Give your Monk +2F. Draw a card. You may take an additional Battle action.
Dark Lord's Favor  - Shadowlands • You can play only one Dark Lord’s Favor per turn. You cannot play this card if another player
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Dark Lord's Favor

1,50 €
Shadowlands • You can play only one Dark Lord’s Favor per turn. You cannot play this card if another player has less Family Honor than you. Open: Target a Personality. Dishonor him. Lose 7 Honor. Limited: Target a player. He discards a card. Lose 7 Honor. Battle: Target a card. Reduce its Force to 0. Lose 7 Honor. Reaction: Before a player gains Honor:...
Yogo Junzo (Español)  - Unaligned Undead Shugenja. Shadowlands Nonhuman Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Fear 4.
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Yogo Junzo (Español)

0,50 €
Unaligned Undead Shugenja. Shadowlands Nonhuman Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Fear 4.
Maseru no Oni
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Maseru no Oni

0,10 €
Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni
Twin Soul Temple (Español)  - Temple  Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai, and you may bow one of your Shugenja at any location:
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Twin Soul Temple (Español)

1,50 €
Temple Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai, and you may bow one of your Shugenja at any location: Target an enemy Follower or Personality without Followers. Destroy it if its Force is lower than your Samurai’s Force plus the Chi of any Shugenja you bowed.
Flawless Assassin (Idioma Español)  - Ninja Limited: Give a target Personality without a Poison token a -1F Poison token. Reacti
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Flawless Assassin (Idioma Español)

0,50 €
Ninja Limited: Give a target Personality without a Poison token a -1F Poison token. Reaction: After one of your Personalities moves to or from this unit’s location, if this unit has no non-Ninja Personalities or Followers: Move this unit to any location.
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