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Bayushi Sunetra Exp2  - Scorpion Clan Samurai · The Underhand · Ninja · Duelist · Tactician · Experienced 2 · Unique · Loyal. Li
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Bayushi Sunetra Exp2

1,00 €
Scorpion Clan Samurai · The Underhand · Ninja · Duelist · Tactician · Experienced 2 · Unique · Loyal. Limited: Bow a Ninja Personality you control: Once per turn, target a Personality controlled by another player. Give the target ?4C. Reaction: After a Maneuvers Segment ends: Assign up to 2 Ninja Personalities you control.
Yoritomo Shumei  - Mantis Clan Pirate. Open: Pay 2 Gold: Once per turn, target a Pirate Personality. Permanently give him the ab
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Yoritomo Shumei

0,10 €
Mantis Clan Pirate. Open: Pay 2 Gold: Once per turn, target a Pirate Personality. Permanently give him the ability ?Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack.?
Kuni Okichi  - Crab Clan Bloodspeaker · Hunter of the Wolf · Shugenja · Yu 2. Limited: Once per turn, target up to 3 Followers i
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Kuni Okichi

0,10 €
Crab Clan Bloodspeaker · Hunter of the Wolf · Shugenja · Yu 2. Limited: Once per turn, target up to 3 Followers in your discard pile. Put them on top of your Fate deck. Battle: Once per battle, target 2 Followers you control in different units. Move them to each other's Personality.
Hida Sadaharu Exp (Español)  - Crab Clan Samurai · Yu 5 · Experienced · Unique. Followers have +2F while in Sadaharu's army. Bat
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Hida Sadaharu Exp (Español)

1,00 €
Crab Clan Samurai · Yu 5 · Experienced · Unique. Followers have +2F while in Sadaharu's army. Battle: Twice per battle, target a Follower you control in Sadaharu's army. It performs one of its Battle actions without cost, even if bowed, and regardless of maximum uses. After it resolves, destroy the Follower
Ratling Pack
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Ratling Pack

0,10 €
Ratling. Creature
Light Cavalry
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Light Cavalry

0,10 €
Gold Mine  - MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
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Gold Mine

0,10 €
MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
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0,50 €
Political Limited: Target a dishonored Personality. That Personality's controller loses 7 Honor. No more copies of Shame may target that Personality until he is restored to honor and dishonored again.
Deadly Ground
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Deadly Ground

0,30 €
Immediate Terrain Battle: Players can take no actions for this battle except ones that destroy this terrain.
Contentious Terrain
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Contentious Terrain

0,10 €
Delayed Terrain Battle: Each Personality in your army gains +1F until the battle ends.
Troll War Band  - Shadowlands · Nonhuman · Lose 3 Honor. While Troll War Band is unbowed in the current battle, you cannot pass.
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Troll War Band

0,20 €
Shadowlands · Nonhuman · Lose 3 Honor. While Troll War Band is unbowed in the current battle, you cannot pass. Battle: Bow this card: Give the Province Troll War Band is at ?4 Strength. Battle: Bow this card: Target an opposing Follower or an opposing Personality with no Followers. Bow the target.
Asako Yogo  - Phoenix Clan General · Fire Shugenja · Disciple of the Kami · Unique · Loyal. Elemental Battle: Once per battle, R
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Asako Yogo

2,50 €
Phoenix Clan General · Fire Shugenja · Disciple of the Kami · Unique · Loyal. Elemental Battle: Once per battle, Ranged 4 Attack. Elemental Reaction: After the resolution of an action you took that produced a ranged attack, or issued a challenge, against a Personality at Asako Yogo's battlefield, discard a card. Target the player who controlled the...
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